Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements to Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business to retreats and campus workshops, ensuring Georgia Tech travelers successfully execute their travel requirements in a timely manner, while also ensuring compliance to University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and the Institute travel policies.

Policy Statement

Institute funds may not be used for food and lodging for employees, except as noted below, unless the employee has traveled beyond a 50-mile radius from their residence and will be away more than 12 hours. Contracts for conferences must be signed by Procurement Services or the Office of Legal Affairs.

Day Workshops
A meal is only allowable for an intra-institutional meeting or training session if  it adheres to Policy - Procurement of Group Meals for Employees, Students, and Official Visitors. If a single invoice that is all inclusive (meeting space, meals, equipment, etc.) is provided from the conference location, the payment may be classified as a registration. Meals included as part of the registration of an event should not be itemized. If food is itemized, per diem rates will apply.
A copy of the conference, meeting, training or workshop agenda should be submitted with an approved invoice and forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment.

Workshops That Include Overnight Lodging
Training sessions or workshops that include overnight travel are allowable if the workshop location is over 50 miles from the employee's residence and they are away for more than 12 hours. Employees should pay for lodging and meals and submit reimbursement. Daily meal per diem limits must adhered to Travel Policy 6.4 the Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses policy.: http://www.policylibrary.gatech.edu/business-finance/meals-and-incidental-travel-expenses

If an all-inclusive meeting price is billed on a summary invoice, that invoice should be approved and submitted to Accounts Payable with the following documentation:

  • Copy of the workshop agenda, including time of arrival/departure.
  • List of participants.
  • Classify the total, all-inclusive meeting expense as a registration.
  • A purchase order number

Reimbursement for Lodging and Meals within 50 Mile Radius of Residence
On occasion, Georgia Tech sponsors conferences, trade shows, and other functions which require personnel to work at the event. Georgia Tech may sponsor employee workshops that require groups of employees to be present at an off-site location. In most cases, the employees involved in these activities work less than 50 miles from the scheduled event site, therefore food and lodging would not be reimbursable to the employee. Employees should use the distance from their residence to the event in determining eligibility for overnight lodging. Exceptions may be granted if conference or workshop requires an employee to work more than 12 hours, be present on site the following day, and the employee plays a key role in the setup, break down or presentation of the conference or workshop.
The Director of AP/Travel or the Senior Director of Business Services is authorized to approve overnight travel for employees who are engaged in activities as described above. A detailed email and an agenda of the conference or workshop must be directed to the Director of AP/Travel or the Senior Director of Business Services for an exception approval prior to the event.

In addition to lodging, impacted employees may also be reimbursed for meals and mileage in accordance with the provisions of the Statewide Travel Regulations. Daily meal per diem limits will still apply.

Personnel deemed to be essential personnel or emergency personnel may also utilize this exception process in times of inclement weather or Institute emergencies.

It should be noted that this provision only applies to conferences and other Institute sponsored events that occur. This provision does not authorize persons to claim travel reimbursement for activities which are part of their normal responsibilities, nor does this exception apply to persons who are required to attend evening meetings, or local conferences, as part of their normal responsibilities.


All Georgia Tech employees, (includes faculty, staff, and students) traveling on behalf of the Institute and seeking reimbursement.


The traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate is obtained prior to the first day of traveling to perform business duties on behalf of the Institute. Traveler is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved.


Expense Preparer
The preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel. Expense preparer is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved.


Manager/Supervisor is responsible for reviewing the travel class prior to approval of a spend authorization and/or expense report, to validate the appropriateness, business purpose of the trip, trip is allowable, cost reasonableness, and ensuring all required supporting documentation is submitted


Employees who are in violation are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations , please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with Workday
04-2011Accounts PayableNew Policy