
Telecommunications jbarber32

Broadband Connections for Faculty and Staff

Broadband Connections for Faculty and Staff
Type of Policy
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Info Tech- Information Security
Contact Name
Cas D'Angelo
Contact Title
OIT Telecommunications Director
Contact Email
Policy Statement

 It is the responsibility of Georgia Tech and each of its budgetary units to implement procedures to effectively use communication services and equipment at the lowest possible cost. With the rapid growth in requirements for high speed broadband network access (e.g. DSL, cable-modem) for some Georgia Tech faculty and staff, and with the Georgia Tech philosophy of unit-based management, heads of budgetary units (Vice Presidents, Deans, School Chairs, Department Heads) or their designee are authorized to acquire broadband services for faculty and staff when required for institutional purposes.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the eligibility criteria, acceptable usage, and administration of Georgia Tech-funded broadband service granted to faculty and staff members. Insofar as this policy deals with access to Georgia Tech computing and network resources, all relevant provisions in the Acceptable Use Policy, the Cyber Security Policy, and the Data Privacy Policy are applicable and included by reference in this document.

Eligibility and Acceptable Use

Granting Institute-funded broadband service to faculty and staff members by individual units on campus, with the express intent of conducting Institute business when it is demonstrated an employee cannot perform his/her duties without high speed (broadband service) access to the Internet and/or to the Georgia Tech network, or that improved performance and productivity ensuing from broadband service will justify the investment, shall be authorized under this policy. Each department is to maintain approved justification documentation for each approval of broadband service.

Examples of conditions under which broadband service may be granted to employees include:

  • Broadband service is required to achieve business objectives by an employee who routinely or predominantly telecommutes.
  • An employee cannot adequately meet communications needs with other available alternatives such as dial-up modems.
  • Broadband service is required for on-call personnel required to respond to critical system failures or service disruptions.
  • Broadband service is determined to be the most appropriate means of responding to campus emergencies.
  • Broadband service is needed to facilitate program and business access to campus and Internet resources to remotely conduct Institute business.

Georgia Tech will cover the cost of a competitive broadband service plan used primarily for job-related activities. Employees who wish to add personally-owned computers to any such plan must do so at their own expense. Furthermore, all broadband service users are reminded that such privileges are covered by the Acceptable Use Policy, the Cyber Security Policy, and the Data Privacy Policy as well as any relevant Unit-Level Network Usage Policy.

Ordering and Payment Administration

Managers of employees qualifying for Institute-funded broadband service are to initially determine the business needs and select an appropriate package which meets these requirements. Both the business need and broadband service package selection should be reviewed periodically, at least annually.

The following ordering and payment options are allowed under this policy:

  1. Departmental P-Card Departments may acquire broadband service via departmental P-cards, but they should note that special obligations go along with the convenience. Specifically, only designated Georgia Tech Procurement Officials may enter into contracts on Georgia Tech’s behalf. This means Broadband service contracts obtained via P-card and signed by an employee are, in fact, personal obligations of the employee. Should the employee terminate while an agreement signed by the employee is still in force, it is the responsibility of the employee to fulfill the terms of the agreement. The department is to maintain the approved justification documentation for each broadband service obtained in this manner.
  2. Georgia Tech Purchasing Georgia Tech Purchasing will process requests for Broadband service upon receipt of an approved purchase requisition. Purchasing will procure these services via standing agreements available to Georgia Tech. In special circumstances, Purchasing may utilize other agreements obtained from any carrier who best meets the needs of the Institute. Broadband service will be billed directly to the ordering department, based upon the information on the purchase order (FPO). Object code 773500 Cellular Services, will be used to account for Broadband service costs. Departments will review and verify Broadband service bills on a monthly basis and forward the approved invoice to Accounts Payable for payment. Invoices are to be submitted at least 10 days before due date to allow for payment processing and mail delivery. Invoices may be paid by Pcard. Effective May 1, 2003 the default account must be changed to 773500 utilizing the Georgia Tech Pcard reallocation tool.
  3. Personal Contracts Heads of budgetary units may authorize employee reimbursement for business use of their personal broadband service contracts. Additionally, it may make economic and business sense to pay a differential price to boost an employee’s current service package on their personal phone or cable arrangement by an amount sufficient to cover the addition of authorized broadband service. If the unit head determines that this approach is in the best interest of the Institute, they should document the rationale for this decision, keep on file and review periodically (at least annually) to ensure that this is still the appropriate option.

Right to Monitor Communications and Right to Privacy

Georgia Tech reserves the right to investigate, retrieve and read any communication or data composed, transmitted or received through voice services, online connections and/or stored on its servers and/or property, without further notice to faculty and staff, to the maximum extent permissible by law. Express notice to faculty and staff stating that there is no right to privacy for any use of Institute telecommunications equipment and services, or funded by Institute resources, should be included in the approval form granting funding for broadband services.


All approval and justification documents shall be kept by unit business officers, and shall be subject to periodic reviews by Georgia Tech Internal Audit and/or external audit agencies.


Long Distance Telephone Usage

Long Distance Telephone Usage
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Info Tech- Information Security
Contact Name
Cas D'Angelo
Contact Title
OIT Telecommunications Director
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

It is the policy of Georgia Tech that the use of Institute's long distance telephone services is limited to official Georgia Tech business. Further, State law precludes Georgia Tech employees from using State resources for personal gain or benefit. Personal use is prohibited.

Policy Statement

The department head is responsible for the business and financial operations of the unit, including the development and implementation of appropriate operating procedures and internal controls. Long distance telephone charges are included in this area of responsibility. Unit personnel are responsible for the timely review of all long distance telephone charges appearing on monthly Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) bills. Inquiries related to questioned charges are to be directed to OIT Telecommunication Services. Charges identified as unofficial are to be reimbursed by the caller.

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Unofficial Calls

Long distance calls other than those on official Georgia Tech business are to be charged to home telephones or personal telephone calling cards. In rare instances where special circumstances are present and unofficial long distance calls, including GIST calls, are made on departmental telephones, the following steps are to be taken:

  • The employee and the unit's business officer are to work together in identifying unofficial long distance calls;
  • The unit's business officer will obtain reimbursement from the employee for the cost of all unofficial long distance calls;
  • The unit's business officer will complete a Long Distance Call Reimbursement Deposit Form indicating the project to which an appropriate expense credit is to be applied, and make a timely deposit (check or cash) with the Bursar's Office in Lyman Hall;
  • A copy of the annotated DOAS bill noting the unofficial long distance call(s) and cost, and any other supporting documentation is to be retained by the department.

If an employee has terminated employment with Georgia Tech, the department may have an invoice issued to the former employee through Accounting Services Accounts Receivable, or reimbursement may be withheld from the employee's final paycheck.

Right to Monitor Communications and Right to Privacy

Georgia Tech reserves the right to investigate, retrieve and read any communication or data composed, transmitted or received through voice services, online connections and/or stored on its servers and/or property, without further notice to faculty and staff, to the maximum extent permissible by law. Express notice to faculty and staff stating that there is no right to privacy for any use of Institute telecommunications equipment and services, or funded by Institute resources, should be included in the approval form granting funding for broadband services.


Wireless Communication Devices/Mobile Phone Services

Wireless Communication Devices/Mobile Phone Services
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Info Tech- Resource Management
Contact Name
Kat Vineyard
Contact Title
Financial Analyst
Contact Email
Policy Statement

It is the responsibility of Georgia Tech and each of its budgetary units to implement procedures to effectively use communication services and equipment at the lowest possible cost. Heads of budgetary units (Vice Presidents, Deans, School Chairs, Unit Heads) or their designee are authorized to approve the acquisition of wireless communication devices and services. Wireless communication devices (WCDs) for purposes of this policy include, but are not limited to: mobile phones (smartphones or otherwise), tablets with mobile data, computers with mobile data, and hotspots. By contrast, cordless telephones, headsets, tablets and computers with wifi or wired connections, and other devices not subject to incremental usage charges are not included.

Guidelines for Acquisition and Use
An Institute assigned WCD/mobile phone and service may be an appropriate resource to conduct Institute business in instances when it will improve performance orwhen it is demonstrated an employee cannot perform his or her duties without a WCD/mobile phone The individual units or departments are responsible for:

  • Specifying authorized and unauthorized uses of wireless or mobile devices
  • Maintaining the approval justification for each WCD/mobile phone device and service issued or approved.
  • Documenting procedures for processing reimbursement for business use of personal WCD or mobile phones.
  • Maintaining an inventory of wireless devices in shared pools and individually-assigned, by type.

The inventory of WCDs maintained by each unit shall document, at the very least, each individual device type, the service provider for such device, and the assignee (individual user or most granular organizational unit in the case of shared/pool devices). Such inventory must be kept current by each unit or department, and made available for inspection by GIT Internal Audit or any authorized external agency upon request. Inventory reports shall be forwarded to Financial Services and/or the Office of Information Technology on a semi-annual basis, as directed.

Criteria for Determining Need
A department may acquire a WCD/mobile phone service for an employee where communications needs cannot be met with other available devices such as standard telephone equipment or soft client. Examples of conditions under which a WCD/mobile phone devices and service may be obtained if these criteria are met include the following:

  • A WCD/mobile phone is required for the employee’s position and need to maintain information or communicate with others as it relates to their job functions.
  • A WCD/mobile phone is required to directly enhance an employee's job responsibility of protecting the physical safety of the general public.
  • A WCD/ mobile phone is required for an employee to respond better to environmental emergencies.
  • A WCD/mobile phone is required for additional protection for the employee in potentially hazardous working conditions.
  • An employee cannot adequately meet communications needs with other available alternatives such as a standard land-line or soft client.
  • A WCD/mobile phone is required for on-call personnel required to respond to critical system failures or service disruptions
  • A WCD/mobile phone is determined to be the most appropriate means of responding to campus emergencies or to achieve business efficiencies.
  • Cost savings are realized when an employee combines or eliminates landline or services.

The unit head (or designee) of employees using Institute owned WCD/mobile phone is to initially determine the business needs and select an appropriate airtime package that meets these needs. If a manager identifies any non-reimbursed personal expenses, which have not been reported by the affected employee, the department will collect the cost of such call(s) from the employee and take any appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Personal Usage
WCD/mobile phones assigned to Institute faculty or staff members are primarily for official business use. While incidental personal use may occur, this use should not result in additional charges to the Institute. If a personal emergency arises that requires the extended or extensive use of the WCD/mobile phone to make personal calls, the faculty or staff member is to notify their unit head or supervisor and reimburse the Institute for charges incurred in the use of the device. Reimbursement to Georgia Tech for any WCD/mobile call for personal use should be deposited with the Bursar's Office by the department, along with a copy of the annotated bill noting the personal call and cost.

Ordering and Payment Administration
The following ordering and payment processing options shall be used for all WCDs/mobile phones issued for positions meeting the requisite criteria. The Procurement and Business Services will procure WCD/mobile phone services via negotiated agreements available to Georgia Tech employees. In special circumstances, Purchasing may utilize other agreements obtained from any carrier who best meets the needs of the Institute.

  • Institute-Owned WCD/mobile phones and Service
    For positions meeting the requisite criteria, departments should acquire WCD/mobile phone services via departmental PCard or Supplier Invoice Request (SIR), after completing any necessary forms provided by the service vendor representative to establish legitimate Georgia Tech service account(s). Only designated Georgia Tech Procurement officials may enter into contracts on behalf of Georgia Tech, and any actual contracts should be forwarded to Procurement for review and signature; any contracts signed by an unauthorized employee are in effect, personal obligations of the employee. When using the PCard or SIR for payment, the default expense code must be changed to 773500 utilizing the Georgia Tech PCard reallocation tool or cost transfer application. The Request for Wireless Communication Devices/Mobile phone Service form should be completed by the employee and approved by the Dean, Vice President, School Chair, Department Head or their designee and filed in the department.
  • Privately-Owned WCD/mobile phones and Service
    Heads of budgetary units may authorize employees to receive reimbursement for business-related calls made from privately-owned WCD/mobile phones. Such reimbursements shall be for the cost of business-related calls only and shall not include any portion of the cost of WCD/mobile phone equipment, installation or basic monthly service fees unless the WCD is used solely for official business. A completed Check Request Form (CRF) should be submitted to Accounts Payable including a copy of WCD/mobile phone bill with the business related calls and charges highlighted. For calls over $10.00, the person or organization called and business purpose is to be noted.

Additionally, it may make economic and business sense to pay a differential price to boost an employee's current airtime package on their personal phone by an amount sufficient to cover the addition of business calls. If the unit head determines that this approach is in the best interest of the Institute, they should document the rationale for this decision, keep on file, and review annually to ensure that this is still appropriate. The employee shall keep a copy of all monthly usage bills for the current review period, to assist with the annual review and service renewal process.

Right to Monitor Communications and Right to Privacy
Georgia Tech reserves the right to investigate, retrieve and read any communication or data composed, transmitted or received through voice services, online connections and/or stored on its servers and/or property, without further notice to employees, to the maximum extent permissible by law. Express notice to employees stating that there is no right to privacy for any use of Institute telecommunications equipment and services should be included in the assignment form granting access to Institute WCDs/mobile phones and/or services.

Policy Terms

Soft Client

Software or app that can be operated on a computer, smartphone, or tablet to make and receive telephone calls and/or messaging.

The individual units or departments are responsible for:
  • Specifying authorized and unauthorized uses of wireless or mobile devices.
  • Maintaining the approval justification for each WCD/mobile phone device and service issued or approved.
  • Documenting procedures for processing reimbursement for business use of personal WCD/mobile phones.
  • Maintaining an inventory of wireless devices in shared pools and individually-assigned, by type.
The individual assigned a WCD (primary user) is responsible for:
  • Ensuring the WCD is used for business functions.

  • Using reasonable care to prevent damage to the WCD.

  • Reporting personal usage that results in additional charges to the Institute.

  • Reimbursement for charges in the case of usage during a personal emergency.

  • Export review before leaving the United States with a WCD.