The Office of Radiological Safety (ORS) manages all aspects of the use of radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation generating devices at Georgia Tech and oversees the Institute’s Laser Safety Program for Class 3B and 4 lasers. Our priorities are to provide radiological safety and control in accordance with the philosophy to keep worker and public exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA); to comply with federal and state regulations; to maintain laser exposures below the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit; and to encourage the beneficial use of radiation in research and teaching.

ORS maintains and ensures compliance with the radioactive materials license issued by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. ORS also registers x-ray devices, other ionizing radiation generating devices, and Class 3B and 4 lasers with the Georgia Department of Community Health and ensures compliance with the applicable regulations.

Training, Monitoring and Services Provided: Training of all users of radioactive material, x-ray machines, and Class 3B and 4 lasers; emergency response; inspections of radioactive material use areas, x-ray generating devices, and applicable lasers; radioactive isotope receipt; dosimetry services; calibration of radiation detection instruments; radioactive waste handling; transportation; safety assessments of research projects; and general consultation on radiation use.

Radiation Safety Manual:

Laser Safety Manual: 

Contact: Steve Grimm, Radiation Safety Officer,