Supplier Invoice Request (SIR)

Supplier Invoice Request (SIR)
Type of Policy
jbarber32 Wed, 06/13/2012 - 15:05
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines on the submission of Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) process used for payments that do not require a purchase order in accordance to the University System of Georgia, Department of Administrative Services (DOAS), and Institute payment policies.


State regulations do not permit payment prior to receipt of goods and services, with the exception of subscriptions, institutional memberships, or postage, shipping, or where specifically required by the contract/agreement. Consequently, campus units should not use the Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) for pre-payment of goods and services, unless approved by the Purchasing Director.

Policy Statement

All payments that do not require a purchase order are to be submitted on a Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) via the Institute’s Financial System. Official invoices require a valid Georgia Tech purchase order number before payment can be processed and are not be submitted.


All Georgia Tech employees, (includes faculty, staff, students and employees) submitting requests for payment on behalf of the Supplier.

Policy Terms
Suppler Invoice Request (SIR)

Payments that do not require a purchase order and submitted via the Institute’s Financial System.

Payee Information

Name of recipient (organization or individual) payment is payable to.

All payees for supplier invoice requests must be set up as suppliers in the Institute’s Financial System before payment can be processed.

5.1 Supplier Invoice Request Submission
Supplier Invoice Request (SIR)All requests that do not require a purchase order are to be submitted via the Institute’s Financial System along with supporting documentation justifying the payment.
5.2 Payment Types
Affiliate Transfer, (formerly Inter-Agency Transfer) Affiliated Organization Joint StaffingTransfers to the Georgia Tech Foundation, GTRC, GTAA, and other state agencies. These may be for expenses related to joint-staffing arrangements, co-sponsored events, or authorized transfers between affiliated organizations.
Department of Homeland Security

Processing fees associated with visas and associated expedite fees. The individual’s name must be included; however, back-up documentation is not required for standard H-1B processing fees.

The following information must be provided:

 Invoice# = LAST NAMEmmyy(Last name +month and year)

HonorariumOne-time payments for short-term services with no expected deliverable, payable to individuals. Short-term is typically defined as nine business days or less within the last six months. Services over a longer period must be contracted and will require purchase order. Honorariums should typically not be greater than $5,000 unless a special exception has been granted by the Director of Accounts Payable.
Legal Settlements

Submitted along with supporting documentation justifying the payment.

This does not include payment for legal services. Payments to attorneys must be authorized by the Georgia Tech Office of Legal Affairs and require an invoice and a purchase order.

Non-Georgia Tech Student Training StipendsSupplier invoice requests to be submitted for three payments or less. Recurring supplier form (Workday Recurring Form) to be submitted for three or more recurring payment requests of the same amount and emailed to

Postage/ Shipping/ Mailing Services


Telecommunication/ Utilities/ Services Paid to Provider

Invoices payable to the service provider for these types of services can be processed using a supplier invoice request and submitted via the Institute’s Financial System. For recurring monthly invoices, ensure that the approved amount is the current monthly charge and does not include a prior month’s un- posted payment.
Registration Fees (Conference or Workshop)Payment of registrations fees are only permissible for employees, students, or official guests/visitors. A registration form must be included as supporting documentation and Accounts Payable will send a copy with the check. Registration associated with college courses for credit cannot be processed via a supplier invoice request.
Subscription, Membership or Certification Fee

A subscription or membership form, estimate, or order form must be included to support the payment request.

Memberships and Certifications must be related to job function and must provide services beneficial to Georgia Tech.

Student Payments

The supplier invoice request is to be used to request payments to students for awards or activities that are unrelated to employment.

Student performing a service are to be on-boarded as employees via Office of Human Resources.

Student Center Performer/Service ProviderPayments to performers and artists as specified in the Ferst Center performance contract may be paid with a supplier invoice requests. A copy of the agreement but be submitted as supporting documentation.
Foreign PaymentsA supplier invoice request may be submitted for non-purchase order expenses only.
Wire PaymentsA supplier invoice request may be submitted for foreign/international non-purchase order expenses only.

All Georgia Tech employees, (includes faculty, staff, students and employees) submitting Supplier invoice requests for payment on behalf of the supplier are to ensure payments are allowable and supporting documentation is submitted. Payment for goods or services rendered require an invoice and a valid purchase order, and are not to be submitted as a supplier invoice request(SIR) through the Institute’s Financial System.


Supplier invoice requests submitted without required information or do not meet the requirements outlined in this policy are at risk of delayed payment or not receiving payment for goods or services rendered.

To report suspected instances of Ethical Violations with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12/2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with Workday, policy title change
08/2017Accounts PayableGeneral updates
2/2011Accounts PayableNew Policy