Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs jbarber32

Academic Programs

Academic Programs
Type of Policy

Curriculum Committee Procedures

Curriculum Committee Procedures srodriguez31

For information on Curriculum Committee Procedures please follow the link below.

International Academic Programs

International Academic Programs srodriguez31

For more information on International Academic Programs please follow the link below.

Faculty Handbook

Faculty Handbook srodriguez31

For more information on the Faculty Handbook please follow the link below.

1. Introduction
2. Faculty Governance
3. Faculty Status
4. Support of Education
5. Faculty Affairs
6. Campus Use Procedures
7. Transitional Sections of the Faculty Handbook

Georgia Tech Catalog

Georgia Tech Catalog abruneau3

The Georgia Tech Catalog at contains information on the following topics:

  • General Information
  • Academics
  • Admissions
  • Archived Catalogs
  • Financial
  • Regulations

Digital Learning Days for Modified Campus Operations

Digital Learning Days for Modified Campus Operations
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Policy Owners
Contact Name
Laurence Jacobs
Reta Pikowsky
Contact Title
Senior Vice Provost for Education and Learning
Associate Vice Provost and Registrar
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy sets forth requirements, procedures, and responsibilities related to the scheduling of digital instruction and/or make-up classes due to the modification of campus operations, closing of campus, or the necessary closing of instructional spaces for any reason. With developments and improvements to digital instruction over the past few years, the goal of this policy is to leverage digital learning as much as reasonably possible.

This policy is intended to provide guidelines and a probable approach to the scheduling of digital instruction in place of in-person instruction, and/or make-up of regular classes.

Policy Statement

Digital Learning Days – General
This policy seeks to reasonably address most common reasons for interruptions of campus operations but recognizes that certain scenarios (e.g., natural disaster) may not allow for digital instruction. In such instances it is the Provost’s responsibility to set forth reasonable instructional plans.

Institute leadership will determine specific plans for each case, working to maximize the educational experience and success of the students while allowing some flexibility for faculty members to respond in a manner consistent with their course format and teaching style. Lab courses, studios, and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently as circumstances dictate.

In instances when digital learning or class rescheduling is leveraged to support learning and community safety, the below requirements for both undergraduate and graduate regular classes shall be followed.

Lab & Studio Requirements
Due to their unique nature, lab and studio sections and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently. Those arrangements will be announced as appropriate to the circumstances.

Short-term Modified Campus Operations
Should it become necessary for the Institute to modify campus operations for one (1) to two (2) days, it is the expectation that, where possible, courses will continue as scheduled via digital delivery. However, instructors have the option to cancel classes with a plan for make-up instruction once campus has reopened.

Long-term or Recurring Modified Campus Operations
If it is necessary for the Institute to modify campus operations for the equivalent of three (3) or more days faculty are expected, as reasonably as possible, to leverage technology until campus has returned to normal operations for classes.

If digital instruction is impossible, a make-up course schedule to be held during days previously identified by Institute leadership as make-up days will be utilized in compliance with USG and accreditation requirements.

If campus operations are modified for three (3) or less class meetings, make-up classes are not required, unless directed by the Provost. If campus operations are modified for the equivalent of four (4) or more class meetings in a single academic term, or campus operations are modified after the scheduled make-up days, additional make-up classes beyond the previously scheduled make-up days may be necessary. Additional make-up days will be set at the discretion of the Provost. Additional information can be found here.

Student and Faculty Considerations in Modified Campus Operations
A student should not be penalized if they are unable to attend class on an announced Digital Learning Day, though are responsible for course content and subsequent assignments taught on Digital Learning Days. Faculty may also have extenuating circumstances that may preclude them from implementing a Digital Learning Day. Students and Faculty should reach out to their respective faculty or department chairs as soon as practicable.


This policy pertains to courses taught as part of any Georgia Tech academic-credit bearing program on the Atlanta campus. It does not pertain to non-credit courses or certificate programs offered by Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), nor does it apply to courses offered at locations outside of Atlanta, including locations outside of the United States and online courses already delivered via technology, e.g., Online Master of Science in Computer Science (OMSCS). Non-credit cource schedules and any corresponding cancellations will be determined and communicated by the dean of GTPE.

Policy Terms

Digital Learning Day
For courses typically taught in person, Digital Learning Day is a day of instruction leveraging online delivery (either synchronous or asynchronous) due to the modification of campus operations.

A serious situation with inherent risk that requires immediate action.

Modified Operations
Temporary changes to Georgia Tech teaching, learning, research and business operations in response to a threat of an Emergency, ongoing Emergency, or any other interruption that requires Institute-level action. In extreme cases, Modified Operations can include up to the cancellation or temporary suspension of all in-person and digital instruction.


Establish the dates of the previously scheduled make-up days each term and add them to the tentative five-term calendars for future terms. The details added to the tentative five-term calendars are finalized prior to that term’s start date and are reliant on other factors that require input from other campus offices and units.

Oversee the implementation of this policy and determine when unforeseen or specific circumstances require deviation from the stated policy. This policy seeks to reasonably address most common reasons for interruptions of campus operations but recognizes that certain scenarios (e.g. natural disaster) may not allow for digital instruction. In such instances it is the Provost’s responsibility to set forth reasonable instructional plans.

Crisis Management Team
Because digital learning requires specific preparation and materials from faculty, the Institute will announce the use of a Digital Learning Day as soon as reasonably possible, preferably at least one business day ahead of the expected Digital Learning Day.

Faculty and Instructors
On campus Modified Operations days, faculty and instructors are responsible for adequately communicating to students and their teaching assistants the course plans and expectations for the days of Modified Operations.

Should in-person instruction be impossible after two (2) instructional days, faculty are expected to leverage technology to continue instruction. As a best practice, faculty are encouraged to record and post digital instruction material after the use of a synchronous session to accommodate students who may be unable to attend synchronous instruction during days of modified campus operations due to personal limitation, e.g., no internet access. Additionally, should multiple class days be missed, faculty are expected to reasonably plan for students to make up the extra material and adequately communicate this expectation to their students.

Should an examination fall on a campus Modified Operations day and/or Digital Learning Day, the best practice is for the faculty member to administer the exam during the next in-person class meeting. Accommodations for unique classes such as lab and studio sections and other specially scheduled classes will be managed differently.

On campus Modified Operations days, as much as possible, students are expected to check Canvas and/or other communication methods for updates and expectations from their instructors. Students can reach out to the Office of Advocacy and Conflict Resolution or Student Engagement and Well-Being for additional support.

Policy History

August 15, 2023
New Policy

Graduate Student Policies

Graduate Student Policies srodriguez31

Allocation of Tuition Waivers for Non-sponsored Assistantships

Allocation of Tuition Waivers for Non-sponsored Assistantships
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Education
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

To establish how non-sponsored tuition waivers are allocated in the Georgia Tech budget and budget process.

Policy Statement

The Institute maintains a budget to account for tuition revenue foregone when tuition waivers are used for non-sponsored GTA (graduate teaching assistant) and GRA (graduate research assistant) positions. These are positions in which state funds are used to pay the stipends. As with GRA or GTA work on sponsored projects, the Institute covers all tuition for these students beyond the $25 required by the Board of Regents.

In the tuition waiver budget, each college is permitted to use an established number of non-sponsored waivers. The permitted number is affirmed or expanded each year in the Institute budget process, through a request from each Dean and decision by the Executive Leadership Team.


All colleges and non-college units.



Non-sponsored assistantship An assistantship in which the stipend is paid from state funds.
Tuition waiver Part of tuition not charged to the student.
Academic faculty member As defined in the Faculty Handbook. A faculty member who supervises a GRA or GTA assignment must be appointed in an instructional unit and cleared as instructor of record by the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Using the Waivers
In the colleges Under this system, non-sponsored tuition waivers are approved and controlled by the academic units. The home department or school and the hiring unit (if different from the home unit) must certify that the assignment contributes to the student’s graduate education, and an academic faculty member must provide supervision for the educational aspect of the work, through registration for GRA or GTA credit with that faculty member.
Outside the colleges Non-academic units, while they are not allocated non-sponsored tuition waivers, are permitted to employ graduate research or teaching assistants, if the work is directly related to the student’s graduate program. If non-academic units want to employ a GRA or GTA, they must request the waiver to accompany the position from the home unit (department or school) of the student who will be hired. A faculty member from the home unit should oversee the academic aspects of the work of the GRA or GTA student in the non-academic unit to ensure the quality and relevance of the work to the student’s academic work. All graduate research or teaching assistant hires in non-academic departments must be approved by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development (VPGEFD).


Title Link
Request for GRA or GTA outside an academic unit Send email to, giving the name and GTID of the student, the nature of the assignment, and the faculty member supervisor.



Deans request tuition waivers in the budget process and monitor their use.

Executive Leadership Team determines the allocation of waivers in the Institute budget process.

Home schools enter the waivers for students with GRA or GTA positions that meet the Institute requirements (see Graduate Assistantship Enrollment and Employment policy).

Non-academic units request tuition waivers from the home schools of students they want to hire there and locate academic faculty members willing to supervise the academic aspects of the work.


Use of waivers beyond the established number will create a budget deficit in the College and thus trigger a discussion with the Provost’s office. Students given GRA or GTA positions that do not meet the policy are subject to cancellation of tuition waiver.

To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
May 2015 Graduate Studies Language Clarification
April 2006 Lisa Godfrey, Budget Office Last revision of the procedure

Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions abruneau3

Policies on Graduate Admissions can be found in the Student Catalog, Graduate Admissions.

Graduate Assistantship Schedule and Flexibility Policy

Graduate Assistantship Schedule and Flexibility Policy
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Education
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Education
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

To clarify when graduate student work assignments stop and start and the level of acceptable flexibility in hours.

Policy Statement

The work duties of Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) and Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), encompass 4.5 calendar months for fall and spring terms and three calendar months for summer term. The fall term work period consists of half of August and all of September through December. The spring term work period consists of January through April and half of May. Summer term consists of half of May, all of June and July, and half of August. Supervisors are generally expected to employ a GRA or GTA for the full work period, providing continuous employment and pay throughout the year.

GRAs and GTAs are not required to work on official Institute holidays, which appear on the Human Resources web site. In addition, at the discretion of the student’s supervisor, a GRA or GTA may be permitted to average effort over several weeks or cluster research or teaching activities in order to spend one or more weeks away from campus during the semester or, more frequently, during periods when classes are not in session. Any time away requires the approval of the supervisor. This flexibility may be used to allow later start dates for students new to campus. Some work assignments may not permit this flexibility.

GRAs or GTAs appointed to sponsored research projects should monitor their appointments monthly in the Electronic Workload Assignment Form (EWAF), because they will be required to sign an Annual Statement of Reasonableness indicating that the effort they put into projects was correctly recorded. For more information on this Plan Confirmation System, see /personal-services-reporting-using-plan-confirmation-system.


The policy applies to all graduate students and all hiring units.

Policy Terms

Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA)
Part time research job held by a graduate student.

Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)
Part time teaching job held by a graduate student.

Graduate Assistant (GA)
Part time research or administrative job held by a graduate student.

The person to whom a graduate assistant reports in his or her work responsibilities.


Graduate programs should communicate these terms of employment to students when they are hired. Graduate student assistants must communicate their needs for schedule flexibility to their supervisors. Supervisors of graduate student assistants must review and approve any flexibility in hours used under this policy.


Hiring Unit
The hiring unit (school, department, or laboratory) is responsible for communicating the dates of work assignments, the number of hours of work expected per week, the extent of flexibility allowed, and the procedure for requesting flexibility.

The supervisor is responsible for keeping the student’s actual workload within the number of hours paid and allowing reasonable flexibility in fulfilling work responsibilities.

Graduate Student Employee
The graduate assistant is responsible for working the number of hours designated for the assignment, requesting flexibility when needed, and abiding by the determination of the supervisor with regard to flexibility requests.


Students who believe this policy has been violated should first approach the individual responsible for the violation to resolve the issue. If the violation persists, the situation should be reported to the head of the next level up from the violation (e.g., school chair or laboratory head in the case of violations by supervisors; deans or institute directors for laboratories) or to the Vice Provost and Postdoctoral Education In case of doubt about where to report, use the EthicsPoint reporting tool. The Georgia Tech Advocacy and Conflict Resolution resources are available to help resolve conflicts.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
March 2014 Graduate Education Graduate schedule guidelines. Clarification of when graduate assistantships start and stop and whether any time away from campus is permitted.
June 2024 Graduate Education Editorial Changes




Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment

Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Studies
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy regarding when and how graduate students may be employed will ensure compliance with Board of Regents policies and our agreements with federal sponsors.

Policy Statement

Research and teaching assistantships provide work experiences for graduate students that contribute to their education. Research assistantships involve tasks such as setting up equipment, gathering and analyzing data, participating in research team interaction and training, and writing up and presenting results. Teaching assistantships involve activities such as planning and delivering classes, laboratories, or online educational experiences, grading, and evaluating the teaching and learning experience.

The work done under a graduate research or teaching assistantship should enhance the student’s educational experience. Research grants may not be used for teaching assistantships unless the grant terms specifically allow it. It is expected that students working on grants or contracts are acquiring skills and knowledge relevant to their educational programs and must be registered.

Graduate students employed as Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Assistants must be registered as full-time students.

Any graduate student hired to do research or teaching at 33% to 50% effort must be hired as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) or Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA); all GRA and GTA assignments must fall within this range of effort. Pay must meet the Institute minimums and be consistent with standards set and published within the School or College.

In accordance with Office of Management and Budget requirements, and as outlined in rate agreements with the Federal Government, expenses for similar purposes must be treated the same way under like circumstances. This principle requires us to hire graduate students doing similar kinds of work through the same mechanism at similar rates (including pay scales and tuition charges). If a student is hired on a federal project as a Graduate Research Assistant, the employment of the student shall remain as a GRA throughout their involvement with the project. Students in GRA or GTA positions will be required to pay $25 regular tuition, plus any applicable differential tuition and student fees; the institution covers the remainder of their tuition. (See the policy on tuition waivers for payment rules regarding partial semesters.)

For administrative work or small research or teaching jobs (less than 25% effort), the Graduate Assistant (GA) hiring mechanism may be used. GA assignments carry no tuition waiver, but the student must be registered. A student hired as a GA is responsible for paying tuition and fees. GA salary may be charged to sponsored projects if the work is appropriate and should be set at the unit’s prevailing pay rate for graduate students.

Exceptions to these policies may be requested from the Vice Provost for Postdoctoral and Graduate Education.


The policy applies to all graduate students and all hiring units.



Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Part time research job held by a graduate student.
Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Part time teaching job held by a graduate student.
Graduate Assistant (GA) Part time research, teaching, or administrative job held by a graduate student.
Full tuition waiver Administrative action that reduces the tuition a graduate research or teaching assistant pays to $25.

The Hiring Unit submits the Student Hiring Packet and the Student’s Home School enters the tuition waiver in Banner if appropriate.


Hiring Unit
The Hiring Unit must coordinate with the student’s home school to ensure that the student’s enrollment status allows him or her to work under an assistantship. If using state funds to pay the student, the hiring unit must either provide the non-sponsored tuition waiver or have a commitment from the student’s home school to provide it.

Student’s Home School
The student’s home school is responsible for ensuring that the student’s enrollment status allows the student to work under an assistantship and that no tuition waivers are entered for students who are hired without GRA or GTA assignments. The student’s home school is responsible for posting standard pay rates for assistantships in a place that is accessible to students.

Faculty Supervisor
The faculty supervisor is responsible for assigning a work load to the student assistant that does not exceed the permissible number of hours of the position and does not impede the student’s academic progress; for mentoring the student in his or her work role; for assuring that the student has received appropriate training in the responsible conduct of research, including safety; and for evaluating the student’s performance in writing at least once every semester. The faculty supervisor is responsible for communicating how long the assistantship position is likely to last and giving as much advance notice as possible if the student’s assistantship position is going to be discontinued.

The student is responsible for working the expected number of hours with the expected level of productivity, asking for help from the supervisor as needed. The student is responsible for knowing and following all relevant safety regulations and ethical standards. The student is responsible for keeping careful records of data collection procedures and leaving all data and records with the supervisor at the appropriate time. GTAs are responsible for completing grading assignments in a timely manner, including turning in grades by any deadlines set by their supervisors at the end of the semester.


Students who are not employed properly are subject to cancelation of registration for lack of payment of tuition or cancelation of employment if registration requirements are not met.

Policy 4.7 of the Georgia Tech Faculty Handbook, Student Complaints and Grievances against a Faculty Member, outlines procedures for when a student has a complaint and/or grievance.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
October 2022 Office of the Provost Editorial Updates
March 2014 Office of the Provost This policy replaces


Graduate Student Tuition Waivers

Graduate Student Tuition Waivers
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Studies
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy statement consolidates a number of current practices. It clarifies the two major types of tuition waivers; sets conditions for waiver of tuition if the student’s employment status changes during the term; and sets conditions for GRA or GTA positions in non-academic units.

Policy Statement

Full tuition waivers accompany all research and teaching assistant positions that require one-third to one-half time work. Half tuition waivers may be offered; tuition waivers may be prorated for approved hires after the term starts; and academic units may provide tuition waivers to GRAs or GTAs working in non-academic units if the work is done under the supervision of a faculty member. Graduate students are eligible for non-resident tuition waivers only under special circumstances.


The policy applies to all graduate students and all programs.


Non-resident tuition waiver (NRTW)

Administrative action that reduces tuition for an out-of-state student to in-state level.

Full tuition waiver

Administrative action that reduces tuition for a graduate research or teaching assistant to $25.

Half tuition waiver

Administrative action that reduces the tuition bill for a graduate student to half of the in-state tuition level, in conjunction with a work assignment at half the number of hours of a full assistantship in the same program. Can be used only with state funds.

Tuition remission

The tuition rate automatically charged to a GTF account or sponsored project when a GRA or GTA is paid from the account or project. When the project pays tuition remission, the student receives a full tuition waiver as described above.

Academic Unit

Any school, department, or program within one of the colleges.

Academic Faculty Member

As defined in the Faculty Handbook. To supervise GRA or GTA credits, the individual must be cleared to be an instructor by the Office of Faculty Development.


5.1 Types of tuition waivers

Georgia Tech’s policies on tuition waivers for graduate students are framed by those of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (BOR), as well as by federal grant regulations. The BOR allows Georgia Tech to provide two distinct types, both called “waivers” in its tuition policies (BOR Policy Manual Section; see Fall 2015 revisions).

1. Non-resident tuition waivers (NRTWs)

Non-Resident Tuition Waivers (NRTWs) are also called “out of state tuition waivers.” These waivers eliminate the out-of-state portion of the tuition a student would otherwise pay. They fall into several categories:

  1. Presidential Waivers, of which there are three types: academic, athletic, and international. These waivers are awarded based on specific criteria proposed by the institution. The BOR limits the number of these Georgia Tech can give to 4% of the student body, plus an additional 140 for graduate students. For graduate students, these waivers are administered by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, after approval by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development.

1.2.Mandated categories. The BOR mandates that we give NRTWs to several categories of people, including employees; military personnel and their families; border county residents; family members of residents; and students associated with economic development activities of the state. (See details in the BOR Policy Manual Section These waivers are administered by the Registrar’s Office.

  1. Reciprocal. Another major group of NRTWs is used in exchange programs, whether international or domestic. These reductions apply to “any student who enrolls in a USG institution as a participant in an international or domestic direct exchange program that provides reciprocal benefits to USG students.” For international exchanges, these waivers are administered by the Office of International Programs.


2. Full Tuition Waivers

The other major category of waivers largely releases the student from payment of tuition, except the $25 mandated by the Board of Regents. The BOR permits Georgia Tech to give graduate students full tuition waivers as long as they are research assistants (GRAs) or teaching assistants (GTAs) (see BOR Policy Manual Section Other Georgia Tech policies govern who counts as a GRA or GTA for full tuition waiver purposes (e.g., must be full time student working 13-20 hours per week). Unlike NRTWs, full tuition waivers are not limited in number by the BOR.

  1. GRAs (sponsored). Most GRAs are supported under grants or contracts and thereby receive full tuition waivers. When this is the case, tuition “remission” is charged to the grant. Tuition remission is paid at the rate negotiated with the federal government and is reflected in our agreements with our federal audit agency, ONR (the Office of Naval Research); the current rate is posted on the Office of Sponsored Programs web site. If the agency’s policies for a particular program do not allow this full payment, the EVPR can authorize that the sponsored project not be charged tuition remission. The EVPR office must approve this at the time the proposal is submitted. In order to maintain consistent charging, Foundation accounts also pay tuition when they support GRAs. The money charged to grants and foundation accounts goes into a fund called GSTRP (the Graduate Student Tuition Remission Program), which is used to cover the cost of the student tuition.
  2. GTAs (and non-sponsored GRAs). Any graduate student on non-sponsored GRA or GTA support (that is, support paid with state operating funds) also receives a full tuition waiver and pays the mandated $25 tuition.  Georgia Tech is required under its federal contracting relationship to maintain consistency between the cost of sponsored GRAs and the cost of GTAs and non-sponsored GRAs. The waivers for non-sponsored assistantships are allocated to the colleges under a set of procedures described in another policy.
  3. Graduate Assistants. The BOR would also allow Georgia Tech to give full tuition waivers to graduate assistants (those doing small jobs or administrative work or part time students), but Georgia Tech reserves that category of employment to be used without a full tuition waiver.



5.2 Timing of waivers

Both NRTWs and full tuition waivers must be applied to a student’s account before tuition is due (the Monday of the second week of class). Full tuition waivers must be associated with a GRA or GTA appointment by that same time. If these conditions are not met, the student is responsible for full tuition for the term.

Termination mid-semester

Assistantships may be terminated mid-semester if students withdraw, complete their degree work, or leave campus permanently. In these cases, stipends will be paid only to the date of termination. Any tuition waiver applied at the beginning of the semester will continue to be in force. Sponsored projects will be charged the monthly rate for tuition remission up to the date of termination. If a student does not complete the work commitment for any reason other than withdrawing and leaving school, then the tuition waiver will be removed and student will be responsible for paying tuition for the full term at the applicable rate (resident or non-resident).


Late hires

In the rare case in which a student is hired for a GRA or GTA position after tuition and fees are due for the term, responsibility for tuition up to the month of hiring remains with the student, at the applicable rate (resident or non-resident). Responsibility for tuition from the month of hiring shifts to the account to which the GRA or GTA position is being charged through the use of a prorated tuition waiver amount reflecting the portion of the term remaining based on the last day of the hiring month.  Because the percentages vary from term to term, the Bursar will post the percentages for each term. Since late hiring is an exception to regular practices and may affect other aspects of financial aid, it requires review by the Registrar, Bursar, and Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid and written approval from the Vice Provost for Graduate Education.

5.3  Other provisions

Half waivers

Graduate programs may offer half research or teaching assistantships to full-time students, if state funds are being used. Like full assistantships, these automatically waive the non-resident portion of tuition. The student pays half of in-state tuition, and the other half is waived. The student is still responsible for all differential tuition in programs where this applies. The work assignment for these assistantships must be half the number of hours required for a full assistantship in the same program.

Waivers for work outside the colleges

All tuition waivers are allocated to and used by academic units alone. The student’s home school must enter the waiver, regardless of where the student is working. By entering the waiver, the academic program certifies that the work to be done is relevant to the student’s graduate education. If non-academic units want to fund GRA or GTA positions, they can request the waiver to accompany the positions from the home school of the student who will be hired. The unit must certify that the assignment contributes to the student’s graduate education and an academic faculty member must provide supervision for the educational aspect of the work, as shown by the student’s registering for GRA or GTA credit with that faculty member. All GRA or GTA assignments outside the colleges must be approved by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development.

Student responsibility for fees

Tuition waivers do not include waivers of payment of fees. Responsibility for fees always remains with individual students when they are hired as GRAs or GTAs.


Home school of GRA or GTA enters the tuition waiver to accompany a GRA or GTA appointment.

Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid enters all Presidential non-resident tuition waivers, either under standing instructions or with the approval of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development in the case of graduate students.

Registrar’s Office enters NRTWs for special categories mandated by the Board of Regents.

Office of International Education approves NRTWs for international exchange students.

Executive Vice President for Research (EVPR) approves all exceptions to the policy of charging tuition remission to GTF and sponsored accounts.

Bursar’s Office applies or removes tuition waivers, including pro-rating when approved and posting the schedule and percentages for pro-rating.

Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development approves all late GRA or GTA hires; all GRA or GTA hires outside the colleges; and all special cases of NRTWs.

Students are responsible for paying all fees and any tuition that is not waived by the Bursar’s deadlines each term. 


Principal investigators, units, or programs that violate the policies must pay any resulting tuition balances with GTF or GTRC funds. Students who violate the policies must pay any tuition due or have their registration canceled due to lack of payment.

To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Hour Loads for Graduate Students

Hour Loads for Graduate Students
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Education
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The following general policies are provided to serve as guidelines for determining the hourly workloads of students who are pursuing graduate degrees.

Policy Statement

Full-time graduate students are expected to give primary attention to the pursuit of their degrees.

Graduate students are expected to take semester workloads which will contribute to substantial progress toward a degree.

Graduate students shall register for a number of hours of research which is consistent with a realistic appraisal of the amount of work to be done on a project, thesis, or dissertation, and the amount of faculty involvement and use of Institute facilities required.

Realistic accounting for graduate student credit hours helps support a quality graduate program.


This policy applies to all degree-seeking graduate students. 


Transcript Recognition of Teaching and Research Activity

Students holding graduate teaching or graduate research assistantships may register for courses in recognition of teaching (8997) and research (8998) activities if these courses are available for their school. The 8997 and 8998 courses are audit-base courses. A student may not register for more than a total of 9 hours of 8997 and 8998 during any semester.

Course Load Requirements

The following regulations shall govern the semester registration requirements for students who are pursuing graduate degrees:

  1. Full-time students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours on a letter grade or pass-fail basis. As an exception, the advisor and school chair may allow up to 3 hours out of the 12 minimum to be taken on an audit basis in Fall and Spring semesters; in Summer semesters the advisor and school chair may allow up to 6 hours out of the 12 minimum to be taken on an audit basis. Hours in excess of the required 12 may be taken on any basis. Full-time students working exclusively on thesis research should be registered for 18 or more hours of 7000 or 9000 (Master's or Doctoral Thesis) in Fall and Spring semesters, and for up to 16 hours during Summer semesters.
  2. The following students must register on a full-time basis as defined above:
    • graduate research and teaching assistants
    • students supported by fellowships, traineeships, or individual grants
    • students with out-of-state tuition waivers
    • students assigned to the Institute by the Armed Forces for the purpose of pursuing a degree
    • students on student visas
    • graduate co-op students on non-work semesters.
  3. Students involved in thesis research must register for an appropriate number of 7000 or 9000 hours.
  4. The minimum load for part-time students is 3 credit hours.
  5. A student may register for only one hour of Master's or Doctoral Thesis (7000 or 9000) during the semester of graduation. This exception may be used once for each degree.
  6. The maximum allowable semester load for employed students other than graduate assistants is reduced as a function of the number of hours employed per week as follows:
Workload per weekMaximum semester hour load
Full time (40 hours)6
3/4 of full time (30 hours)9
2/3 of full time (27 hours)10
1/2 of full time (20 hours)12
1/3 of full time (13 hours)15
1/4 of full time (10 hours)18 (16 for Summer semesters)

The minimum load for these students is three hours, except as described in Course Load Requirement #5 above, but such students should be encouraged to take the maximum load they can handle in order to progress toward completion of the degree.

Course Selection

Full-time students are expected to enroll for a letter grade in regular courses and thesis hours whenever possible. Registration loads should reflect, as much as possible, the student and faculty efforts involved in the program of study. Registration loads each semester should be comprised of various hours from the areas listed below:

  1. Regular courses: letter-grade, pass-fail and in special cases, audit;
  2. 7000 or 9000 courses for thesis students;
  3. Special problem or research project courses;
  4. Specific courses for teaching or research education;
  5. GTA/GRA courses 8997/8998 (up to a maximum of 9) if available in the student's major school and the student has an assistantship.

Guidelines for Registration of Doctoral Dissertation Hours

  1. Beginning full-time doctoral students, especially those who are research assistants, are encouraged to register for at least 3 hours of 9000. This would allow, and encourage, such students to maintain a lighter academic load to begin laying the groundwork for Ph.D. research.
  2. Advanced full-time doctoral students who are working primarily on their dissertation research should register for 18 or more hours of 9000 in Fall and Spring semesters, and for up to 16 hours of 9000 for Summer semesters. If they are taking other coursework, the number of 9000 hours would be reduced by the number of formal coursework hours. Students who are required by their school to register for 8997 or 8998 would further reduce the number of 9000 hours, so that the total number of hours is at least 18 (no more than 16 in the Summer). The advisor and/or school determines whether the total is above 18 for Fall and Spring semesters.
  3. Part-time doctoral students engaged in their research phase for the Ph.D. should register for 9000 consistent with their and their faculty member's activity on the dissertation research.
  4. All full-time students coded as Master's students but involved in preparation for the Ph.D. are encouraged to register for 9000 consistent with the amount of work involved.

Academic units are encouraged to remove any in-school restrictions on registering for 9000. For example, some schools will not allow a graduate student to register for 9000 until after the student has become a candidate for the Ph.D. degree. The reasoning behind this restriction is not clear unless one takes a very restrictive interpretation of what registering for 9000 means. Academic units are encouraged to adopt a broader interpretation, so that dissertation hours reflect all stages of the doctoral dissertation--literature research, topic selection, experimental/theoretical preparation, research performance, writing, and presentation. All of these stages require Institute facilities and faculty involvement.



The responsibility for advising graduate students properly, not only in regard to programs of study, but also in regard to minimum and maximum semester course loads, rests solely within the chain from advisor/graduate coordinator to school chair to college dean. Although each graduate student is responsible for knowing the requirements for his or her degree and for insuring the appropriate, steady progress is being made toward that degree, each graduate student must have access to fair and equitable advisement. Responsibility for scheduling the proper requirements for a particular program of study and an appropriate course load per semester rests with the student and advisor alike.

Policy History
9/20/2005Graduate EducationNew Policy
6/17/2024Graduate EducationEditorial Changes


Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) - Academic Policy for Doctoral Students

Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) - Academic Policy for Doctoral Students
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Studies
Contact Name
Jason Borenstein
Contact Title
Director of Graduate Research Ethics Programs
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is an essential component of the education and training of researchers. As a premier technological university at the cutting edge of education, research, and innovation, the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is committed to providing leadership in the realm of ethics and RCR. RCR education is central to Georgia Tech’s mission to ensure that doctoral students and other researchers are prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct themselves professionally and with integrity.

Policy Statement

The RCR Academic Policy for Doctoral Students applies to all doctoral students with a Catalog year of 2011-12 or later. As part of their degree requirements, doctoral students must complete both: (1) online RCR training and (2) an RCR course for doctoral students.

Online RCR Training Requirement
The online portion of the requirement, RCR training from the Georgia Tech approved vendor, must be successfully completed within 60 days of when students begin the first full semester of their doctoral program. Information about the online RCR training can be found at:

If a student goes past the 60 day time frame, a hold will be placed on course registration until the student completes the online RCR training.

RCR Course Requirement Doctoral students are required to successfully complete PHIL 6000 OR an academic program’s approved in-house RCR course(s) for doctoral students. The RCR course requirement must be completed before the Request for Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy form will be processed by the Office of Graduate Education.

The list of approved in-house RCR courses for doctoral students is maintained at:

An RCR course for doctoral students is normally expected to examine the ethical dimensions of a collection of RCR topics; the list of those topics is maintained at:


The RCR Academic Policy for Doctoral Students applies to all doctoral students with a Catalog year of 2011-12 or later. This Policy does not affect undergraduates, Master’s students, or postdoctoral researchers. Doctoral students or other researchers may be subject to other RCR requirements contained within the RCR Compliance Policy:


In-House RCR Courses
In-house RCR courses for doctoral students must be formally approved by the GT RCR Advisory Subcommittee of the Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee. A graduate program’s RCR courses for doctoral students must include no less than eight instruction hours on RCR topics:

All of the RCR topics must be covered within an in-house approach unless permission has been granted by the RCR Advisory Subcommittee to exclude one or more of the topics.

More information about the process for seeking approval for an in-house RCR course can be found at:


The RCR Program
The Administrator of the RCR Program, in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Education and the Registrar’s Office, monitors student adherence to this Policy.

Doctoral Students
Doctoral students must complete both online RCR training and the RCR course requirement delineated in this Policy. Doctoral students can check their RCR completion status in DegreeWorks.

The Office of Graduate Education
The Office of Graduate Education will verify that the RCR degree requirements for a doctoral student have been completed prior to processing the Request for Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy form.

Graduate Programs
Graduate programs must inform their students about the RCR requirements contained in this Policy.


Failing to complete the online RCR training within the aforementioned 60 day time frame for doctoral students will result in a course registration hold. Failing to complete an RCR course for doctoral students may result in the denial of the Request for Admission to Ph.D. Candidacy form by the Office of Graduate Education. RCR completion deficiencies will be indicated in DegreeWorks.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
April 2023 Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education The 90 day deadline for completing online RCR training was changed to 60 days. Additionally, policy organization and links were updated.
May 2019 Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Policy updated with revisions
June 2013 Graduate Studies Update to policy
February 2012 Graduate Studies Posted new policy

Publication of Theses

Publication of Theses
Type of Policy
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Statement

Electronic submission of theses and dissertations has been mandatory since spring 2004. All degree candidates must submit their final work electronically. Georgia Institute of Technology policy states that Doctoral and Master's Theses must be openly published and Georgia Tech is granted a non-exclusive license to distribute and preserve the materials for educational purposes. Students must submit the SMARTech Repository Agreement from when submitting all theses and dissertations. Upon the request of the student and with the consent of the student's advisor, an ETD can routinely be withheld from circulation for one year. Research arrangements that would preclude publication for an extended time or permanently for reasons of national security or a sponsor's proprietary interest, however, are not appropriate for dissertations or theses. It is anticipated that all doctoral work and a significant amount of master's research will be published in the open, refereed literature.

Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Submission

All theses and dissertations must be submitted electronically via the GT Library-Graduate Studies joint ETD web site at

For more information about how you submit your thesis electronically, visit

For general information about Theses and Dissertations, visit

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
08-2013 Policy Library Revised ETD external link

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Academic Policy for Master’s Thesis Students

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Academic Policy for Master’s Thesis Students
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Studies
Contact Name
Jason Borenstein
Contact Title
Director of Graduate Research Ethics Programs
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is an essential component of the education and training of researchers. As a premier technological university at the cutting edge of education, research, and innovation, the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is committed to providing leadership in the realm of ethics and RCR. RCR education is central to Georgia Tech’s mission to ensure that Master’s thesis students and other researchers are prepared with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct themselves professionally and with integrity.

Policy Statement

The RCR Academic Policy for Master’s Thesis Students applies to all students who are pursuing a Master’s thesis. As part of their degree requirements, Master’s thesis students must successfully complete at least one of the following options:

The RCR Master’s thesis degree requirement must be completed prior to submitting the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form to the Office of Graduate Education.


The RCR Academic Policy for Master’s Thesis Students applies to all students who are pursuing a Master’s thesis. This Policy does not affect undergraduates, doctoral students, or postdoctoral researchers.

Master’s thesis students may need to complete additional RCR training if they receive funding from certain sponsors. For more information refer to the RCR Compliance Policy:


Notification of the Requirement
Master’s thesis students will be informed of the RCR requirement described in this Policy when they enroll in 7000 thesis hours. The RCR requirement must be completed prior to submitting the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form to the Office of Graduate Education.

Documenting RCR Training Completion
The Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic must indicate the type of RCR training option that the student has been completed when it is submitted to the Office of Graduate Education.

Verification of RCR Training Completion
The Office of Graduate Education will verify completion of the RCR training when it examines the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form.


Master’s Programs
Each Master’s program should inform its thesis students about this Policy and whether it has any program specific rules about RCR education. Programs who want to create a Master’s level RCR course should refer to:

Master’s Thesis Students
The RCR degree requirement for Master’s thesis students must be completed prior to submitting the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form to the Office of Graduate Education. The Thesis Topic form must indicate the type of RCR training option that the student has been completed. Master’s thesis students can check their RCR completion status in DegreeWorks.

The Office of Graduate Education
The Office of Graduate Education will verify that the RCR degree requirement for a Master’s thesis student has been completed prior to processing the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form.

The RCR Program
The RCR Program Administrator will inform Master’s thesis students of the RCR degree requirement when they enroll in 7000 thesis hours. The RCR Program Administrator, in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Education and the Office of the Registrar, will monitor student adherence to this Policy.


Failure to complete the Master’s thesis RCR degree requirement will result in the denial of the Request for Approval of Master’s Thesis Topic form, and the form being returned to the student’s home department. An RCR completion deficiency will be indicated in DegreeWorks.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
April 2023 Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Updates were made to policy organization and procedures were removed
May 2019 Graduate Studies Policy updated with revisions

Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible Conduct of Research srodriguez31

For information on Responsible Conduct of Research please follow the link below.

Statement of Competitive Admission

Statement of Competitive Admission abruneau3

All qualified persons are equally welcome to seek admission to the Georgia Institute of Technology, and all persons may apply for and accept admission confident that the policy and regular practice of the Institute will not discriminate against them on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin.

Projections of the number of graduate students to be admitted and enrolled in any year will be determined (a) by the capacity of the Institute, (b) by the capacity of the admitting department, and (c) by approved enrollment levels. If the number of eligible applicants for admission exceeds the number of applicants who can be admitted and enrolled, those to be offered admission will be selected on the basis of (a) the department’s judgment of the applicant's relative qualifications for satisfactory performance in the Institute/program/research area and (b) recognition of the Institute's special responsibilities to the residents of Georgia.

Verification of credentials and certification of compliance with Institute policies shall be the responsibility of the Office of Graduate Admissions. Policies and procedures that are approved by the Office of the President, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, and the Graduate Senate of the Institute shall be applied in determining eligibility for consideration for graduate study. From those eligible candidates, final admission decisions shall be the responsibility of the admitting department. Satisfying minimal standards, however, does not guarantee admission, since the number of eligible applicants generally far exceeds the number of places available. As a result, many well-qualified applicants cannot be accommodated.

The criteria used in determining each applicant’s eligibility for consideration shall include: (1) evidence of award of a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent (prior to matriculation) from a recognized institution and graduation in the upper half of their class (Masters) or upper quarter of their class (Doctoral); students must show evidence of preparation in their chosen field sufficient to ensure profitable graduate study; (2) for international applicants, satisfactory scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). From eligible candidates, departments may make final admission decisions based on a combination of factors, including academic degrees and records, the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, test scores, and relevant work experience. Also considered are the appropriateness of the applicant’s goals to the degree program in which they are interested and to the research interests of the program's faculty. In addition, consideration may be given to how the applicant’s background and life experience would contribute significantly to an educationally beneficial mix of students.

Applicants who do not satisfy basic admission criteria may, for sufficient reason, be admitted with the approval of the Graduate Committee as established in the statutes and bylaws of the Institute.

This statement is in accordance with the Institute’s Mission and Vision statement which can be viewed at

Stipends for Graduate Assistantships

Stipends for Graduate Assistantships
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Graduate Studies
Contact Name
Bonnie Ferri
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

Set a minimum stipend for graduate research and teaching assistants across the Institute and describe processes and responsibilities for setting stipends at or above the minimum.

Policy Statement

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the minimum stipend level for each doctoral graduate research or teaching assistant shall be $2,291 per month, for any position one-third time or greater. The minimum stipend level for each master’s student who is a graduate research or teaching assistant shall be $1,184 per month, for any position one-third time or greater. Any exceptions to the application of this policy must be approved by the Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education.


The policy applies to all graduate students enrolled in all degree-seeking programs.


StipendCompensation to the graduate student employee for teaching or research services provided.
Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA)Part time research job held by a graduate student.
Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)Part time teaching job held by a graduate student.
Institute Level
Setting the Institute Minimum StipendThe Office of the Provost will determine a new minimum stipend level by January 1st of each year to apply to the following academic year. The revised minimum will take into account: (1) Georgia Tech’s projected mandatory and elective fees for the next year; (2) projected graduate student health insurance premium level; (3) current level of stipends on NSF fellowships; (4) state employee pay increase percentage; (5) other cost factors affecting graduate students; (6) available funding. This policy will be updated annually based on the Provost’s determination.
Reviewing Stipends Annually and Setting Minimum Stipend Increase PercentageThe Office of the Provost will set a minimum stipend increase percentage, if any, by August 1st of each year to become effective August 15 of the following year not to exceed the Office of Sponsored Programs’ recommended grant escalation factor. The Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee (SAFAC) will serve an advisory role in reviewing graduate student stipend levels annually and making recommendations to the Provost’s Office for a minimum stipend increase percentage taking into account the factors considered in setting the Institute minimum stipend level. The minimum stipend increase percentage will apply to all GTAs and GRAs.

The Institute will be responsible for funding this increase for GTAs. The funding units and Principal Investigators will be responsible for the budget to support the increase for GRAs.
Unit and Program Level
Setting and Reviewing Unit or Program Stipend LevelsEach academic unit or inter-school degree program shall determine the stipend levels for its students. The stipend levels shall be determined by the following factors: (1) meeting or exceeding the Institute-level actions on minimum stipend levels and minimum stipend increase percentages (or equivalent stipend increase such as based on a two-year average); (2) peer institution stipend levels for individual disciplines, taking into consideration the tuition waiver policies and cost factors for peer institutions for comparability (peer reviews to be conducted by academic units); (3) the student’s progress toward their degree, including whether the student is a masters or doctoral student; (4) whether the student is asked to work one-third time or half-time, as determined by each department; (5) level of teaching or research work conducted by the student; (6) past experience and performance of the student in research or teaching; (7) for an international student, the estimated cost of living as determined by the Office of International Education through the I-20 form (; (8) available funding.
Reviewing Stipends Annually and Anticipating the Need for RaisesEach academic unit shall annually review the overall stipend levels for its students based on the factors considered when setting the Institute minimum and nit or program stipend levels. Raises for graduate assistants funded through sponsored funds should be anticipated through escalation factors in grant budgets.
Publishing Stipend Levels; Maintaining EquityIn order to maintain equity and transparency in stipend levels, each unit should publish its stipend levels in a publicly accessible location. Unit heads are responsible for maintaining equitable stipends in their units through regular review of the stipends being paid and supporting the rationale for any differences.

Sets Institute-level minimum stipends; determines the minimum stipend increase percentage; and provides funding for the minimum stipend increase percentage for Graduate Teaching Assistants.

Provides an advisory review of stipends annually and makes recommendations on the minimum stipend and minimum stipend percentage increase.

Units and Programs
Set unit or program stipend levels; review them annually and raise them as appropriate; anticipate the need for increased stipend amounts and include them in unit and grant budgets; maintain equity in pay through regular review; publish stipend levels publicly.

Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Education
Reviews requests for exceptions to this policy. These requests should be approved by the hiring unit and the college.


The Institute reserves the right to address violations by raising the stipends of individual students to the minimum using the budget of the hiring unit.

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
July 2024Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
July 2023Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
September 2022Provost OfficeUpdated policy to include add Institute level percentage increases, add units must meet Institute level minimums, include SAFAC.
February 2022Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
June 2021Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
May 2019Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
March 2017Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
May 2016Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
May 2015Provost OfficeUpdated Stipend Information
June 2008Provost OfficeThe policy set the minimum stipend effective August, 2008.

International Students

International Students srodriguez31

F and J Student and Research Scholar Activities

F and J Student and Research Scholar Activities srodriguez31

For more information about the F or J studnet and scholar visa programs, please visit OIE's International Student and Scholar Services main page here.

Commencement Regalia

Commencement Regalia
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Reta Pikowsky
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

As an official function of the Institute, Institute Commencement ceremonies convey the scholarly tradition and formal tone befitting of an academic ceremony. This policy sets forth standards related to the academic regalia worn at Institute commencement ceremonies by students, as well as the process by which student organizations and Institute programs may seek approval to add adornment to the regalia to signify a student’s membership or association. Adornments include any addition to the issued traditional academic regalia and may include, but are not limited to: cords, stoles, torus, medallion, pins, and other decorations.

Policy Statement

Traditional academic regalia will be worn by all graduating students and faculty in commencement ceremonies (as described in section 4). The Institute welcomes students, academic programs, and student organizations to express their identity and values through the addition of appropriate adornment to the standard Institute regalia. Any adornments added to the regalia should not obstruct the view of others at the ceremony or interfere with another’s participation in the ceremony.

Georgia Tech Student Organizations (as registered with the Division of Student Life) and other Institute-approved programs or organizations wishing to provide student members or participants with organization or program recognition regalia adornment to be worn at commencement must seek prior approval from the Office of the Provost through the Registrar. The cost of the adornments will be borne by the organization or student members. A list of all pre-approved regalia adornments including the requesting person or organization, description, and meaning of the adornment will be maintained by the Registrar’s Office.

Students not in compliance with the requirements of this policy may be asked to remove and/or conceal any unapproved regalia adornment.


This policy pertains to the regalia and adornments worn by students participating in any Institute undergraduate commencement, graduate commencement, or PhD hooding ceremonies.


Academic Regalia – Doctoral CandidatesDoctoral candidates traditionally wear customized gold regalia with full rounded sleeves, velvet facings on the front and velvet bars on the sleeves. Hoods are lined with Georgia Tech colors. Doctoral candidates also wear a six-pointed tam.
Academic Regalia – Master’s CandidatesMaster’s degree candidates traditionally wear the traditional black grown with full-length square sleeves with a crescent piece hanging from each sleeve. The gowns are adorned with the Georgia Tech seal. The master’s hoods are lined in white and gold and colors appropriate to their major. Caps are traditional mortar boards and tassels are white and gold.
Academic Regalia – Bachelor’s CandidatesBachelor’s degree candidates traditionally wear the traditional black gown but with no hood and no additional material at the bottom of the sleeves. Caps are traditional mortar boards and tassels are white and gold.
Regalia AdornmentsAny décor or embellishment added to the regalia which may include, but is not limited to cords, stoles, tassel décor, medallions, and patches.
Honor Cords

A cord worn by undergraduate students who have earned the designation of academic honors as based on their GPA at the start of the graduating semester. Cords may not be used for any other designation unless by specific permission of the Office of the Provost through the Registrar.  Exceptions may be granted for academic (GPA-based), distinguished national honor societies that may issue cords to their graduates.  Recognizing the considerable effort of the students who earn honors, the color of the cord will signify the level of honors:

  • white for honors,
  • gold for high honors, and
  • white and gold braided for highest honors. 

The determination of honors would be preliminary and based on the students' GPA at the start of the graduating semester.  The distribution of cords will be managed by the Registrar’s Office.

Medallions or pinsA piece of jewelry worn around the neck or pinned to the regalia signifying participation in a specific Institute recognized organization or program.
StolesA long band of cloth, usually silk, worn around the neck signifying participation in a specific Institute recognized organization or program.
Tassel Décor or TorusAcademic programs and departments may wish to signify participation in academic-based options with a torus – beads worn on the tassel of the mortar board.  This would be determined by individual programs and departments and must be limited to academic options that are included on the students' transcripts or documented in some other consistent manner, such as co-op, threads, international plan, minors, or undergraduate research option. 

Student organizations or Institute-approved programs must submit stole designs for approval to the Registrar’s office. The following chart details the process:

Requests for approval of Academic Regalia Adornments
Request FormA form to submit for approval will be available on the Commencement web site. Forms submitted must include a photo of the stole. Learn more here: 
ApprovalAny regalia adornment or exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Office of the Provost through the Registrar prior to display at commencement.  A list of all approved regalia adornments will be kept by the Registrar’s office and posted on the Institute Commencement website.
DeadlineAll submissions for approval must be submitted to the Registrar’s office by the dates designated on the Registrar’s web site.
  1. Office of the Provost – Oversee the implementation of this policy and approve any exceptions to the terms of the policy.
  2. Registrar – Manage the approval and registry of regalia adornments as well as the distribution of honor cords.
  3. Student Organizations, academic departments, and Institute approved programs – Seek approval and register any regalia adornments prior to commencement.

Relocation Assistance

Relocation Assistance
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Human Resources and Faculty Affairs
Contact Name
Charvette Webb
David Bamburowski
Contact Title
Director of Talent Acquisition
Director of Faculty Affairs
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy provides guidelines regarding relocation assistance for new faculty and staff.

Policy Statement

In order to attract the best faculty and staff, Georgia Tech's employment offers must be competitive. Georgia Tech may choose to provide relocation assistance to new employees, provided adequate funding is available and proper approval has been obtained.

Relocation assistance will be paid as a lump-sum, and will be included in the employee’s first paycheck following the receipt of approved relocation agreement forms.  This paycheck will be subject to applicable tax withholding and reporting. These lump-sum payments are intended to assist new employees in paying the costs for moving, including, but not limited to, the packing and moving of the new employee’s office and household goods, any temporary storage, house-hunting trips, and any travel related to the final destination move.

A specific dollar amount must be included in the original, accepted offer letter. Any post-offer negotiated amounts are a violation of the Gratuities clause of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. Any changes to the terms of the original offer letter must be approved as set forth below.


Eligibility for Program

  • Employees must be hired into a benefits eligible position for a period expected to exceed one year.
  • The hiring department must have determined that the new employee is the most qualified applicant available to fill the position.
  • The recruit must reside, at the time of hire, more than 50 miles from the Georgia Tech office to which the employee will report and the employee's commuting distance from the old residence to the new job must have increased by at least 50 miles one-way.
  • Any employee who accepts relocation support pursuant to this policy must execute an Employment Relocation Repayment Agreement with GT before such expenses are incurred. The repayment process will follow the established procedure detailed in Salary Overpayment Repayment Process

Relocation Initiation & Funding Options
Provided that funds are available and that prior approval has been granted, relocation and moving support funds may be offered to the recruit. The following approvals for lump-sum payments are always required prior to an offer of employment being extended:

  • the manager requesting the relocation,
  • their manager;
  • the unit Financial Officer;
  • the appropriate Executive Vice President, Vice Provost, Associate Vice President, or Dean.

Offer letters may not be modified after approval from GTHR Talent Acquisition for staff employees or Faculty Affairs for faculty employees (including researchers) without approval from all original approvers.

The department’s HR Rep/Contact or Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) will be responsible for obtaining the approvals.

Funds that may be used to assist in the relocation of a new employee are:

  • Departmental General Operation/State Funds may be used to fund relocation for non-tenure-track faculty and staff or to supplement funds provided by the Institute for tenured/tenure-track faculty and research faculty.
  • Departmental Georgia Tech Foundation Funds may be used to fund relocation for non-tenured/tenure-track faculty and staff or to supplement funds provided by the Institute for tenure-track faculty and research faculty.
  • Sponsored Project Accounts may, in rare cases, allow for the payment of relocation expenses for specific personnel with prior written approval of the Director of Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC), through the Office of Faculty Affairs or Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), may support the relocation costs of new full-time research faculty. Please see Guidelines for Faculty Relocation for additional Guidance.
  • The Office of the Provost, through the Office of Faculty Affairs, will support the relocation costs of new tenured or tenure-track faculty members. Departments may elect to supplement these payments, if the additional contribution is included in the original offer letter. Please see Guidelines for Faculty Relocation for additional guidance.
  • Georgia Tech Athletic Association will support the relocation cost of Athletic Association coaches and staff. 

Departmental Sales and Services (DSS) Funds cannot be used for relocation purposes.

Moving of Laboratories
When possession of laboratory equipment and supplies is transferred to GTRC or GT, the department chair or dean must obtain the approval of the Provost, EVPR, and/or VP Research in order to accept the equipment. GTRC will initiate and facilitate the move of laboratory equipment. Departments should contact GTRC as soon as possible to coordinate the lab move to coincide with the new employee move. Payments will be processed directly through GTRC. Because the employee does not own the equipment, payment for these moves is not taxable income to the employee.

Repayment Provisions
Any employee who accepts relocation support pursuant to this policy must execute an Employment Relocation Repayment Agreement with GT before such expenses are incurred. The agreement will specify that the employee must remain employed on a regular full-time basis for at least one calendar year for 12-month employees or at least one academic year for 9-month employees. If the employee discontinues employment before the specified time period, the employee will reimburse GT. Reimbursement to the Institute will be pro-rated according to the number of months the employee has worked for GT and repayment may be waived if employment is terminated for reasons beyond the employee’s control. The repayment provision must be included in the offer letter.

Process: The repayment process will follow the established procedure detailed in Salary Overpayment Repayment Process

General Payment Procedures
Departments should submit a Request for Relocation Lump-Sum Payment form, along with a copy of the offer letter and the signed Relocation Repayment Agreement Form at least ten business days before payroll runs for the first month of employment. Payments will be included in the employee’s first paycheck.

Any exception requests to this policy must be approved by the President or appropriate executive vice president.

Georgia Tech has the sole right to revise, amend, or discontinue this policy at any time.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
06/2018 OHR and Faculty Affairs New Policy

Georgia Tech Professional Education

Georgia Tech Professional Education abruneau3
Policy Statement
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Limit on Income Accumulation for Named Chairs and Professorships

Limit on Income Accumulation for Named Chairs and Professorships
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Academic Affairs
Contact Name
Jason Matt
Contact Title
Sr. Director Academic Administration
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy provides limitations on the accumulation of income funds in support of named chairs and professorships. The limitations are to encourage the strategic management while preserving the resource within the spirit of the donor agreement.

Policy Statement

Faculty members holding named chair or professorship positions supported by an endowment receive an annual income allocation from the GT Foundation at the beginning of each fiscal year.  This annual income allocation can be carried forward up to two years.  This provides a total of three years of income allocation available for expenditure within each fiscal year (see attached table).

At the end of each fiscal year, the amount in the income allocation account exceeding the most recent two fiscal years’ income allocation amount will be returned to the corpus of the fund. To support strategic flexibility which fosters advances in research, named chairs and professors may request an exception to the two-year carry forward limit to access additional funds for viable support of their research and scholarly activities. Additionally, faculty members holding named positions and other positions of scholarly leadership may wish to borrow funds. The Office of the Provost may assist faculty members in this manner by seeking GTF and other Institute funds as appropriate and available. The terms of each such loan would be set on a case-by-case basis, but the Institute will seek repayment from discretionary funds available to the faculty member within a term of one to two years.



Employees (typically academic faculty members) holding a named chair or professorship. 

Additionally, if the income of an endowed chair or professorship fund is split into multiple expendable funds to the benefit of other faculty members, it is expected those funds will be expended in a time-frame consistent with this policy.


Corpus The principal of an endowed fund
Income allocation The amount generated annually from an endowed fund
Maximum carry-forward amount The amount that can be carried forward at the end of each fiscal year for expenditure in the next fiscal year. This policy sets that amount at two years of income allocation.
Expendable Fund An expendable account (or subaccount created from the income allocation account of an endowment) that does not receive an annual income allocation and is typically awarded to a faculty member for a term of years. It is expected these funds will be expended in a time-frame consistent with this policy.


5.1 Appointment of Faculty Holder to the Named Position
Offer letter At the time of appointment, the letter of offer shall include the specific amount to be provided, consistent with this policy, to the faculty member, and indicate that a maximum of two years of the income can be carried forward to the next fiscal year.


5.2 Annual Notification of Income Accumulation
Annual Income Allocation

The GT Foundation advises departments of the amount generated from each endowed fund annually. These funds are made available at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Calculation of maximum carry-forward amount The maximum carry-forward amount is the value of the most recent two fiscal years’ income allocation amount. Any accumulated balance over this amount is returned to the corpus of the endowment. See example under “frequently asked questions.”
Early notification of possible return of income In the spring of each year (around the third quarter of each fiscal year), the Georgia Tech Foundation notifies the Office of the Provost of any funds predicted to be over the income accumulation limit based on the following fiscal year’s income projection. The Office of the Provost notifies the relevant Deans offices.
Notification of return of income to corpus Following the close of the past fiscal year’s accounting, the Georgia Tech Foundation notifies the Office of the Provost of any fund with an income balance over the accumulation limit as well as the amount of income that will be returned to corpus. The Office of the Provost notifies the relevant Deans offices for communication to the related faculty members.
Exceptions to the two-year carry forward limit Deans may seek, on behalf of the faculty member an exception to the income accumulation policy. The exception request should include: the account name, account number, the amount requested as exception, the reason for the exception, the utilization plan to expend the funds within the current fiscal year, and the Dean’s support. A deadline to submit exceptions shall be provided.
Approval of exceptions and return to corpus The Provost will review all requested exceptions to the income return and communicate approval decisions. Any amount not approved for exception will be reported to the GTF and returned to the corpus of the fund.

The Provost (or designate) is responsible to seek and secure information from the GTF about which accounts may be exceeding the accumulation limit and communicating this information to the Deans for action.

Upon notification, the dean (or designate) is responsible for notifying faculty members of income allocation over the accumulation limit and reviewing and endorsing exceptions to the policy as appropriate.

Faculty Member
The faculty member is responsible for spending the fund in accordance within the terms of the donor agreement, and this and other related Institute policies.


The Dean of the College or Provost is responsible to ensure that donated funds are stewarded within the terms of the donor agreement, and this and other related Institute policies.

To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History




Revision Date Author Description
April 2015 Provost Office Codify Memo/Added to Policy Library
February 2017 Provost Office Codify Memo/Added to Policy Library


Other Policies & Processes related to Academic Administration

Other Policies & Processes related to Academic Administration srodriguez31

Administrative Leadership Appointments for Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Policy

Administrative Leadership Appointments for Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Policy
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Michelle Rinehart
Contact Title
Vice Provost for Faculty
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy guides the appointment of any tenured or tenure-track faculty member to an administrative leadership position at Georgia Tech, on either a regular or interim basis. Examples of these positions include, but are not limited to:

  • vice president/provost
  • dean
  • school chair
  • associate dean
  • associate chair
  • academic program director
  • director of graduate or undergraduate studies
  • director of a research institute or center
  • appointments to leadership roles for a limited term or interim period
Policy Statement

All appointments of tenured or tenure-track faculty to administrative leadership positions are subject to the approval of the faculty member’s school chair, dean/division head, and the Office of Faculty Affairs. Administrative leaders who will report to a dean/division head or higher also require the approval of the related executive (Provost or EVPR). Regular administrative leadership positions should be filled via competitive search.

The payment of supplemental pay for administrative duties is at the discretion of the hiring manager based on the nature of the appointment and the context of the faculty member’s current compensation. Administrative stipends are not and should not be used as a tool to increase a faculty member’s base salary. Nothing in this policy is intended to imply that all appointments to administrative leadership positions require the payment of an administrative stipend or provision of other support.

Appointment Contract, Terms, and Supplemental Pay by Position
The type of contract, length of term, and amount of supplemental pay will be based on the type of administrative appointment. Administrative stipends are not a means for addressing salary inequity.

Supplemental pay may be added to a faculty member’s base salary in return for additional responsibilities and duties associated with a leadership role within the unit/school/lab, college/division, or at the Institute level. The calculation of annual merit or other salary adjustment that may occur while serving in the administrative leadership role will be applied to the stipend and base salary in accordance with applicable USG policies.

The table below provides expected contract and terms for faculty administrative leadership appointments. Any appointment outside these terms would be an exception to this policy and require the approval of the Provost.

Faculty Administrative Leadership Appointments Guidelines




Contract Type



Stipend Range per Contract Year



5 years*


school chair


5 years*


vice provost/vice president

9-months/academic OR 12-months/fiscal depending on the requirements of the position

5 years**


associate dean



Any administrative leadership appointments in academic, research units not named above, including, but not limited to: associate chair, academic program director, associate vice provost, associate vice president, director of graduate or undergraduate studies, or director of a research institute or center

3-5 years**


*These terms are dictated by Faculty Handbook sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.11.
**Shorter terms are possible at the discretion of the supervisor, but terms should be consistent within a unit unless otherwise justified.

 Additional Requirements Regarding Supplemental Pay:

  • Major units (i.e. colleges, Office of the Provost, Office of the EVPR, or similar) should strive for consistency of supplemental pay for similar positions and consistent with the ranges.
  • The amount of stipend applied within the stated range should be directly proportionate to the size, complexity, and level of the unit being overseen.
  • An individual who may be serving on an academic year (9-month) contract who is appointed to an administrative leadership position that requires a fiscal year (12-month) contract will realize an increase in base salary in the conversion from 9-month to 12-month contract. That salary increase is not intended to replace the additional administrative stipend.
  • Stipend amounts should be paid as a dollar amount within the range and NOT as a percentage of salary.
  • In rare circumstances, a faculty member may hold more than one administrative leadership position and receive more than one stipend; however, the supervisor(s) must ensure that the total salary and expected workload is reasonable to the roles.

Reappointments to Administrative Leadership Positions
Generally, reappointments to administrative leadership positions are possible following a successful administrative review of the faculty member. The Faculty Handbook outlines comprehensive review procedures for school chairs and deans in sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.11, respectively. Deans, school chairs, and vice provosts/vice presidents have discretion to implement reappointment review processes to determine the length, terms, and numbers of reappointments for other administrative leadership positions within their school, college or unit. The terms, stipend, and length of the reappointment may be different than the initial appointment. Conditions for reappointment should be stated in the appointment letter.

Other Possible Support Provided to Faculty in Administrative Leadership Positions
Departments/units may opt to provide any of the following additional support mechanisms to faculty serving in administrative roles. Any additional support should be consistent with department norms and be clearly stated in appointment and reappointment letters, and is subject to applicable Institute and USG policies. Support mechanisms may include, but are not limited to:

  • summer salary (for faculty on 9-month contracts)
  • professional development funds
  • access to discretionary funds
  • travel funds for conferences
  • course(s) release during appointment and after appointment has ended
  • office space
  • student or postdoc/staff support for research activities
  • administrative staff support
  • professional/research leave following appointment (as allowed by applicable Institute and USG policy)

Appointments to Administrative Leadership Positions on an Interim Basis
Faculty members may be asked to step into one of the above listed or similar leadership roles for an interim time period, typically not to exceed one year. The additional compensation provided for the interim period should be proportionate to the level of the leadership role or administrative duties and the complexity and size of the unit.

Payment of additional compensation for interim leadership and administrative duties is at the discretion of the hiring supervisor, subject to approval of Faculty Affairs, and should be based on workload and current responsibilities. Interim appointments do not require 12-month contracts. Any additional compensation associated with serving in an administrative leadership position on an interim basis should not be included in the calculation of merit pay in compliance with USG Policy.

Appointment and Salary Funding Requirements - General
While a tenured or tenure-track faculty member serves in the administrative leadership position, their work department will be the department in which their administrative appointment is held. This may be different than the home department, which is the department where the initial or original faculty appointment is held. The work department will pay their salary unless a different agreement has been reached between the departments.

If, while serving in an administrative appointment, an individual receives an increase to their base salary from new workload or funded by the work department of the administrative appointment, those funds shall be transferred to the base salary line in the home department upon the individual’s return to their home department.

An administrative appointment may be terminated at the pleasure of the appointment supervisor.

Salary Funding Requirements - Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Members with Rank
The individual’s status as a member of the faculty in their home (academic) department(s) remains unchanged. Tenured faculty will retain tenure. Academic rank does not change.

The home college will retain the individual's faculty salary, as well as the faculty line. At the discretion of the Dean of the home college, the salary funds may be used to support a replacement faculty member, or temporary/part-time or visiting faculty to assist with teaching load.
Upon the individual’s return to their regular faculty position in their home academic department after serving in an administrative leadership role, the school or college will be responsible to cover the base salary with existing salary funds or other funds available to them.

Letter of Appointment Requirements
When appointed to an administrative role on either a permanent or interim basis, the letter of offer/appointment should follow the template found here.

Alternate arrangements may be negotiated based on market or exceptional needs, or circumstances with approval from the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of the Provost and subject to all applicable USG and GT policies.


This policy applies to administrative leadership appointments when the individual simultaneously holds a faculty title.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
September 2021                                Office of the Provost                              Updates to salary and contract terms, and salary management when returning to faculty roles.
February 2016 Office of the Provost Codify existing Provost policy

Faculty Affairs

Faculty Affairs srodriguez31

For information on Faculty Affairs please follow the link below.

Registrar's Procedures

Registrar's Procedures srodriguez31

For information on Registrar's Procedures please follow the link below.

Other Academic Student Policies

Other Academic Student Policies abruneau3

Academic Honor Code

Academic Honor Code abruneau3


I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by refusing to betray the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Georgia Tech community.


Click here for the history of the Academic Honor Code.

Graduate Students, please read the Graduate Addendum.

Article I: Honor Agreement

Article II: Academic Honor Code

Article III: Honor System

Article IV: Amending the Academic Honor Code

Appendix A: Graduate Addendum to the Academic Honor Code

Article I: Honor Agreement

Having read the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor code, I understand and accept my responsibility as a member of the Georgia Tech community to uphold the Honor Code at all times. In addition, I understand my options for reporting honor violations as detailed in the code.

Article II: Academic Honor Code

Section 1. Statement of Purpose
The members of the Georgia Tech community believe the fundamental objective of the Institute is to provide the students with a high-quality education while developing in them a sense of ethics and social responsibility. We believe that trust is an integral part of the learning process and that self-discipline is necessary in this pursuit. We also believe that any instance of dishonesty hurts the entire community. It is with this in mind that we have set forth a student Honor Code at Georgia Tech.

Section 2. Objectives
An Academic Honor Code at Georgia Tech aims to cultivate a community based on trust, academic integrity, and honor. It specifically aims to accomplish the following:

Ensure that students understand that academic dishonesty is a violation of the profound trust of the entire academic community;

  • Ensure that students, faculty and administrators understand that the responsibility for upholding academic honesty at Georgia Tech lies with them;
  • Prevent any students from gaining an unfair advantage over other students through academic misconduct;
  • Clarify what constitutes academic misconduct among students at Georgia Tech and what is expected of them by the Institute, the faculty, and their peers;
  • Cultivate an environment at Georgia Tech where academic dishonesty is not tolerated among the students;
  • Secure a centralized system of education and awareness of the Honor Code;

Section 3. Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards. The immediate objective of an Academic Honor Code is to prevent any Students from gaining an unfair advantage over other Students through academic misconduct. The following clarification of academic misconduct is taken from Section XIX Student Code of Conduct, of the Rules and Regulations section of the Georgia Institute of Technology General Catalog: Academic misconduct is any act that does or could improperly distort Student grades or other Student academic records. Such acts include but need not be limited to the following:

  • Unauthorized Access: Possessing, using, or exchanging improperly acquired written or verbal information in the preparation of a problem set, laboratory report, essay, examination, or other academic assignment.
  • Unauthorized Collaboration: Unauthorized interaction with another Student or Students in the fulfillment of academic requirements.
  • Plagiarism: Submission of material that is wholly or substantially identical to that created or published by another person or persons, without adequate credit notations indicating the authorship.
  • False Claims of Performance: False claims for work that has been submitted by a Student.
  • Grade Alteration: Alteration of any academic grade or rating so as to obtain unearned academic credit.
  • Deliberate Falsification: Deliberate falsification of a written or verbal statement of fact to a Faculty member and/or Institute Official, so as to obtain unearned academic credit.
  • Forgery: Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Institute document relating to the academic status of the Student.
  • Distortion: Any act that distorts or could distort grades or other academic records.

While these acts constitute assured instances of academic misconduct, other acts of academic misconduct may be defined by the professor. Students must sign the Academic Honor Agreement affirming their commitment to uphold the Honor Code before becoming a part of the Georgia Tech community. The Honor Agreement may reappear on exams and other assignments to remind Students of their responsibilities under the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor Code. 

Section 4. Faculty Responsibilities

Faculty members are expected to create an environment where honesty flourishes. In creating this environment, Faculty members are expected to do the following:

  • Make known to their class as specifically as possible what constitutes appropriate academic conduct as well as what comprises academic misconduct. This includes but is not limited to the use of previously submitted work, collaborative work on homework, etc.
  • Provide copies of old exams or lists of sample questions to the Georgia Tech library for Students to review;
  • Avoid the re-use of exams;
  • Include a paragraph containing information about the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code on the syllabus for each class they teach;
  • Report instances of academic dishonesty to the Office of the Dean of Students.

In addition to the expectations listed previously, faculty have the authority to superimpose their own interpretations on some aspects of academic conduct including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Old exams for use during open-book exams;
  • Contents of formula sheets allowed on exams;
  • Use of calculators on exams;
  • Collaboration on out-of-class assignments;
  • Use of previously submitted out-of-class assignments.

Article III: Honor System

Section 1. Governing Bodies
The Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor Code recognizes the present bodies given the power to enforce the academic regulations of the Institute. The Academic Honor Code recognizes the Office of the Dean of Students to be the principal administrator to enforce Institute disciplinary measures as presently specified in Article XIX Section B, of the Rules and Regulations section of the current Georgia Institute of Technology General Catalog.  The Academic Honor Code also recognizes the Student Honor Committee as the body given jurisdiction to hear all cases of alleged academic misconduct as currently specified in XIX Section B, of the Rules and Regulations section of the current Georgia Institute of Technology General Catalog.

Section 2. Reporting Honor Code Violations
In order for an Academic Honor Code to function, members of the Georgia Tech community must not tolerate violations of it by anyone. Community members are at their discretion to use any of three options to report suspected Honor Code violations:

  1. A student may simply desire to confront the fellow student with the perceived infraction. While this option is most likely to enact widespread change in attitude and behavior among students (because violators would understand that they are violating the trust of their peers and not some abstract body of people), it is still expected that an alleged violator be taken before the Student Honor Committee if he or she persists in academic misconduct.
  2. A student may choose to approach the professor of the class in which the alleged infraction occurred and seek his or her input on how to proceed. A result of a conference of this type would be the professor's awareness that the alleged violator needs closer monitoring to ascertain reasonable certainty of guilt before being brought before the Student Honor Committee.
  3. A student may choose to seek the advice of an honor advisor (see Article III., Section 3). Meetings with honor advisors shall address issues of policy and procedure only. Specifics of an individual case are not to be discussed. After a consultation with an honor advisor, a student may choose to submit a formal accusation of academic misconduct to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Section 3. Student Honor Advisory Council
Students composing the Student Honor Advisory Council are to become well versed in all aspects of the Georgia Institute of Technology Academic Honor Code and the procedures for reporting an honor violation as well as those procedures for the trying of cases of suspected academic misconduct before the Student Honor Committee. The Council is to act as an information resource to all members of the Georgia Tech community on issues related to the Academic Honor Code.

  1. Membership
    1. Members are to be selected by the Vice-President of Student Affairs or a designated person to carry out these duties.
    2. Members must be full-time students at Georgia Tech and must be in good academic standing.
    3. Once a member of the council, the student shall serve until he or she graduates, unless he or she resigns or is impeached.
    4. Impeachment procedures are to be specified in the rules and/or bylaws of the Student Honor Advisory Council.
    5. Membership shall be composed of no less than fifteen (15) students at any given time.
  2. Duties and Responsibilities
    1. To serve in an advisory capacity to any student(s) wishing to report an honor violation or any student(s) being accused of committing an honor violation.
    2. To continually educate and maintain awareness among the Georgia Tech community regarding the Academic Honor Code.
    3. To limit discussion with students to issues of policy and procedure.

    Article IV: Amending the Honor Code

    Amendments to the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code may be proposed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of both the Undergraduate Student Council and the Graduate Student Senate, or by a petition of ten percent (10%) of the total population (undergraduate and graduate) directed to both the undergraduate student body president and the graduate student body president. Amendments become part of this Honor Code upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast in a special election open to the undergraduate and graduate students, provided that the proposed amendments have been published in the Technique at least one week prior to the vote by the student body and further provided that the amendments are approved by the Academic Senate. Appendices or amendments of appendices which pertain to either the undergraduate student body or to the graduate student body may be proposed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the respective legislative body or a petition of at least ten percent of the respective student body directed to the respective student body president. These shall become part of this Honor Code upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes in a special election of the respective student body, provided that the proposed appendices or amendments of appendices have been published in the Technique at least one week prior to the election, and further provided that the appendices or amendments of appendices are approved by the Academic Senate.

    Appendix A: Graduate Addendum to the Academic Honor Code

    1. Preamble
      The Honor Code recognizes that graduate students are involved in research and scholarly activities that occur outside the classroom. Integrity and academic honesty are as fundamental to research and scholarly activity as they are to classroom activity. Therefore, this Appendix to the Academic Honor Code is adopted to pertain to the academic activities of graduate students that occur outside of the classroom.
    2. Scholarly Misconduct
      Scholarly misconduct refers to misconduct that occurs in research and scholarly activities outside the classroom. It can include plagiarism, among other things. The consequences of scholarly misconduct are governed by Institute policy. The following definitions are taken from the Institute Policy on Scholarly Misconduct:
      • "Misconduct" or "scholarly misconduct" is the fabrication of data, plagiarism, or other practice that seriously deviates from those that are commonly accepted within the academic or research community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research or scholarly activity. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretation or judgments of data.
      • "Plagiarism" is the act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts of passages of his or her writings, or language or ideas of the same, and passing them off as the product of one's own mind. It involves the deliberate use of any outside source without proper acknowledgment. Plagiarism is scholarly misconduct whether it occurs in any work, published or unpublished, or in any application for funding.

    Allegations involving scholarly misconduct fall under the Institute's Policy on Scholarly Misconduct. This document details the procedures involved with reporting allegations and with the handling of cases. All graduate students are encouraged to become familiar with this policy, which is available from the Office of the Provost.

    This information cannot be duplicated and/or modified without written permission from the Office of Student Integrity.
    Office of Student Integrity, Office of the Dean of Students, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009.

Make-Up Classes Scheduled Following the Cancellation of Classes

Make-Up Classes Scheduled Following the Cancellation of Classes
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Policy Owners
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Laurence Jacobs, Sr Vice Provost for Education and Learning
Reta Pikowsky, Registrar
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy sets forth plans, procedures, responsibilities, and requirements related to the scheduling of make-up classes due to the cancellation of classes, closing of campus, or the necessary closing of instructional spaces for any reason, but most commonly due to inclement weather.

This policy is intended to provide guidelines and probable approach to the scheduling of make-up of regular classes. This policy may need to be revisited frequently to ensure consistency with emergency preparedness guidelines, best practices, and new information or knowledge. Due to the inherent unpredictable nature of the cancellation of classes, not all possible scenarios can be predicted or accounted for. Actual specific plans will be determined for each such case and will work to maximize the educational experience and success of the students while allowing some flexibility for faculty members to respond in a manner consistent with their course format and teaching style. Lab courses and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently as circumstances dictate.

Policy Statement

Should it become necessary for the Institute to cancel classes for three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) within a single academic term – before the 11th week of a regular term (after approximately 70% of the term has passed) – a make-up course schedule held during pre-scheduled make-up days will be established.

  • If classes are cancelled for less than three days, make-up days are not required to be made up unless so directed by the Provost. If classes are cancelled for more than five days (or the equivalent) in a single academic term, additional make-up days – beyond the pre-scheduled make-up days – may be necessary. Additional make-up days will be set at the discretion of the Provost.

This policy addresses scheduling make-up class sessions (both undergraduate and graduate) for regular classes missed due to a closure of the campus (or a portion of the campus) or cancelling of classes. Due to the unique nature lab sections and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently and those arrangements will be announced as appropriate to the circumstances.

This policy pertains to courses taught as part of any Georgia Tech academic degree program on the Atlanta campus and does not govern non-credit, short courses, certificate programs, and courses taught on other GT campuses and locations.


Regular classes Classes that meet in the typical 50 and 80 minute sessions on the regular block schedule. Make-up classes for missed lab classes and other specially scheduled classes will be addressed as appropriate to the circumstances.
Make-Up Classes Classes that are rescheduled at a later date and time in place of regularly scheduled class sessions that have been cancelled by the Institute.
Virtual Classes Any class meeting held via an electronic medium.
Pre-Scheduled Make-up Days Weekend days designated on the academic calendar and held late in the term to hold make-up classes, if needed and set forth in accordance with this policy.


5.1 Institute-wide Cancellation of Classes
Institute-wide Cancellations of three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) If classes are cancelled for three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) within a single academic term before the 11th week of a regular term (or approximately 70% of the term has passed), a make-up course schedule will be established by the Institute. If Instructors wish to schedule make-up class sessions – whether physical or virtual meetings, they must follow the make-up class schedule. Students cannot be penalized for missing a virtual or physical make-up class.
Pre-Scheduled Make-up Days Each term, the Institute will establish and include in the academic calendar a pre-determined weekend – in the last ¼ of the term – that will serve as the pre-scheduled days for make-up classes. Should it become necessary for the Institute to establish a make-up class schedule, it will be held during these pre-scheduled make-up days.
Virtual Class Sessions If the Institute decides to cancel classes or close the campus (or a portion of the campus) for any amount of time, instructional faculty are welcomed to hold virtual classes using instructional technology, social media or other available electronic means. (See further procedure in 5.3 below regarding virtual classes).
Cancellations late in the term If classes are cancelled during or after the 11th week, in a regular term, ( after approximately 70% of the term has passed) make-up scheduling may not be implemented and would be determined by the administration based on circumstances.
5.2 Make-up Class schedule
Establishing and announcing the Make-Up Schedule The timing and specifics of the course make-up schedule will be determined by the Registrar’s office (in consultation with the Office of the Provost, the College Deans’ Offices and the Office of Space Planning and Capital Management) and will be announced within one week after the last day of cancelled classes triggering the make-up schedule.
Faculty Requirement to hold make-up classes The purpose of the schedule is to avoid class scheduling conflicts for the students and to assign classroom space. Typically, instructors are not required to offer make-up class sessions. If they do wish to schedule make up class sessions – whether physical or virtual meetings, they must follow the make-up class schedule. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify the students in a timely manner of the make-up class session.
Student Participation Student attendance at make-up class sessions is strongly recommended, but students cannot be penalized for missing a virtual or rescheduled class. In planning make-up work and classes, faculty members should recognize and be sensitive to students’ work, family and other obligations.
In-class grading and new assignments In-class tests, quizzes, or other graded assignments cannot be administered and assignments cannot be due during a rescheduled class session. New assignments cannot be announced or given during a rescheduled class session.
Distance Learning Classes Make-up class sessions for courses with attached Q-sections will be scheduled in DL equipped classrooms to ensure the ability to record the make-up lecture for the online students.
Allowing for Extraordinary Circumstances

The Office of the Provost, in consultation with the President, may adjust this policy as required by unforeseen and specific circumstances.

Should the number of days of cancelled classes become extraordinary, holding make-up class sessions may be required, and students may be required to attend the make-up sessions.

5.3 Virtual Classes
Campus Protocols and Student Privacy Any virtual or electronic classroom session should comply with Institute virtual classroom protocols and FERPA policies, paying particular attention to privacy of student identity and academic information.
Suggested Online Formats Suggested formats that lend to the protection of student privacy are:
GT Online: Make-up lectures will be recorded in a DL classroom at the scheduled make-up time. The recording will be posted in GTcourses. The professor can request access for non-DL students. Students must authenticate to gain access.

Registrar – Establish the dates of the pre-scheduled make-up days each term and establish additional details of make-up schedules as required by this policy.

Instructional Faculty – Communicate clearly and timely with students any plans for make-up classes consistent with the Institute established make-up schedule.

GTOnline - Confirm with instructional faculty the method and timing of their makeup lectures. Communicate to all online students how to access their makeup lecture if one is available.

Provost – oversee the implementation of this policy and determine when unforeseen or specific circumstances require deviation from the stated policy.


To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
05/06/2016 Office of the Provost Updated Policy


Postdoctoral Appointment Policy

Postdoctoral Appointment Policy
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Jana Stone
Contact Title
Director of Professional Development and Postdoctoral Services
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The postdoctoral experience emphasizes scholarship and continued training for individuals who have recently completed a doctoral degree. Postdocs (see definition in Section 2) contribute to the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) community by enhancing the research and education programs. They bring expertise and creativity that enrich the research and educational environment for all members of the university community, including graduate and undergraduate students. Georgia Tech strives to provide a stimulating, positive, and constructive experience for the postdoc, by emphasizing the mutual commitment and responsibility of the institution, the faculty, and the postdoc. This policy outlines the requirements for postdoctoral appointments at Georgia Tech.

Policy Statement

Postdoctoral appointees (“postdocs”) conduct research under the general oversight of a faculty mentor in preparation for a career in academe, industry, government, or the nonprofit sector. Postdoctoral work provides essential training that may include opportunities to enhance teaching and other professional skills.

Georgia Tech’s definition of postdoctoral appointments uses the following criteria:

  1. The appointee has received a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate (e.g., D.V.M., Sc.D., M.D.), typically within the past 5 years, in a field directly related to the appointee’s assigned responsibilities;
  2. The appointee’s assigned responsibilities are primarily research and/or scholarship, and may include formal instructional responsibilities (typically no more than 50% effort);
  3. The appointment is full time, limited term (recommended to be 1-3 years, with a maximum of 5 years);
  4. The appointment is preparatory for a full-time career in academia, industry, government, or the nonprofit sector, and provides essential training that may include opportunities to enhance teaching and professional skills; and
  5. The postdoc must be supervised by a full-time faculty member in the unit to which the postdoc is assigned.

The titles currently used for postdoctoral appointments at Georgia Tech are: Postdoctoral Fellow, Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar, Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow, Brittain Fellow, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics.

Throughout this policy, "postdoc” is used as an inclusive, general term.

Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows are usually funded from Georgia Tech-administered grants, contracts, or funds and for the purposes of services and benefits are considered employees of Georgia Tech. Postdoctoral Fellows receive compensation for services as required by the sources of the corresponding Georgia Tech-administered grants, contracts, or funds. Appointment as a

Postdoctoral Fellow may include teaching responsibilities, but these must constitute less than 50% of the postdoc’s effort.

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar
Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars primarily have training status; they are not considered employees of Georgia Tech. They are provided a stipend in exchange for which no specific service to Georgia Tech is required. The stipend may be provided directly to the recipient from an external source (e.g., a postdoctoral fellowship) or provided by Georgia Tech from an external source (e.g., NIH NRSA fellowships and training grant awards).

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Brittain Fellow and other postdoctoral titles
If instructional responsibilities are significant, postdocs may be appointed with an appropriate title that reflects these duties. Examples of instructional titles include Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Brittain Fellow in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics.

Policy Statement

Postdoc Appointment Terms
Postdoctoral appointments should be full-time, with an expectation of a 40-hour workweek. Part- time appointments are appropriate only in extenuating circumstances, including, but not limited to, medical or personal reasons, or when the postdoc requires time for consulting or teaching external to Georgia Tech.

Generally, postdoctoral appointments at Georgia Tech should last between one and three years. The maximum term of appointment for postdocs at Georgia Tech is five years. This term limit is based on federal guidelines and the tenet that all postdoctoral appointments are primarily for training, which is inherently limited in duration. The appointment duration refers to the total time spent at Georgia Tech as a postdoc and does not include time spent at Georgia Tech as an undergraduate or graduate student, or as a postdoc at other institutions. The appointment may be interrupted for extended medical or family leaves. All postdoc reappointments should follow USG and Georgia Tech policies and procedures. See the Georgia Tech Faculty Affairs website.

Units must specify the duration of appointment, including the end date, in each postdoc’s offer letter. The unit in which a postdoc is appointed must verify that the actual duration of the appointment does not exceed five years or the term specified in the offer, whichever is shorter.

Requests for exceptions to the above terms of postdoctoral appointments must be approved by the Office of Faculty Affairs following a review by the Office of Postdoctoral Services.

Procedures for New Postdoctoral Appointments
Units are responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures and forms are completed for both postdocs that hold an employee status, and Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars, respectively. Upon identification of a postdoc for appointment, units must complete the steps required by Faculty Affairs and GTHR for new appointments.

All appointment request packages should include official transcripts issued to Georgia Tech showing the doctoral degree completion. Units must complete a request, receive approval, and provide an offer letter for all postdoctoral appointments, including new postdoctoral appointees, postdocs returning to Georgia Tech, and postdocs being reappointed or transferring within units at Georgia Tech. Units should consult with Faculty Affairs and GTHR for paperwork for returning or transferring postdocs. Offer letter templates are available from Faculty Affairs.

Approval of Postdoctoral Appointments
All postdoctoral appointments must be approved by the Office of Faculty Affairs following a review by the Office of Postdoctoral Services. Faculty Affairs maintains centralized records for all academic appointees, research appointees, and postdocs with instructional duties.

Granting Instructional Responsibilities
Postdocs may teach courses and be the instructor of record if an agreement is reached between the postdoc, the faculty supervisor, and the academic unit. Faculty Affairs grants grading privileges on a case-by-case basis. Faculty Affairs also verifies that the SACSCOC Faculty Credential Guidelines are followed and maintains centralized records of credentials for all instructors, including official transcripts issued to Georgia Tech.

Onboarding Postdocs

Onboarding Postdoctoral Employees
Postdoctoral employees must follow all Georgia Tech employment procedures, which include completing payroll and benefits forms as detailed on the Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources website.

Onboarding Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars
Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars are not employees but are entered in the Georgia Tech’s personnel system so that their affiliation with Georgia Tech is established and documented. Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars must complete and sign the Postdoctoral Scholar Volunteer Agreement before onboarding at the Office of Human Resources. The onboarding process facilitates required access to facilities and OIT systems via Georgia Tech credentials.

Compensation of Postdocs
Postdoc salary minimums are reviewed and determined annually by the Offices of the EVPR and Provost by January 1st of each year to apply to the following fiscal year. Information on the compensation levels is published on the Faculty Affairs and Postdoctoral Services websites.

Guidance on salary levels commensurate with years of postdoctoral experience may also be provided.

The postdoc salary minimums will take into account:

  1. current level of stipends provided by US federal postdoctoral fellowships and salaries offered by peer institutions;
  2. years of postdoctoral experience before being hired at Georgia Tech;
  3. projected USG employee health insurance premium levels;
  4. state employee pay increase percentage;
  5. other cost factors affecting postdocs; and
  6. available funding.

While compensation minimums are determined by the Office of the EVPR and Provost, each school or unit that appoints postdocs is responsible for determining the salary/stipend ranges within the unit. The stipend levels shall be determined by the following factors:

  1. peer institution salary/stipend levels for the disciplines (peer reviews to be conducted by units);
  2. past experience and performance of the postdoc in research or teaching;
  3. level of research or teaching work conducted by the postdoc;
  4. for an international postdoc, the estimated cost of living as determined by the Office of International Education through the I-20 form (; and
  5. available funding.

Each school or unit shall annually review the overall postdoc salary/stipend levels for its postdocs based on the factors noted above. If Georgia Tech is authorized to provide annual salary increases to state employees, comparable increases to postdocs funded through sponsored funds will be recommended by the school or unit. Postdoc salaries may also be raised via an equity adjustment based on the minimum recommended by the Institute for their years of postdoctoral experience. Raises for postdocs funded by sponsored funds should be included, through escalation factors, in grant budgets. Units should publish postdoc salary and stipend ranges in a location accessible to both postdocs and faculty in the unit.

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar Compensation
For Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars, the terms of the fellowship or award dictate the stipend amount and any increases; these are not controlled by Georgia Tech. However, stipends may be supplemented by the supervisor or unit, if allowable under the terms of the award. If the stipend of an Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar is less than the minimum postdoc salary level established by the Institute, then a supplement to the stipend should be provided to match the minimum salary level. Note that NIH NRSA policy requires that that salary supplementation policies must be consistently applied to all Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars regardless of the source of funds.

Requests to provide Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars with a part-time salary for services rendered that are separate from the obligations of the fellowship or award will be considered on a case-by- case basis by Faculty Affairs and Postdoctoral Services.

In cases when stipends are provided directly to the postdoc from the sponsoring agency, the sponsoring agency is responsible for reporting for tax purposes. In cases where Georgia Tech administers the funding (e.g., NIH NRSA fellowships and training grant awards), stipends and stipend supplements should be provided via Georgia Tech Accounts Payable and reported on a Form 1099 to comply with federal tax regulations.


Time Away from Work
Per the Georgia Tech Time Away from Work Policy, postdocs who are employees of Georgia Tech accrue 14 hours per month of paid annual leave and 8 hours per month of sick leave.

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars are eligible for the amount of leave articulated and allowed under the terms of the fellowship or award.

Health Insurance
Postdocs who are employees of Georgia Tech are eligible for the USG employee health insurance plans and other benefits, subject to USG policies (see USG benefits eligible definition: In rare cases where a postdoc employee is appointed at less than 75% effort (less than 30 hours per week), health benefits eligibility will be determined by the number of hours worked. Contact the unit HR representative or GTHR Benefits unit to learn more.

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars are not eligible for employee benefits per USG policy because they are not considered employees of Georgia Tech. Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars may acquire their own health insurance or choose to participate in the voluntary student health insurance plan (known as SHIP). To enroll in the voluntary student health insurance plan, Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars must be verified by the Office of Postdoctoral Services.

In some instances, an administrative financial allowance may be provided by the fellowship or award sponsor to be used by the unit to support allowable benefits-related expenses for Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars. Units must verify compliance with the award terms and conditions.

Expenses not covered by an administrative allowance provided by the sponsor are the responsibility of the the Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar.

Retirement Benefits
Postdoc employees have the option of participating either in the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) of Georgia or an Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). Upon initial appointment, the postdoc should consult an Office of Human Resources benefits counselor to determine the appropriate plan given the temporary nature of their appointment.

Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars can use any administrative allowance funds provided with the award to make voluntary payments into other individually selected retirement plans only when sponsors allow such expenditures. No institutional administrative allowance funds can be transferred from a Georgia Tech restricted account to the Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholar’s retirement account without verification that the sponsor permits such payments from such funds. Verification must be provided through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to the Accounts Payable Office before transfers can take place.

Additional Benefits and Issues
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all postdocs, including Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars (even though Affiliate Postdoctoral Scholars are not eligible for other employee health benefits). This program provides no-cost, 24-hour access to confidential counselling for a range of personal, family, and work concerns.

International postdocs should check with the Office of International Education (if holding a J visa) or Global HR (if holding an H1B, F, or other visa) for assistance with questions regarding taxes and benefits, and how they will be treated under federal law (i.e., social security, etc.).

Performance Evaluations and Individual Development Plans
Recognizing that postdocs are in growth positions and striving for professional advancement, they are entitled to formal evaluations by their faculty mentors. USG and Georgia Tech policies (see USG Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual: Performance Evaluation) specify that written performance evaluations must occur on at least an annual basis.

In addition to performance evaluations, use of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) is strongly recommended by Georgia Tech as well as some funding agencies. While the IDP may inform the postdoc’s performance evaluation, the IDP has a different purposes. The IDP is written by the postdoc to outline his/her own progress and goals, while the performance evaluation is the supervisors’ assessment of the postdoc’s efforts.

Conflict Resolution
Postdocs may consult with the Faculty & Graduate Student Ombuds for confidential, neutral, informal, and independent conflict resolution at any time. Postdocs are encouraged to seek informal resolution of conflicts by talking with their faculty supervisor and then with the school chair (or delegate). The next step in informal resolution is to contact the Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Advocacy and Conflict Resolution. For other instances where an informal process is required, the Employee Dispute Resolution Policy is applicable to postdocs.

The Policy for Responding to Allegations of Scientific or Other Scholarly Misconduct is applicable to all postdocs (see Georgia Tech Faculty Handbook Section 5.7).

The Conflict Resolution Pathways Relevant to Postdocs document details the applicable polices and contacts for these and additional issues.

Appointment Conclusion

A postdoc may resign his or her appointment by submitting a written statement to the immediate supervisor. Thirty days’ notice before the end date is standard, and as much time as is possible is preferred. When leaving Georgia Tech, the postdoc should also contact the HR representative for the unit to ensure that all of the correct steps are completed.

Postdoctoral appointments may be ended a thirty-day written notice if the funding support ends. In instances where a postdoc has violated any USG and/or Georgia Tech policy, dismissal may be immediate.

If Georgia Tech sponsors the visa of a postdoc and the employment ends prior to the original program end date, the supervisor must contact the Office of International Education (for J1 visas and F1-OPT authorized by Georgia Tech) or Global Human Resources (for H1B, F1-OPT authorized by other institutions, and other visas) prior to informing the postdoc of dismissal.

Appointment Duration Limit Reached
If the maximum term of appointment is reached, an appointee may be considered for a regular position through a competitive search. Regular positions that may be appropriate after a five-year postdoctoral appointment include, but are not limited to Research Scientist/Engineer II, Lecturer, or Academic Professional. Units should consult their HR representative or Faculty Affairs for additional information.

Summary Table of Postdoctoral Appointments

*Includes access to the Employee Assistance Program, Library, Parking & Transportation, Office of Postdoctoral Services programs and services, etc.


This policy applies to all units of Georgia Tech.

7.1.Office of the Provost

The Office of Postdoctoral Services, in collaboration with the Office of Faculty Affairs, is responsible for periodically reviewing the Postdoctoral Appointment Policy for revisions as needed, and taking active steps to encourage compliance with the policy.

7.2.Appointment Unit

The unit in which a postdoc is appointed is responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures and policies are followed, and complete files are established at the time of appointment.


Postdocs are responsible for:

  1. Completing the conscientious discharge of assigned duties.
  2. Collegial conduct toward coworkers.
  3. Maintaining compliance with good research practices and recognized Georgia Tech standards.
  4. Maintaining open and timely discussion with the faculty supervisor regarding research progress, distribution of reagents or materials, or any disclosure of findings or techniques privately or in publications.
  5. Completing the publication of research and/or scholarship during the period of the appointment, in consultation with the faculty supervisor.
  6. For appointees with formal instructional responsibilities, active participation in training and assessment activities related to instructional duties.
  7. When departing role, providing the faculty supervisor with as much notice as possible and leave behind the appropriate data, computer files, and tangible research materials.
  8. Maintaining compliance with all sponsor, Georgia Tech, and USG policies and procedures, including observation of established guidelines for research involving biohazards, human subjects, or animals, conflicts of interest.
  9. Successfully completing all mandatory trainings or certifications as required by Georgia Tech, USG, and/or funding agencies. Postdocs must complete Responsible Conduct of Research Training if appointed to an applicable NIH or NSF project (see the RCR Compliance Policy).
  10. Obtaining a Georgia Tech Buzzcard, providing access to physical facilities and online services, including access to libraries, parking, etc.
  11. Following Georgia Tech and USG policies.
7.4.Faculty Supervisor of the Postdoc

Faculty Supervisors of Postdocs are responsible for:

  1. Providing guidance on the postdoc’s research and scholarship goals, as well as the postdoc’s overall career development.
  2. Helping the postdoc acquire knowledge and skills based on their current and future needs.
  3. At the time that training begins, providing the postdoc with a written description of assigned duties and expectations together with a description of the goals and objectives of the training program.
  4. Regularly and frequently communicating with the postdoc about expectations and goals for assigned duties and projects.
  5. Providing written assessments of the postdoc’s performance at least annually (required by USG Board of Regents Policy and Georgia Tech).
  6. Communicating any changes in funding or support that could affect the length of the appointment to the postdoc as soon as possible.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History

Revision  Date                           



July 21, 2021

Office of Postdoctoral Services

New Policy

Scholarly Allowance for Endowed Chairs and Professorships

Scholarly Allowance for Endowed Chairs and Professorships
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Academic Affairs
Contact Name
Jason Matt
Contact Title
Sr. Director Academic Administration
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy provides consistency of annual scholarly allowance payments to faculty members holding endowed chairs or professorships for planning of research and scholarly activities.

Policy Statement

For any named faculty position established after the date of this policy, the annual scholarly allowances will be set as following to provide consistent but impactful support:

  • Endowed chair appointments – $50,000/year
  • Endowed professorship appointments – $25,000/year
  • Termed professorship appointments -- Termed appointments would follow these values as well, but due to the variation in the terms for those positions, the allowance may be reduced based on available funding

This allowance would apply to all faculty appointments to chairs or professorships established in the recent past and going forward with donor agreements that contain the following language: Distributions from the fund shall be determined and overseen by the Provost, the Dean of the College, and the Chair of the School in accordance with Georgia Institute of Technology policies and procedures related to the administration of endowed chairs and professorships.


Employees (typically academic faculty members) holding named positions supported by an endowment or expendable fund



Scholarly allowance An amount of funding provided to a faculty member to support his/her research and scholarly activities.
Income allocation The amount generated annually from an endowed fund
Termed professorship A named faculty position supported by a restricted expendable (non-endowed) fund administered in accordance with GTF policies and a legal agreement with the donor of the funds. The value of the expendable fund can vary and the named appointment is for the duration of the fund life.


5.1 Appointment of Faculty Holder to the Named Position
Offer letter At the time of appointment, the letter of offer shall include the specific amount to be provided, consistent with this policy, to the faculty member, and indicate that an allocation can be carried forward up to two years. For termed professorships, the offer letters should also note the term of the appointment to the professorship.
High value endowments Endowments of higher values may provide for increased allowances, but should be negotiated separately and based upon the needs of the department and faculty member.
5.2 Distribution of Funds
Annual income allocation As is the practice now, the entire income allocation will be distributed to the home unit, where a sub-account for the scholarly allowance will be created.
Fluctuations in annual allocations Any annual income over this amount would be available to support expenses consistent with the donor agreement. Should the annual income be less than the set scholarly allowance, the Provost’s Office and the related home unit will do everything possible to cover the remainder from other sources

School Chair/Department Head
The school chair, dean or department head offering the named faculty position shall notify the faculty member in writing of the scholarly allowance associated with the appointment. He/she is responsible to steward any funds available in excess of the scholarly allowance within the terms outlined in the donor agreement. Should the amount of the restricted endowment or restricted expendable account be inadequate to support the committed scholarly allowance, it is the responsibility of the school chair, dean or department head to work with the senior administration to identify additional funding sources.

Faculty Member
The faculty member is responsible for spending the fund in accordance within the terms of the donor agreement, and this and other related Institute policies.


The Dean of the College or Provost is responsible to ensure that donated funds are stewarded within the terms of the donor agreement, and this and other related Institute policies.

To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
April 2023 Office of the Provost Editorial update
April 2015 Provost Office Codify Memo/add to Policy Library


Student Employment in Support of Education

Student Employment in Support of Education srodriguez31

For more information on Student Employment see the Employment book.

Federal Work Study

Federal Work Study srodriguez31

For information on Federal Work Study please follow the link below.

Study Abroad

Study Abroad kcross8

Information regarding Study Abroad requests can be found here.

Substantive Change Policy (SACSCOC)

Substantive Change Policy (SACSCOC)
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Loraine Phillips
Contact Title
Assc Provost-Academic Effectiveness
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

A “Substantive Change” is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. The federal government requires accrediting agencies to have a Substantive Change policy and to monitor the compliance of its member colleges and universities with the Substantive Change policy. Georgia Tech’s accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires as a condition of accreditation that member institutions notify SACSCOC of Substantive Changes and, in some cases, seek SACSCOC approval prior to implementation of such changes.

Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to establish Georgia Tech’s responsibilities and required procedures for timely notification of substantive changes to SACSCOC.  The policy complies with the SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement and the SACSCOC Substantive Change for SACSCOC Accredited Institutions Policy in adherence with the United States Department of Education Regulation 34 CFR 602.22 Substantive Change and the Georgia Tech Faculty Handbook


This policy applies to any responsible Institute employee who can initiate, review, or approve changes that are considered substantive according to the current version of the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures. In academic affairs, this includes faculty, assistant and associate deans, deans, vice provosts, and the provost. Other Institute officials in Procurement and Business Services, the Office of Legal Affairs, or at Georgia Tech international locations may be asked to review or approve a Substantive Change initiative. These individuals are responsible for timely notification of Substantive Changes to the SACSCOC Liaison, who is responsible for notifying or seeking approval from SACSCOC as appropriate for the Substantive Change.

Policy Terms

Substantive Change

A Substantive Change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. Substantive Changes, including those required by federal regulations, include:

  • Substantially changing the established mission or objectives of an institution or its programs.
  • Changing the legal status, form of control, or ownership of an institution.
  • Changing the governance of an institution.
  • Merging/consolidating two or more institutions or entities.
  • Acquiring another institution or any program or location of another institution.
  • Relocating an institution or an off-campus instructional site of an institution (including relocating a branch campus).
  • Offering courses or programs at a higher or lower degree level than currently authorized.
  • Adding graduate programs at an institution previously offering only undergraduate programs (including degrees, diplomas, certificates, and other for-credit credentials).
  • Changing the way an institution measures student progress, whether in clock hours or credit-hours; semesters, trimesters, or quarters; or time-based or non-time-based methods or measures.
  • Adding a program that is a significant departure from the existing programs, or method of delivery, from those offered when the institution was last evaluated.
  • Initiating programs by distance education or correspondence courses.
  • Adding an additional method of delivery to a currently offered program.
  • Entering into a cooperative academic arrangement.
  • Entering into a written arrangement under 34 C.F.R. § 668.5 under which an institution or organization not certified to participate in the Title IV Higher Education Act (HEA) programs offers less than 25% (notification) or 25-50% (approval) of one or more of the accredited institution’s educational programs. An agreement offering more than 50% of one or more of an institution’s programs is prohibited by federal regulation.
  • Substantially increase or decreasing the number of clock hours or credit hours awarded or competencies demonstrated, or an increase in the level of credential awarded, for successful completion of one or more programs.
  • Adding competency-based education programs.
  • Adding each competency-based education program by direct assessment.
  • Adding programs with completion pathways that recognize and accommodate a student’s prior or existing knowledge or competency.
  • Awarding dual or joint academic awards.
  • Re-opening a previously closed program or offcampus instructional site.
  • Adding a new off-campus instructional site/additional location including a branch campus.
  • Adding a permanent location at a site at which an institution is conducting a teach-out program for students of another institution that has ceased operating before all students have completed their program of study.
  • Closing an institution, a program, a method of delivery, an off-campus instructional site, or a program at an off-campus instructional site.

5.1 Internal Reporting to Georgia Tech's SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison

Reporting Proposed Changes to SACSCOC
Upon becoming aware of a proposed change that may be substantive, responsible parties should notify the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison as early as possible so that the information required by SACSOC is prepared appropriately by the Institute and submitted by the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison to SACSCOC according to the SACSCOC specified timeline with the appropriate internal review and approvals.

5.2 External Reporting to SACSCOC

An institution is required to notify or secure SACSCOC approval prior to implementing a Substantive Change. A Substantive Change may be submitted by the institution’s chief executive office or accreditation liaison only.

Consequences of noncompliance are articulated in the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures, at


Georgia Tech SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison
Every SACSCOC member institution has an Accreditation Liaison whose charge it is to ensure that compliance with SACSCOC accreditation requirements is incorporated into the planning and evaluation process of the institution. The SACSCOC Liaison is responsible for ensuring the Institute policy complies with the current version of the SACSCOC policy. The SACSCOC Liaison is also responsible for communicating policy updates to Institute stakeholders.

The SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison for Georgia Tech is:
Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness
Office of Academic Effectiveness
(404) 385 – 1419

Responsible Party
Each individual, position, or entity designated as within the scope of this policy is required to be familiar with and comply with this policy.


Consequences of noncompliance are articulated in the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy and Procedures at

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
06-2023 Office of Academic Effectiveness Update made to conform with changes made by SACSCOC.
09-2019 Office of Academic Effectiveness Policy Updates
08-2014 Library Learning Excellence New Policy

Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching Guidebook

Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching Guidebook srodriguez31

For information on the Teaching Guidebook please follow the link below.