The Emeritus/Emerita/Emeritum title is an honorific signifying distinguished service to Georgia Tech. Consistent with Board of Regents’ policy, the President may confer emeritus status upon an employee who has retired with ten (10) or more years of honorable and distinguished service to the University System. The President's decision will be based, in part, upon the recommendation of the unit in which the employee has served. (Board of Regents’ Policy Manual, Section 2.11)
The following procedure shall be used to develop recommendations:
- The employee seeking the emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit title shall submit a written request to the Unit Head prior to the planned retirement date. An employee may also be nominated for emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit status by a colleague within the same unit, with the consent of the nominated employee. A request for emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit title will only be entertained after the candidate has initiated the off-boarding and retirement process.
- If the Unit has a designated Faculty Advisory Committee, the Unit Head shall forward the request, along with a detailed curriculum vitae of the employee, to that committee. The Unit's Faculty Advisory Committee shall submit a written recommendation (either positive or negative) to the Unit Head.
- The Unit Head shall prepare a written recommendation (either positive or negative) and shall forward such recommendation, along with the unit's Faculty Advisory Committee's recommendation (if applicable) and the employee's curriculum vitae, to the President for final action.
- The Unit recommendation shall be conveyed to the President and to the candidate within two (2) months after the request date for emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit title. The President will inform the candidate of their decision within one (1) month after receiving the Unit’s recommendation.
The following is a list of benefits, privileges, and recognitions that are associated with emeritus/ emerita/ emeritum/ emerit status:
- Certificate showing emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit award and rank.
- Inclusion in faculty/administrator listing on Institute emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit web pages and the catalog
Buzz Card with emeritus/emerita/emeritum/emerit identification. - Continued use of Institute email without interruption, contingent upon participation in the same cybersecurity trainings as active employees (should just be the faculty member’s same email address or alias -
- Use of Institute software and technology resources, contingent upon participation in the same cybersecurity trainings as active employees.
- Full library access (the same as active faculty), including remote access to electronic resources. N.B. A note will need to be sent to the following library personnel: Associate Dean for Content, Access and Services and the Dean of Libraries.
- Eligibility to serve on graduate thesis or doctoral dissertation committees (as per GT Catalog Policy on Advisement of Graduate Student Research and the Appointment of Thesis Advisory Committee), project committees, or as non-voting members of school, college, or Institute committees, as appropriate.
- Continued use of Institute office space as appropriate when available.
- Maintained on GT faculty email lists.
- Invitations and ability to participate in public ceremonies of the Institute.
- Invitations and ability to participate in certain departmental, college, and Institute events.
- Technical (OIT, etc.) support.
- Ability to serve as Co-PI on grants.