Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Sponsored Programs, Office of
Contact Name
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Contact Email
Policy Statement

Project Close Out is an administrative process that is handled by a Contracting Specialist assigned to the Contracting Support Division within the Office of Sponsored Programs. The requirements for project closeout are established by contractual provisions and/or agency regulations. The Contracting Specialist will ensure that all required closeout documents are submitted to the sponsor (i.e. final invoice, disclosures on patents and inventions, property, and security).


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff members.

3.1 Closeout Procedures

30 days prior to end of performance date – Auto-generated e-mail sent to PI and department notifying PI that project expires in 30 days

1. PI notifies CO if extension will be requested
2. No action required by PI if project will expire at end of performance date

30 days after end of performance date – Auto-generated e-mail sent to PI stating project has passed its end of performance

Project is closed by Contracting Specialist

Reporting Requirements

1. PI responds to close out notice stating if there are inventions or discoveries associated with project

2. PI completes all deliverables for the project

3. Final Invoice/Financial Papers are completed by G&C Accounting or GTRI Accounting

4. Property Report is prepared by Property Dept

5. Classified Material Certificate is prepared by Security Department

SubagreementsCloseout Documents flow down from the main project
Termination of ProjectProject is terminated when all obligations to the sponsor have been fulfilled
Questions?Contact the Contracting Specialist or Closeout Manager overseeing the project close out.

4.1. Principal Investigator

The PI is responsible for informing the Contracting Specialist and OSP, if an extension will be requested, if there are any inventions or discoveries associated with the project, and for completing all deliverables for the project

4.2. OSP Contracting Specialist

The Contracting Specialist is responsible for ensuring that all required closeout documents are submitted to the sponsor (i.e. final invoice, disclosures on patents and inventions, property, and security).

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
1-2-2014OSPRev 1.0