
Travel jbarber32

Air Transportation

Air Transportation
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline air transportation requirements to Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and Georgia Tech travel policies.

Policy Statement

Travel by an air carrier must be in the most cost-effective manner and utilize the lowest possible coach fares consistent with scheduling requirements, unless cost exceptions meet the requirements outlined in this Policy.

Business Class Airfare
Business Class Airfare is not reimbursable for domestic flights with the exception of travel to Alaska and Hawaii.  Business Class Airfare using State funds or other Georgia Tech funds (unless specifically restricted) is only permissible in the following circumstances:

  1. For international flights with appropriate travel authority approvals.
  2. There is no other space available on the needed flight (supporting documentation from a travel agency must be included with the travel reimbursement request). 
  3. A licensed medical practitioner certifies that because of a person's mental or physical condition, specific air travel arrangements are required. It is the responsibility of Georgia Tech officials to obtain necessary medical certifications for any employee that requires special air travel arrangements due to a medical condition. Information should also be obtained specifying the expected length of time such condition would have an impact on travel needs. Supporting documentation must be retained within the department.

These exceptions should be approved in advance and noted on the “justification” of the spend authorization and the “comments” of the expense report.

First Class Airfare
First Class travel is only permissible if approved, in the following circumstances: 

  1. There is no other space available on the needed flight (supporting documentation from a travel agency must be included with the travel reimbursement request). 
  2. A licensed medical practitioner certifies that because of a person's mental or physical condition, specific air travel arrangements are required. It is the responsibility of Georgia Tech officials to obtain necessary medical certifications for any employee that requires special air travel arrangements due to a medical condition. Information should also be obtained specifying the expected length of time such condition would have an impact on travel needs. Supporting documentation must be retained within the department.
  3. The Commissioner of Public Safety certifies that specific air travel arrangements are necessary for security reasons. 
  4. For international flights with appropriate travel authority approvals (please see First/Business Class Airfare – International Travel section below). 

These exceptions should be approved in advance and noted on the “justification” of the spend authorization and the “comments” of the expense report.

First / Business Class Airfare – International Travel

In certain circumstances, Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF) funds, Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) funds, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC) funds or sponsored funds may permit reimbursement or direct payment of first/business class airfare for international travel, with appropriate travel authority approvals, that is not reimbursable with State funds. 

Business Class Airfare with Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF) Funds

Business class airfare for international flights that are pre-approved by the appropriate unit officer in accordance with Georgia Tech’s Authorization of Travel policy may be processed through Georgia Tech using GTF funds.  An expense report is used for reimbursement with appropriate receipts and approvals.  Direct billing is available through the Georgia Tech’s travel management company.

Direct reimbursement through the Georgia Tech Foundation is an exception that must be approved by the President, Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or Executive Vice President for Research.

Business Class Airfare with Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) or Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC) Funds

Business class airfare for international flights that are pre-approved by the appropriate unit officer in accordance with Georgia Tech’s Authorization of Travel policy may be processed directly through Georgia Tech using GTRC, GTARC, or sponsored project funds, if these funds specifically allow the use of business class airfare for international travel. Direct billing is also available through the Georgia Tech’s travel management company.

Airline Frequent Flyer Programs

Travelers may retain loyalty and frequent flyer program benefits. However, participation in these programs must not influence flight selection, which would result in incremental cost to Georgia Tech beyond the lowest available airfare, as defined in the policy.  Georgia Tech does not reimburse for the value of any rewards or benefits used by Travelers from loyalty programs.

Payment of Airfare

Travel expenses are reimbursed upon completion of the trip and submission of an approved expense report. Airfare can be direct billed to Georgia Tech through Georgia Tech’s travel management company. In either case, an itinerary showing the dates of travel, seat assignment, method of payment, including purchase price and receipt must be presented when submitting an expense report.  Airfare reimbursements involving study abroad, student group travel and extended research/employment assignments may be reimbursed prior to the trip under certain circumstances. Requests to be reimbursed prior to the trip must include the following documentation: 

  • Explanation for using a travel agency other than Georgia Tech’s travel management company; and 
  • Price quotes from Georgia Tech’s travel management company and the travel agency from which the tickets were purchased.  

Direct Billing of Airfare for Travelers

Georgia Tech has an agreement with a travel management company (Travel Inc.) to arrange for the prepayment of air travel for Travelers.  Travelers must obtain approval to direct bill prior to reserving airline tickets. Applicable forms are located on the forms webpage of the Procurement & Business Services website at Please refer to the Travel web page located on the Procurement & Business Services website for further details.

Direct Billing of Airfare for Students/Visitors

The direct billing of airfare is available for official guests, visitors, students, and independent contractors who travel on behalf of Georgia Tech. The department is to contact Georgia Tech’s travel management company to make the travel arrangements for the direct billing. Approval to travel must be obtained prior to booking reservations for any airline ticket. Please refer to the Travel web page located on the Procurement & Business Services website for further details.


Travelers must not accept refunds for airline tickets unless they have personally paid for the tickets. Refunds for tickets issued by Georgia Tech’s travel management company and charged to Georgia Tech must be refunded directly to Georgia Tech. A credit will be applied to the original department’s account used to purchase the ticket. Travelers that receive payment or reimbursement for air fare from a third-party, sponsor, or conference, must not seek reimbursement for airfare from Georgia Tech.  If the Traveler is reimbursed for an airline ticket after the Traveler has been reimbursed by Georgia Tech, the Traveler must write a personal check (made payable to Georgia Tech) in the amount of the ticket reimbursement and send it along with a copy of the expense report summary sheet to Accounts Payable, Mail Code 0253. Accounts Payable will deposit the funds back into the appropriate department account.  

Private Aircraft

The use of aircraft owned, rented, or operated by a traveler on Georgia Tech business is strongly discouraged. If it is determined that the use of this type of aircraft is advantageous to Georgia Tech, an explanation must be noted in the comments section of the expense report. The use of private aircraft is subject to prior approval by the Dean, Director, or Department Head and must be specifically noted on the spend authorization. In the comments section of the Employee Travel Expense Report the employee should add the following comment “traveled by private aircraft” and provide the registration number of the aircraft and mileage as calculated from U.S. Department of Transportation website.

Transportation expenses for the use of private aircraft will be at the mileage reimbursement rate determined by the U. S General Services Administration (GSA). Mileage rates are only changed upon notification from the State Accounting Office. New rates are not applied based solely on GSA updates. 

Lodging and meal expenses en route will not be reimbursed if the expenses are a direct result of the decision to take a personal aircraft, rather than commercial aircraft. 

If a Traveler opts to use a personal aircraft when use of commercial aircraft would be the most economical and cost effective for Georgia Tech, the Traveler will be reimbursed up to the value of the commercial airfare (lowest coach fare) as quoted by Georgia Tech’s travel management company. 

Transaction Fees / Service Fees

The transaction or service fees associated with booking airfare are authorized items for reimbursement.  Additionally, baggage fees, change fees, etc. associated with official business are reimbursable.  

Fly America Act

All federally funded travel must comply with the U.S. “Fly America Act” (49 U.S.C. 40118). The Fly America Act mandates the use of U.S. flag carriers for federally funded international travel to / from the United States. This includes United States federal employees, their dependents, consultant, contractors, and others.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

Travelers are also responsible for verifying appropriate travel class is reserved, and for ensuring any personal or external professional activities have been excluded from the reimbursement.

5.2. Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate spend authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.The expense preparer is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved and for ensuring the traveler excludes any personal or external professional activities from the reimbursement. 


Managers and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted.

Travelers who are in violation of this Policy are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12/2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with Workday implementation.
10/2017Accounts PayablePolicy Updates.

Authorization of Travel

Authorization of Travel
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline authorization of travel requirements for Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office, and Georgia Tech policies.

Policy Statement

All Travelers must have prior authorization to travel for the performance official duties from their manager, department head or Dean (or their respective delegates).

Authorization of Travel

Authorization of travel is required for any travel outside the state of Georgia, including international travel on behalf of Georgia Tech.  Authorization is obtained by the completion of a spend authorization through Georgia Tech’s financial management system and must be approved by the employee’s manager, cost center manager (or their delegate), and driver worktag manager(s) prior to the first day of travel. The approval of a spend authorization serves as an attestation to the necessity of the travel and that the anticipated travel expenses are reasonable in nature and amount. In no case is a subordinate authorized to approve a spend authorization for travel for their superior. GTRI employees traveling on federal governmental business are required to adhere to GTRI Policy 6200.

No-Cost-To-Tech Travel
In situations where there are no charges to Georgia Tech, but the purpose of the trip is official business, a spend authorization should be submitted denoting a cost of 1 (one) cent to facilitate appropriate review of travel.

Itinerary Changes
If the itinerary of the trip fundamentally changes (location or business purpose) from the what has been stated on the original spend authorization, and the original spend authorization has been approved, a new spend authorization should be completed and the original should be cancelled.

Declaration of External Professional Activities or Vacation
All Travelers traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech must declare any external professional activities or vacation associated with the business trip. Leave time for external professional activities, or vacation, which coincides with the business trip should be approved in advance in Georgia Tech’s time management system. Travelers should indicate any leave time for external professional activities or vacation when completing the travel authorization in Georgia Tech’s financial management system. Additionally, Travelers are required to report any external activities in the Conflict of Interest system in ServiceNow here: 

In-State Travel
Authorization of travel is not required for in-state travel. However, campus units may require that a spend authorization be completed for all in-state travel within their unit to meet their business needs. Approval to travel within the State of Georgia, or just beyond the state borders, on a regular or continual basis may be given as a blanket routine travel authorization. This may be maintained as an internal list in department files, or may be granted based on the employee’s primary job duties that include a business need to travel in-state. Travelers whose primary work station is outside of the state of Georgia are not required to complete a spend authorization for routine travel within that state. 

International Travel
Travelers must comply with U.S. laws and regulations when traveling internationally on Georgia Tech business. International travel being sponsored by the federal government must be ticketed by U.S. Flag carriers.

As part of the spend authorization process for international travel, the Traveler must complete a questionnaire in Georgia Tech’s financial management system. This questionnaire should be submitted no later than thirty (30) days prior to the desired departure date for travel to a foreign country and 45 days for travel to countries under travel advisories or involving the shipment of equipment or biological materials.

Georgia Tech strongly recommends against, but does not prohibit, travel for the performance of official duties to countries where the U.S. Department of State has issued an official Travel Warning (a Travel Warning is distinct from a State Department issued Public Announcement), or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks. The final decision about making a trip to such a country is up to the Traveler; however, Georgia Tech reserves the right to require the execution of an appropriate release or waiver before permitting such travel. This recommendation is directed toward individual Travelers in the following categories: faculty, staff and graduate students. Faculty and staff taking students on international travel will require prior approval from Office of International Education.

Prior to international travel, faculty should become aware of applicable export laws, regulations and risks associated with international travel. Several key reference sources include:


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring the travel is to perform business duties on behalf of Georgia Tech, the appropriate spend authorization is accurately completed, supporting documentation is submitted, and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel. The Traveler is also responsible for ensuring the appropriate travel class is reserved and for ensuring any personal or external professional activities have been excluded from the request for reimbursement.The Traveler is responsible for declaring any external professional activities or vacation associated with a business trip, and reporting all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System.

5.2 Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate spend authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.The expense preparer is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved and for verifying the Traveler excludes any personal or external professional activities from the reimbursement.  The expense preparer should also verify the Traveler has declared any external professional activities or vacation associated with such travel, and has reported all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System.

5.3 Approvers

Managers and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted;
  • Verifying any personal or external professional activities are excluded;
  • Verifying any external professional activities declared by traveler are reported in the Conflict of Interest System.

Travelers who are in violation of this Policy are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-2020Accounts PayableUpdated to comply with WorkDay transition.
04-2017Accounts PayablePolicy updates

Conference Registration

Conference Registration
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email

Registration Fees
Registration fees are reimbursable when required for participation in a workshop, seminar, convention or conference, which an employee is authorized to attend as an official representative of the Institute.

Fees for activities such as sight-seeing, field trip, or banquets are not reimbursable. Any fees representing official activities must be justified in writing as to the business purpose of the event/activity.

Registration Payment
Payment for registration fees will be made in one of three ways:

  1. Procurement Card (PCard) - the preferred method of payment and a best practice;
  2. Reimbursement to the traveler via the submission of an expense report in the Institute's Financial System;
  3. Submission of a Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) via the Institute's Financial System.

Reimbursement requests made via the submission of an expense report must be supported by a paid receipt or copy of the check, or a bank statement showing check date and amount. A registration form/brochure indicating the conference name, dates and cost must accompany the request. Any part of a registration fee applicable to meals will be reported as a meal expense, if the cost can be identified. Otherwise, if meals are included as part of the registration fee, those meals should not be claimed as per diem meal allowances.

Prepayment using the PCard should be supported by a copy of the completed registration form and a copy of the e-receipt if using the PCard.

Prepayment of registration fees is supported with the submission of a SIR in Workday for payment via check, or payment should alternatively be made via PCard, which is preferred. In situations where the PCard cannot be used or prepayment is out of pocket, and submitted for reimbursement in advance of the event, department financial administrative managers are responsible for ensuring employees participate in the event.

Employee Direct Deposit

Employee Direct Deposit
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Policy Statement

Reimbursement for employees will be via EFT direct deposit for all employees that have direct deposit set up through Payroll/OneUSG.

The direct deposit of employee reimbursement will be made to the primary bank/credit union account as designated in Payroll/OneUSG.

Bank account information can be maintained by the employee via OneUSG. Employees that are not enrolled in direct deposit for payroll, including affiliate employees that do not receive payroll, will receive a check. Employees that make a change to their direct deposit may receive a check during the pre-note period until account information is verified by their financial institution.

Foreign Travel

Foreign Travel
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Policy Statement

See Policy 6.2 Authorization of Travel for the complete policy regarding export control review and TA approval for international trips.


Please see Policy 6.6 Air Transportation for a detailed explanation on the use of Institute, GTRC and Foundation funds for business class travel.

The Fly America Act
Use of U.S. Flag Air Carriers

a. The General Services Administration issued an amendment to the Federal Travel Regulations in the November 13, 1998 edition of the Federal Register (Vol. 63, No. 219). The amendment relates to the use of U.S. flag air carriers under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 40118, which is commonly referred to as the Fly America Act.

b. Any air transportation to, from, between or within a country other than the U.S. of persons or property, the expense of which will be assisted by federal funding, must be performed by, or under a code-sharing arrangement with, a U.S. flag air carrier if service provided by such a carrier is “available” (see Comp. Gen. Decision B-240956, dated September 25, 1991). Tickets must identify the U.S. flag air carrier’s designator code and flight number.

c. For the purposes of this requirement, U.S. flag air carrier service is considered “available” even though:

  1. comparable or a different kind of service can be provided at less cost by a foreign-flag air carrier;
  2. foreign-flag air carrier service is preferred by or is more convenient for federal funding or traveler; or
  3. service by a foreign-flag air carrier can be paid for in excess foreign currency.

d. The following rules apply unless their application would result in the first or last leg of travel from or to the U.S. being performed by a foreign-flag air carrier:

  1. a U.S. flag air carrier shall be used to destination or, in the absence of direct or through service, to the farthest interchange point on a usually traveled route;
  2. if a U.S. flag air carrier does not serve an origin or interchange point, a foreign-flag air carrier shall be used only to the nearest interchange point on a usually traveled route to connect with a U.S. flag air carrier; or
  3. if a U.S. flag air carrier involuntarily reroutes the traveler via a foreign-flag carrier, the foreign-flag air carrier may be used notwithstanding the availability of alternative U.S. flag air carrier service.

Use of Foreign-Flag Air Carriers

a. Travel To and From the U.S. - Use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if the airport abroad is:

  1. the traveler’s origin or destination airport, and use of U.S. flag air carrier service would extend the time in a travel status by at least 24 hours more than travel by a foreign-flag carrier; or
  2. an interchange point, and use of U.S. flag air carrier service would increase the number of aircraft changes the traveler must make outside of the U.S. by 2 or more, would require the traveler to wait four hours or more to make connections at that point, or would extend the time in a travel status by at least six hours more than travel by a foreign-flag air carrier.

b. Travel Between Points Outside the U.S. - Use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if travel by a:

  1. Foreign-flag air carrier would eliminate two or more aircraft changes en route;
  2. U.S. flag air carrier would extend the time in a travel status by at least four hours more than travel by a foreign-flag air carrier and the travel is not part of the trip to or from the U.S.; or
  3. U.S. flag air carrier would require a connecting time of four hours or more at an overseas interchange point.

c. Short Distance Travel. For all short distance travel, regardless of origin and destination, use of a foreign-flag air carrier is permissible if the elapsed travel time on a scheduled flight from origin to destination airport by a foreign-flag air carrier is three hours or less and service by a U.S. flag air carrier would double the travel time.

Rental Cars
Employees should always request all available insurance for foreign rentals, as standard Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and Liability Damage Waiver (LDW) coverage may not be included. Insurance on foreign rentals is fully reimbursable.

Foreign Meal Allowances
Meal expenses will be reimbursed according to the federal per diem rate (minus the incidentals) established for the travel destination. Reimbursement for alcoholic beverages is not permitted.

Conversion Rates
When requesting reimbursement, all amounts claimed should be in U.S. Dollars. Each receipt should have the conversion to U.S. dollars clearly noted next to the foreign charge. Conversion rates can vary, the rate used should be included with the backup documentation. Travelers may submit documentation for currency exchange centers, web currency conversion rates (,, etc), or may calculate the conversion used by credit card providers on the traveler’s statement.

State Department Travel Advisories 
Information regarding travel warnings, consular information sheets and public announcements can be found at the U.S. State Department web site

Value Added Tax (VAT) Recovery
Georgia Tech has contracted with a primary agent for recovery of VAT tax related to international travel and study abroad activities.

All net recovered funds are posted to an institutional account, unless a VAT stamp is used on the original invoice with an appropriate designated worktag. Refunds can take up to 9 months to receive via the foreign revenue agents and a collection fee is deducted from all refunds.

General Information and Definitions

General Information and Definitions
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This statement sets forth the authority, policies, regulations and procedures governing official travel for Georgia Tech employees.

Policy Statement

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia is responsible for travel policies for the University System. Policies and procedures are contained in the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual. In addition the State of Georgia State Accounting Office is authorized to adopt rules and regulations governing travel policies that promote economy and efficiency in state government and which treat employees fairly and equitably.

The policies and procedures set forth in the travel statements apply to reimbursements from state funds, foundation funds and sponsored funds, unless the sponsored agreement specifically states otherwise.

Authorization to travel must be obtained prior to travel from the unit head or their authorized designee.

Travel is for official Georgia Tech business and is contingent upon the availability of funds.

Employees required to travel are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable, necessary and allowable incurred expenses. Additional expenses incurred for personal preferences or convenience are the responsibility of the traveler.

Questions regarding travel policies and procedures should be directed to the Travel Team in Procurement &Business Services by submitting a ServiceNow request.

In the case of dispute of reimbursable expenses, the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance will make the final decision regarding the allowability of expenses.

Policy Terms

State Employee
Any Georgia Tech employee, whether temporary or permanent, who is paid through Georgia Tech payroll.

In-State Travel
Travel within the borders of Georgia.

Out-of-state Travel
Includes any travel outside the state of Georgia, including foreign travel.


IRS Accountable Plan Rule for Official Institute Travel
Expense reimbursements to employees by the Institute are not taxable to an employee if the reimbursements are made under an accountable plan. The accountable plan for IRS purposes is Georgia Tech's travel policy. Employee reimbursements that comply with our travel reimbursement policy are not reportable as income. Reimbursements that exceed our travel reimbursement policy may be reportable as income and reported on the employee's annual W-2 or 1042-s form. Information regarding the IRS policy for reimbursements that do not comply with our accountable plan rules can be found in IRS Publication 15-B: Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits Publication 463: Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses provides information regarding the tax issues related to these topics.

Foreign Travel and Special Export Control Policies
International travel regulations include special export control compliance policies. Review "travel authorization procedures" for detailed information.

Employee Travel & Expense System
All travel authorizations and expense reimbursements for employees are to be submitted through the Institute’s Financial System. This system includes travel policy compliance edits and electronic approval workflow. Each campus department is responsible for assigning appropriate administrative and financial approvers for their unit.

Ground Transportation (Mileage, Parking, Taxi and Rail)

Ground Transportation (Mileage, Parking, Taxi and Rail)
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline ground transportation requirements to Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office, and Georgia Tech travel policies.

Policy Statement

Authorized travel should be made via the most economical mode of transportation, consistent with the purpose of the travel. A careful analysis of the distance, timeliness, and overall cost factors of a trip should be considered.

Only authorized business expenses compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies will be reimbursed. If receipts are not available, an explanation must be given from the departure location to the destination location for each such item requested for reimbursement.


Use of Personal Vehicle for Campus Travel
Mileage for on-campus travel is not reimbursable.

Use of Personal Vehicle for Out-of-state Travel
Travel outside of Georgia will be reimbursed based on the lower of: (1) the lowest available coach airfare, or (2) the actual mileage rate. Meals and lodging en route to the destination may not be claimed for reimbursement during the period when the Traveler would not be en route if they were traveling by common air carrier. See Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting below for additional information.

Use of Personal Vehicle for Travel to an Airport
Reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle to travel to/from the home airport may be made for mileage reimbursement for one round-trip to and from an airport. Mileage is calculated from home or headquarters (whichever is closer) on regular workdays. If the Traveler is dropped off at the airport, only a one-way mileage reimbursement (from home or headquarters) may be claimed on day of departure and day of return. On weekends and holidays mileage may be reimbursed from the actual point of departure. See Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting below for additional information.

Personal Vehicles Mileage Rate
Transportation expenses incurred for use of personally owned automobiles will be reimbursed at the rate per mile as provided by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Reimbursement will only be allowed for actual miles traveled in the performance of official duties. The official State of Georgia rate is tied to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The current mileage reimbursement rate for personally owned automobiles can be found in the State Accounting Office Mileage Policy.

Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting
Travelers may be reimbursed for the mileage incurred from one point of departure to travel destinations as listed below:

  • If a Traveler departs from headquarters, mileage is calculated from headquarters to the destination point.
  • If a Traveler departs from his/her residence, mileage is calculated from the residence to the destination point, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles. For the return trip, if a Traveler returns to headquarters, mileage is calculated based on the distance to such headquarters.
  • If a Traveler returns to his/her residence, mileage is calculated based on the distance to the residence, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles.

Claims for mileage in excess of the most direct route from the point of departure to destination (due to field visits, picking up passengers, etc.) must be explained in the comments section of the expense report. When traveling with a personal vehicle, reimbursement for mileage to the travel destination should not exceed the equivalent total cost of transportation (i.e. airfare, airport parking, ground transportation etc.) at least two weeks in advance of the trip. A quote for total cost transportation is to be obtained from Georgia Tech’s travel management company for comparison with mileage for the trip. Reimbursement for mileage is limited to the official travel miles up to the total cost for transportation.

Other Expenses
In addition to the mileage reimbursement, a Traveler may be reimbursed for costs associated with official use of the vehicle. These costs include tolls and parking. Actual toll expenses may be reimbursed. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be in the comments section of the expense report for these items. Actual parking fees may be reimbursed. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be included in the comments section of the expense report for these items.

Point of Departure
If the date of departure is a weekend or holiday, the initial departure point will be the Traveler’s actual point of departure. If the date of departure is during a Traveler’s normal work week (regardless of time of day), the initial point of departure shall be the individual's residence or headquarters, whichever is nearer the destination.


Shuttle / Taxi / Other Public Transportation
Shuttle service, taxi or trolley fares may be reimbursed when actually incurred in connection with common carrier transportation to and from railroad, plane, bus terminals or meeting places if necessary. Taxi expenses related to personal travel are not reimbursable.
Although receipts are recommended, Travelers are not required to submit receipts for travel by mass transportation, taxi, or airport vans. An explanation must be given from the departure location to the destination location for each such item requested for reimbursement. All transportation expenses should be itemized in the expense report in Georgia Tech’s financial system.

Travel by Railroad
State agencies may reimburse Travelers for the actual cost of rail transportation, provided the appropriate personnel authorized the travel expense in advance. Travelers must obtain the lowest possible fare.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.
5.1 Traveler

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

5.2.Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.


Managers and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted.

Travelers who are in violation of this policy may not receive reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12/2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with WorkDay implementation.
04/ 2011Accounts PayablePolicy updates


Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline lodging requirements for Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and Georgia Tech travel policies.

Policy Statement

Reimbursement is limited to the actual cost of lodging expense supported by itemized receipts. Reimbursement for lodging within a 50-mile radius of a person's residence and where the person is away 12 hours or less is not allowable. For exceptions, see Georgia Tech Travel Policy 6.14 Retreats and Campus Workshops Faculty and Staff.

Travelers staying overnight are responsible for ensuring the most reasonable and economical lodging rates are obtained. To accomplish this, Travelers should:

  • Make reservations in advance, whenever practical
  • Take advantage of conference hotel rates to obtain economical rates
  • Obtain corporate/government rates, whenever possible

Overnight lodging rates that exceed $500 per night require approval from the Director of Accounts Payable and Travel or the Senior Director of Business Services prior to the submission of the spend authorization.  A detailed email with justification of the expense must be sent prior to making the reservation.

The State Accounting Office prohibits the use of domestic lodging in any private residence including AirBnB (Air Bed and Breakfast), VRBO (Vacation Rent By Owner) and/or similar services as a lodging option even when it presents cost savings, and regardless of the funding source. Travelers on international travel status are exempt from this requirement, provided there is not actual or perceived conflict of interest.

Travelers who stay at a hotel that is holding a scheduled meeting or seminar may incur lodging expenses that exceed the rates generally considered reasonable. The higher cost should be justified in order to avoid excessive transportation costs between a lower cost hotel and the location of the meeting.

When a room is shared with other Travelers, and there is an incremental cost related to the extra Traveler, reimbursement will be calculated on a pro rata share of the total cost and must be claimed separately by each Traveler. Each Traveler's (if both are GT employees) Expense Report should indicate the name of the Traveler with whom the room was shared and the Appropriate cost center number and driver worktag of the other Traveler. If the incremental cost for additional persons is not significant, one Traveler can claim the entire room expense.

State of Georgia Hotel/Motel Excise Tax Exemption
All Travelers lodging within the State of Georgia on official business are exempt from paying local hotel/motel excise tax, [OCGA 48-13-51 (H) (3)], regardless of the payment method being used.  Travelers must be able to provide proper identification to document their employment as a state or local government employee.

Travelers are required to submit the Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form when they check-in to their hotel/motel. If the hotel/motel refuses to accept the form at check-in, the Traveler should attempt to resolve the issue with hotel management before checking out at the end of their stay. If the matter is not resolved by the time the employee checks out, the employee should pay the tax. The employee should explain the payment of the tax as an unusual expense on their travel expense statement.

Georgia Tech is authorized to reimburse the Traveler for the hotel tax if the Traveler provides Georgia Tech with the following information: Traveler name: date(s) of lodging; name, address, and telephone number of hotel, and documentation from the hotel of their refusal to omit the appropriate excise tax. Georgia Tech will forward this information to the State Accounting Office.

Travelers should make every effort to avoid payment of hotel/motel excise tax. Failure of the employee to submit the Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form to the hotel/motel may result in non-reimbursement of the tax to the Traveler.

Per the Transportation Funding Act of 2015, effective July 1, 2015 hotels in the state of Georgia will charge a $5.00 per room per night hotel tax to travelers. Travelers are not exempt from this tax.

State of Georgia Sales Tax Exemption
Visitors and guests of Georgia Tech are exempt from State of Georgia Sales Tax when the payment method being used for lodging is direct bill to Georgia Tech.

Payment for hotel accommodations will be made after the trip in the form of reimbursement to the Traveler as requested on a travel expense report.

Claims for reimbursement should be reported by date, hotel name and amount for each day of lodging claimed.

Claims for reimbursement must be documented by a "paid" copy of the bill. Credit card receipts or canceled checks are not acceptable receipts. A travel advance can be obtained through Georgia Tech Research Corporation for all lodging pre-paid by an employee.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

5.2.Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

5.3. Approvers

 Managers and Supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted.

Employees who are in violation of this policy are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-2023Accounts PayableUpdated to conform with State Accounting Policy changes addressing time away from residence.
12-2020Accounts PayableUpdates to align with WorkDay implementation
08-2018Accounts PayablePolicy updates
01-2025Accounts PayableUpdated to Align with State Accounting Office Policy.

Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses

Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements for meals and incidental travel expenses for Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and Georgia Tech travel policies.

Policy Statement

General Meal Per Diem Guidelines
Meals are reimbursable on a per diem basis (not actual expenses) for overnight official business travel outside the Traveler’s primary work or educational location. Georgia Tech’s financial management system will provide the proper per diem amounts based on travel to specific cities. Daily meal allowances are divided into breakfast, lunch and dinner amounts, and include taxes and tips. Travelers should deduct specific meals where required, as outlined in the “Required Meal Claim Deductions” section below. Per diem expenses do not require receipts to be provided. A formal written agenda which includes session times and any meals provided is required as supporting documentation for conferences, meetings and training.

For all travel, both in and out of state, travelers are eligible for only 75% of the total day's per diem rate on the first and last day of travel.

Reimbursement for meals per diem within a 50-mile radius of a Traveler’s primary work or educational location is generally not allowable, unless in conjunction with a Georgia Tech sponsored event (see section 6.14 - Retreats and Campus Workshops for Faculty and Staff or approved to provide support during a campus emergency.

Required Meal Claim Deductions
If meals are provided at a conference or event, or if meals are part of a registration fee, the meals must be deducted from the per diem reimbursement for each meal provided. Meal deductions include those provided by hotels, meetings, conferences, or any other source. If a breakfast, lunch, dinner, or reception is offered as part of the travel event and the quantity of food and event timing is sufficient to serve as a meal, the Traveler must reduce the per diem by the appropriate allowance amount. If a meal is offered as part of a conference and the traveler has medical restrictions, dietary, or religious convictions that restrict or prohibit consumption, the traveler should make every effort to have the conference facilitate his/her needs by the deadline specified by the conference. If the conference does not honor the request, the traveler is not required to deduct the applicable meal allowance from the per diem. However, the traveler must include a note or other documentation with the Travel Expense Report to document this information. 

Meal Per Diem Expenses Associated with Overnight Travel within Non-High Cost Areas in Georgia
Travelers staying overnight for all cities within the State of Georgia will be paid a per diem amount designed to cover the cost of three meals per day for all days of travel. See the following link to meal per diem allowances on the State Accounting Office website: Travelers staying overnight within the State of Georgia non-high cost areas will receive 75% reimbursement on the first and last day of travel, less any provided meal(s).

Travelers whose primary work or education location is out of the state of Georgia and are visiting a non-high cost Georgia location will be reimbursed for 75% of the per diem amount on first and last day.

Deductions must be made for any meals that have been provided as outlined in the Required Meal Claim Deductions section above.

Meal Per Diem Expenses Associated with Overnight Travel outside Georgia

(Domestic U.S. and International Travel)
Meal expenses will be paid for using the United States General Services Administration established rates for the travel destination, found here:  The Georgia Tech’s financial system will pull rates effective at the time of travel for the travel location where the employee spends the night.

Travelers are eligible for 75% of the total per diem rate on the first and last day of travel, and deductions must be made for any meals that have been provided as outlined in the Required Meal Claim Deductions section.

Meal Per Diem During Non-Overnight Travel: One-Day Trips
Travelers on Georgia Tech business with no overnight travel involved, or who are on one-day trips, are not eligible for any meal per diem allowance. This also applies to Travelers whose primary work or education location are based out of the State of Georgia.

Each department head or their delegate is to determine the reasonableness of when an overnight stay is justified. 

Per diem Calculation
For overnight travel, the calculation is based on the location of lodging for each night of travel. For the final return date, the meal per diem is based on the location of the prior night’s lodging.

For trips involving multiple travel destinations, base the reduction on the per diem rate in effect where the night was spent as follows:

  • Departure Day: Where you spend the night.
  • Return Day: Where you spent the night before returning to your residence or primary work or education location.

When Georgia Tech's financial management system is unable to provide the per diem amounts based on travel to specific cities or destinations, a custom per diem rate may be used. A valid justification is to be provided whenever a custom per diem rate is used.

Entertainment Expenses
Learn more about requirements for entertainment expenses here. Entertainment expenses in support of Georgia Tech business activities are processed through the Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF), Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC), or Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC).

Special Approval for Meals Associated with Campus Emergencies
Meals may be allowable for extraordinary situations when Georgia Tech employees are required by their supervisor to work more than a twelve-hour workday or six hours on a non-scheduled weekend, to meet crucial deadlines or handle campus emergencies, such as weather events. All special meal (and associated hotel) needs must have prior approval from the President’s Office (or designee), unless specific authority for approval has been delegated to a department head for a period not to exceed one fiscal year.

Group Catering/Meeting Meal Expenses
Refer to the Group Meal Policy 5.2.19 for the policy regarding allowable meal expenses related to intra-departmental meetings or training sessions.

Incidental Expenses
Actual incidental expenses are reimbursed separately and include fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, bellhops, hotel housekeeping, and hotel staff.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) and students traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel.  Travelers must also ensure any personal or external professional activities have been excluded from the reimbursement. 

5.2. Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

5.3. Approvers

Manager and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted.



Travelers who are in violation of this Policy are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline a secure and confidential reporting system, at:


Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
6/30/2022Accounts PayableUpdated to conform with State Accounting Office Requirements.

Accounts PayableUpdated to conform with State Accounting Office Requirements.
12/2020Accounts PayableUpdates to comply with WorkDay transition.
07/2018Accounts PayableClarified per diem requirements.
08/2012Accounts PayableNew Policy


Miscellaneous Travel Expenses

Miscellaneous Travel Expenses
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email

Reimbursable expenses while on official travel status include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Airfare change fees, if change required by business needs
  • Baggage handling services
  • Business office expenses (copy services, postage, supplies < $500)
  • Business related phone calls, faxes, and internet usage charges and fees
  • Transportation costs from lodging or businesses to restaurants
  • Conference/Registration fees
  • Costs related to passports and travel visas when necessary to accomplish the official business purpose of the trip
  • Costs related to vaccinations required and/or recommended for international business travel
  • Currency conversion fees, including lost currency value associated with exchange trade-in value
  • Hotel maid service tips for international lodging, when required by custom
  • Insurance: Personal Accident for rental cars-international (PAI,SLI,PEP,PEI)
  • Insurance: Emergency evacuation/repatriation (international destinations only)
  • Insurance: Trip cancellation (only for situations where a non-refundable airfare was booked for a trip where interruption/cancellation is likely and insurance coverage is less expensive than a fully refundable airfare)
  • Laundry and cleaning expenses on trips lasting seven calendar days or more


Non-reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Airline, car, and card membership dues and club fees, including daily club fees
  • Air travel/TSA Pre-Check expedited security clearance memberships
  • Travel upgrade fees, when fees are for personal choice rather than business need
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Bank charges for ATM withdrawals, except during international travel
  • Check cashing fees
  • Childcare and dependent care costs
  • Clothing and toiletry items
  • Commuting between Residence and Primary Work Station/Headquarters
  • Country Club dues
  • Expenses related to vacation or personal days taken before, during, or after a business trip
  • Gas/fuel charges for personal vehicles (the approved mileage rate includes estimated allowance for gas, wear and tear on the vehicle, and maintenance)
  • Expenses that are not paid out of pocket or paid with gift cards
  • Haircuts and personal grooming
  • Insurance: Personal Accident for rental cars-domestic (PAI,SLI,PEP,PEI) and other personal expenses such as rental of child car seats, additional driver (unless on official GT business), and roadside assistance (otherwise covered using state contract vendors)
  • Laundry, cleaning, pressing costs for trips of less than seven days
  • Lost Baggage
  • Loyalty or reward points including skymiles
  • Luggage or briefcases
  • Medical expenses while traveling (Exceptions may be made to accommodate ADA compliance)
  • Mini-bar charges
  • Movies and pay-for-view entertainment
  • No-show/Cancellation fees or fees related to hotel late check-out (unless business or weather related)
  • Non-insured loss of cash/personal belongings
  • Personal reading materials (magazines, newspapers, etc)
  • Personal vehicle maintenance (the approved mileage rate includes estimated allowance for gas, wear and tear on the vehicle, and maintenance)
  • Personal entertainment
  • Personal pet care
  • Personal business gifts (except when required by international business custom, if allowable funds are used)
  • Recreational expenses including fitness center access and spa treatments
  • Traffic citations, parking tickets, court fees, or other fines
  • Travel accident insurance premiums
  • Travel expenses for dependents that accompany employees on official business trips
  • Valet services for parking, when self-parking options are available, unless there are valid security reasons


Revision Date Author Description
11-2020 Accounts Payable Policy clarifications to address non-reimbursable expenses.
11-2014 Accounts Payable Format changes and minor verbiage updates were made to comply with the State Accounting Office official travel regulation.

Non-Employee Travel

Non-Employee Travel
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements for non-employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and the Institute travel policies.

Policy Statement

Non-employees (students, official guests/visitors) traveling on official Institute business are required to follow the same travel policies/procedures used by employees. All travel reimbursements to non-employees must be submitted via the Georgia Tech’s financial management system on an Expense Report. Non-employees must follow the Institute's accountable plan for travel, which requires original receipts be submitted for reimbursement. Travelers should submit all expenses for reimbursement and reconciliation within 10 days of the completion of the event or trip. Reconciliation should not exceed 45 calendar days.

For the purpose of travel reimbursement, any students who are active on Payroll must submit their travel reimbursements via the Institute’s Financial System.


This policy applies to all units of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Policy Terms
External Committee Member (ECM)All Non-employees (students, official guests/visitors) seeking reimbursement are to be set up as an External Committee Member (ECM) within Georgia Tech’s financial management system.

Prospective Employees / Students / Official Guests
Travel reimbursement for official GT business is allowed for students authorized to travel for participation in academic programs and sanctioned student events, students enrolled to take classes at Georgia Tech, and individuals being recruited as potential students. Also included is research, academic conference, or academic event travel funded by a grant awarded to GT which authorizes non employee travel.

Job applicant travel associated with an interview is also allowable as specified by Georgia Tech policy. In order to reimburse job applicants one of the following situations must apply:

  • Interview expenses are included in the contract with an external search firm;
  • A job applicant is required to deliver a presentation on a subject matter applicable to the position applied for; or
  • Family members who accompany the candidate may have their expenses reimbursed by an affiliated organization (i.e. Georgia  Tech Foundation, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, or Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation if approved in advance.

Non-employees will be reimbursed for either (a) the actual cost of the coach/economy airfare from their home to GT place of business or (b) mileage at the rate allowed by the state of Georgia. Original receipts must be submitted.

Direct billing of airfare is available through Georgia Tech's contracted agency. Contact the Institute's Travel Management Company to make travel arrangements. For non-employees traveling on official business with Georgia Tech, the department is to complete the Single Trip Direct Bill Form. 

Form is to be reviewed by the Cost Center Manager for completeness and appropriateness and forwarded to the Institute’s Travel Management Company Travel Inc via email to: prior to the issuance of any ticket. It is the departments' responsibility to ensure the Institute’s Travel Management Company has booked the ticket. The department and traveler should receive an e-mail confirmation (e-itinerary) showing that the ticket has been booked.

Lodging expenses for prospective employees and other official guests will be reimbursed after the trip. If the lodging is paid directly by the Institution through direct bill the hotel should not collect any taxes associated with the lodging expenses. The list of hotels in the Atlanta area that accept direct billing can be found on the Business Services website.

Non-employees will be reimbursed for the State of Georgia per diem rate for Atlanta, or if visiting other locations outside of Georgia, the federal per diem rate (minus incidentals) for that location. Receipts are not required.

Miscellaneous Expenses
The miscellaneous travel expenses of non-employees will be reimbursed according to the employee travel guidelines.

Reimbursing Travel Expenses
When requesting reimbursement for travel expenses, non employees need to itemize the actual cost of transportation, lodging (daily), meals (daily), and miscellaneous expenses. Itemized folio receipts for lodging expenses and original receipts for all other expenses (with the exception of meals) are required in order to be reimbursed.

Student Travel
Undergraduate students that are not active on Payroll traveling in support of a student activity (sport, club, academic, research) will report expenses as external committee members (ECM's) on an expense report via Georgia Tech's Financial Management System.

Consultants / Independent Contractors
An independent contractor must include travel expenses in the fees they charge to the Institute, unless specified otherwise in the contract.

Reimbursement for Independent Contractor Travel
Individuals providing independent contract service will be compensated for associated business expenses such as travel. Documentation for payment must be either a fully executed professional service agreement or an invoice. The professional service agreement may state a fee plus expenses, or simply a fee. If the service agreement states a fee plus expenses, the expenses should be listed separately on the invoice and will be reported on the IRS Form 1099-Misc. Meals will be reimbursed at the current daily per diem rate set by the State of Georgia, unless specified differently in the contract.

IRS Tax Reporting
Original receipts should be retained by the independent contractor, all appropriate payments will be reported to the IRS as compensation on the form 1099-Misc.


Refer to the Travel Authorizatoin Policy for Employees.


All non-employees traveling on behalf of the Institute are to adhere to the Non-Employee Travel Policy or are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

To resport suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech's Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system at:

Reimbursement for Travel Expenses - Employees

Reimbursement for Travel Expenses - Employees
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline reimbursement of travel expense requirements for Georgia Tech employees traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office, and Georgia Tech policies.

Policy Statement

All Travelers seeking reimbursement for travel expenses incurred for the performance of official duties must seek reimbursement via Georgia Tech’s financial management system. Travelers must obtain authorization to travel, via Spend Authorization, prior to traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech. Learn more about Authorization of Travel requirements here.

Expense Report
Travelers are required to submit an expense report via Georgia Tech’s financial management system and to attest to the accuracy and completeness of their claim for travel reimbursement. Travelers must exclude any personal or outside professional activities. A Spend Authorization must be associated with the expense report in Georgia Tech’s financial management system to facilitate reimbursement for out of state travel.

The Traveler’s manager, cost center manager (or their delegate) and driver worktag manager(s) must review and approve or deny all expense reports. Travelers may not process or approve their own expense report. Approval of the expense report indicates that the travel expense was authorized, reasonable, allowable, and that the claim is complete and accurate. In no case is a subordinate authorized to approve an expense report for their supervisor or manager.

Travelers can only be reimbursed for their travel expenses and cannot be reimbursed for other Traveler’s expenses. State reporting of travel expenses requires that reimbursement to an Traveler covers only those expenses pertaining to that specific and individual employee's expenses.  

Receipts and Supporting Documentation

  • An official or formal written agenda which includes session times must be submitted with expense reports for conferences and seminars. 

Itemized receipts are required for the following:  

  • Air, lodging, and rental cars  
  • Visa/Passport fees  
  • Conference registration fees (6.11: Conference Registration)
  • All single expenditures of $25 or greater  
  • Gasoline purchased for rental vehicles  
  • Parking  
  • Highway tolls  
  • Mass Transit tickets  
  • Taxi fares  
  • Airport vans  

A copy of a redacted bank statement may be required if sufficient document for a credit card payment is not provided. Travelers should remove or block any sensitive information (social security number, all but the last four digits of a credit card, etc.) on receipts and supporting documentation. Approvers should also review the documentation at the time of approval to ensure that all sensitive information is removed or blocked out. 

Travelers must attest that they are eligible for the requested reimbursement for performance of official business on behalf of Georgia Tech, and have not received nor will seek reimbursement from any other source for any of the expenses claimed. Approval of expense requests attests to the necessity of the travel and ensures that travel expenses are reasonable in nature and amount.

Expense Reimbursement Submission Timeliness
Travelers should submit all expenses for reimbursement and reconciliation within 10 days of the completion of the event or trip but no later than 45 calendar days. Expenses submitted more than 60 calendar days after completion of the trip or event, if reimbursed, may be considered taxable income. See IRS publication 5137 for further detailsExpense reports submitted in excess of one calendar year after the date of travel may not be reimbursed. 

Travelers with small dollar reimbursement requests should wait to submit an expense request until the amount reaches $10. 

Travelers should consolidate expense claims for local parking, mileage, telecom and supply purchases into a monthly claim reimbursement.  

Travelers with Physical and/or Medical Conditions

The impact of travelers with physical and/or medical conditions, while on Georgia Tech travel, should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Georgia Tech requires full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Each department has the authority to provide reasonable accommodations for travelers with disabilities.  

All Travelers are to be afforded equal opportunity to perform travel for official business even if the travel costs for Travelers with disabilities will exceed what would normally be most economical to Georgia Tech. Examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • When a Traveler uses a wheelchair, it may be necessary for the Traveler to fly on a larger airplane that accommodates the wheelchair. In this case, there may be an increase in the cost of the airline ticket.  
  • When a traveler has hearing or vision impairments, there may be a cost of providing auxiliary aids and services to enable the traveler to successfully accomplish the purpose of the travel.  

The extra travel costs required to comply with ADA shall be documented and kept on file by the approver.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate spend authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel. The Traveler is also responsible for ensuring any personal or external professional activities have been excluded from the reimbursement.  Additionally, the Traveler is responsible for declaring any external professional activities or vacation associated with a business trip, and reporting all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System. 

5.2. Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate spend authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel. The expense preparer is also responsible for verifying any personal or external professional activities are excluded from the reimbursement.  The expense preparer should also verify the Traveler has declared any external professional activities or vacation associated with a business trip and has reported all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System.

5.3. Approvers

Manager and supervisor, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted;
  • Verifying any personal or external professional activities are excluded;
  • Verifying any external professional activities declared by traveler are reported in the Conflict of Interest System.



Travelers who are in violation of this Policy are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Helpline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:


Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-2020Accounts PayableUpdates to align with Workday
01-2015Business ServicesUpdate to Verbiage
08-2012Business ServicesNew Policy

Rental Vehicles

Rental Vehicles
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements for Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business with rental vehicles in compliance to University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and the Institute travel policies.

Policy Statement

Authorized travel should be made via the most economical mode of transportation, consistent with the purpose of the travel. A careful analysis of the distance, timeliness, and overall cost factors of a trip should be considered.

Statewide Vehicle Rental Contracts
A rental vehicle may be used when it is necessary and convenient in the performance of an employee's official duties. Rental vehicles will not be authorized routinely for the execution of official duties involving high volume travel for which transportation by a personally owned or institutionally owned vehicle would be more appropriate. Employees must pay for rental cars at time of rental and seek reimbursement. Authorization to rent a vehicle must be granted prior to travel. Rental of luxury vehicles is not permitted. When employees share a rental vehicle, that information should be indicated in the Institute’s Financial System with the name of the travelers with whom the vehicle was shared.

Georgia Tech has State of Georgia-DOAS mandatory rental car contracts for employees traveling on official business. Please refer to the Introduction to State Contracts DOAS website for further details.

Travelers must quote the state contract number in order to receive the collision and liability insurance coverage. To ensure that the proper vendor, contract and insurance is obtained, all car rentals should be reserved via Georgia Tech’s travel management company.

Personal accident and effects insurance on rental vehicles are not reimbursable (PAI, PEP, PEI). Collision and liability insurance costs are reimbursable (CDW, LCW), if not using one of the mandatory state contracts). Supplemental liability insurance is not reimbursable (SLI, LIS). The contract ID must be quoted at the time of reservation in order to receive the CDW and LDW at no additional cost.

Other Considerations

  • When traveling internationally, all rental car insurance offered should be purchased. These expenses are fully reimbursable via the Institute’s Financial System.
  • If a rental car from a Georgia Tech or Statewide contractual agency is not available for domestic rental, then CDW and LCW insurance must be purchased.


In addition to rental fees, an employee may be reimbursed for costs associated with official use of the vehicle. These costs include:

  • Gasoline - Original receipts must be submitted.
  • Additional Drivers - This is reimbursable only if the additional driver is also on authorized travel for the Institute.
  • Navigation Systems - If required for remote locations and a business justification is provided.
  • Tolls - Actual toll expenses. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be entered into the description field in the Institute’s Financial System.
  • Parking - Actual parking fees. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be entered into the description field in the Institute’s Financial System.
  •  Child seats and other personal expenses are not reimbursable.

All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech and seeking reimbursement.

Policy Terms

Car Insurance Acronyms

Collision & Damage Waiver (CDW)
Liability & Collision Waiver (LCW)
Supplemental liability insurance (SLI)
Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS)
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
Personal Effects Protection (PEP)
Personal Effects Insurance (PEI)

5.1 Traveler

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring the travel is to perform business duties on behalf of Georgia Tech, the appropriate spend authorization is accurately completed, supporting documentation is submitted, and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel. The Traveler is also responsible for ensuring the appropriate travel class is reserved and for ensuring any personal or external professional activities have been excluded from the request for reimbursement. The Traveler is responsible for declaring any external professional activities or vacation associated with a business trip, and reporting all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System.

5.2 Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate spend authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.The expense preparer is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved and for verifying the Traveler excludes any personal or external professional activities from the reimbursement.  The expense preparer should also verify the Traveler has declared any external professional activities or vacation associated with such travel, and has reported all external activities in the Conflict of Interest System.

5.3 Approvers

Managers and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted;
  • Verifying any personal or external professional activities are excluded;
  • Verifying any external professional activities declared by traveler are reported in the Conflict of Interest System.

To report suspected ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech's Ethics Hotline a secure and confidential reporting system at:

Retreats and Campus Workshops for Faculty and Staff

Retreats and Campus Workshops for Faculty and Staff
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline requirements to Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business to retreats and campus workshops, ensuring Georgia Tech travelers successfully execute their travel requirements in a timely manner, while also ensuring compliance to University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office and the Institute travel policies.

Policy Statement

Institute funds may not be used for food and lodging for employees, except as noted below, unless the employee has traveled beyond a 50-mile radius from their residence and will be away more than 12 hours. Contracts for conferences must be signed by Procurement Services or the Office of Legal Affairs.

Day Workshops
A meal is only allowable for an intra-institutional meeting or training session if  it adheres to Policy - Procurement of Group Meals for Employees, Students, and Official Visitors. If a single invoice that is all inclusive (meeting space, meals, equipment, etc.) is provided from the conference location, the payment may be classified as a registration. Meals included as part of the registration of an event should not be itemized. If food is itemized, per diem rates will apply.
A copy of the conference, meeting, training or workshop agenda should be submitted with an approved invoice and forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment.

Workshops That Include Overnight Lodging
Training sessions or workshops that include overnight travel are allowable if the workshop location is over 50 miles from the employee's residence and they are away for more than 12 hours. Employees should pay for lodging and meals and submit reimbursement. Daily meal per diem limits must adhered to Travel Policy 6.4 the Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses policy.:

If an all-inclusive meeting price is billed on a summary invoice, that invoice should be approved and submitted to Accounts Payable with the following documentation:

  • Copy of the workshop agenda, including time of arrival/departure.
  • List of participants.
  • Classify the total, all-inclusive meeting expense as a registration.
  • A purchase order number

Reimbursement for Lodging and Meals within 50 Mile Radius of Residence
On occasion, Georgia Tech sponsors conferences, trade shows, and other functions which require personnel to work at the event. Georgia Tech may sponsor employee workshops that require groups of employees to be present at an off-site location. In most cases, the employees involved in these activities work less than 50 miles from the scheduled event site, therefore food and lodging would not be reimbursable to the employee. Employees should use the distance from their residence to the event in determining eligibility for overnight lodging. Exceptions may be granted if conference or workshop requires an employee to work more than 12 hours, be present on site the following day, and the employee plays a key role in the setup, break down or presentation of the conference or workshop.
The Director of AP/Travel or the Senior Director of Business Services is authorized to approve overnight travel for employees who are engaged in activities as described above. A detailed email and an agenda of the conference or workshop must be directed to the Director of AP/Travel or the Senior Director of Business Services for an exception approval prior to the event.

In addition to lodging, impacted employees may also be reimbursed for meals and mileage in accordance with the provisions of the Statewide Travel Regulations. Daily meal per diem limits will still apply.

Personnel deemed to be essential personnel or emergency personnel may also utilize this exception process in times of inclement weather or Institute emergencies.

It should be noted that this provision only applies to conferences and other Institute sponsored events that occur. This provision does not authorize persons to claim travel reimbursement for activities which are part of their normal responsibilities, nor does this exception apply to persons who are required to attend evening meetings, or local conferences, as part of their normal responsibilities.


All Georgia Tech employees, (includes faculty, staff, and students) traveling on behalf of the Institute and seeking reimbursement.


The traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate is obtained prior to the first day of traveling to perform business duties on behalf of the Institute. Traveler is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved.


Expense Preparer
The preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel. Expense preparer is also responsible for ensuring appropriate travel class is reserved.


Manager/Supervisor is responsible for reviewing the travel class prior to approval of a spend authorization and/or expense report, to validate the appropriateness, business purpose of the trip, trip is allowable, cost reasonableness, and ensuring all required supporting documentation is submitted


Employees who are in violation are at risk of not receiving reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations , please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12-2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with Workday
04-2011Accounts PayableNew Policy

Travel Advances

Travel Advances
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Policy Statement

Travel advances are not offered through the Institute using Institute funds. If travelers do not want to wait until after they return from a trip to be reimbursed for airfare, they can use direct billing via Travel Incorporated (see "Air Transportation").


Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) Travel Advances
Travel advances are available to support personnel in the performance of their professional responsibilities via GTRC. Travel Incorporated direct billing of airfare should be used to minimize requests. Because of the large amount of funds required for travel advances, the following procedures must be observed:

  1. Requests for travel advances are made on the Request for Travel Advance Form (or contract GTRC at 404-894-7043). The request form must be approved prior to preparation and release of travel advance checks by GTRC. A Georgia Tech Travel Authority form can be printed from the TechWorks Employee Travel & Expense System. It must accompany the Request for Travel Advance form.
  2. Requests for travel advances should be submitted to GTRC at least three business days before departure. Please avoid special "last minute" requests.
  3. Travel advances may not include airfare. Airfare should be directly billed via Travel Incorporated.
  4. Travel advance checks will be available no later than 12:00 Noon on the last working day before departure and are to be picked up in the GTRC office located in the Research Administration Building at 505 10th Street. Travel advance checks must be picked up prior to departure or will be considered null and void unless prior arrangements are made for pickup.
  5. Repayment of travel advance funds must be made in full no later than 15 working days after the employee's return to campus, or upon reimbursement of travel expenses - whichever comes FIRST. Repayment may be made in cash or personal checks payable to GTRC. Please keep the 15 day reimbursement in mind when submitting expenses.
  6. Reimbursement will be made to the traveler for the full amount of the travel expense submitted in the T&E System. The traveler is responsible for repaying the travel advance, in full, to GTRC.
  7. Only one travel advance may be outstanding from any individual at any time unless there is a sound, mitigating circumstance (for example, trip spaced less than 15 working days apart).
  8. Each month, GTRC will provide each School/Laboratory Director with a list of accounts that are significantly past due. If these accounts are not cleared within 10 working days, no advances will be issued to personnel of that School/Laboratory until the delinquent account is cleared. The individual involved will be issued no further advances for the next 12 months.

Trips Which Include Annual Leave / Personal Travel

Trips Which Include Annual Leave / Personal Travel
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Policy Statement

As a general rule, employees taking annual leave while away from headquarters home on official business are to keep travel expenses pertaining to official business separate. Only expenses incurred during and pertaining to the official travel will be reimbursed, or which would reasonably be expected to be incurred if only the official travel had occurred. The beginning and end trip dates should be included on the Travel Authorization. Personal travel dates should be noted and added in the “detailed trip description” field.

Reimbursement for airfare is limited to the least expensive round-trip airfare to the official destination point(s). Quotes for round-trip airfare for  the dates with and without annual leave should be obtained from the Institutes contracted travel management company (Travel Inc.),  as a cost comparison, to reflect the most economic airfare at least two weeks in advance.

Transportation, meals lodging and other expenses are not reimbursable for the time the employee is on annual leave or personal travel.

Reimbursement for a rental car and associated expenses are limited to the time/expenses associated with the official trip. Reimbursement for mileage is limited to the official travel miles only. If the rental amount includes personal travel, the total amount due should be prorated according to the number of days on official GT business.

When traveling with a personal vehicle, reimbursement for mileage to the travel destination should not exceed the equivalent cost of airfare at least two weeks in advance. A quote for airfare is to be obtained for comparison with mileage for the trip. Any travel expenses for travel time that exceeds one day will not be reimbursed.