Reimbursements for Purchases Made Using Personal Funds

Reimbursements for Purchases Made Using Personal Funds
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Contact Name
Erin Mitchell
Contact Title
Director of Procurement
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy outlines the expectation that individuals who have a procurement need will utilize the Institute’s procurement tools and processes to verify compliance with state, federal and Institute purchasing policies, and minimize institutional risk.

Policy Statement

The Institute will reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the execution of Institute business. Substantiation of reimbursable expenses must detail who incurred the expense, what was purchased, where the transaction occurred, the date the transaction occurred, and the business purpose of the expense.

Convenience and/or a lack of proper planning are not legitimate reasons to circumvent standard institute procurement processes. Use of personal funds, up to $1500 per event, is allowed only when logistical or extenuating circumstances occur that preclude use of the Georgia Tech requisition process or PCard.

All reimbursements should be submitted within 45 calendar days of incurring the expense (unless approved by the Director of Accounts Payable or designee) and must be allowable by the funding source being charged.  Allowable exceptions to this policy are noted below.

Any other exception must be approved by the Director of Procurement in advance. The request should include information on why Georgia Tech requisition process or PCard cannot be used. Any requests for reimbursements that do not meet the criteria specified in this policy may not be reimbursed.

Reimbursement for Purchase of Supplies, Equipment
Use of personal funds for the purchase of goods incurs additional cost due to sales tax and non-contract pricing, in addition to the loss of procurement data metrics necessary for strategic sourcing activities. Reimbursements for goods and supplies should only be made for small dollar items less than $1500 where it is not practical or possible to make the purchase using standard institute procurement processes. Purchases over $1500 that have not been approved by the Director of Procurement may be classified as personal purchases and may not be reimbursed. 

Reimbursement for Payments Related to Personal Services
Payments for personal services (consultants, temps, awards and prizes, rentals, royalties, and honoraria) must be processed through the Institute via the Procurement and Business Services’ procurement process, regardless of dollar amount, to ensure compliance with IRS and other federal regulations.

Allowable Exceptions

  • Travel expenses for individuals
  • Conference and meeting registration fees
  • Cell phone/internet expenses (mobile and home use) Note: This does not include mobile device purchases
  • Custodial fund (as defined in the chart of accounts) purchases
  • Study abroad expenses incurred during overseas activity
  • Small dollar research participant payments (< $75/person) where check payment is not practical or possible
  • Allowable restaurant meal purchase associated with an official GT conference/event/meeting, with required documentation.
  • Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program (STRAP) tuition reimbursements
  • Campus Recreation Center (CRC)/Outdoor Recreation Georgia Tech (ORGT) reimbursements for trip leaders (Alaska, National Parks, etc)
  • Allowable food/beverage supplies purchased at retail store
  • Business center supplies/printing/shipping incurred while on travel status

This policy applies to all Georgia Tech faculty and staff members. 


Employees may be reimbursed via Expenses in the Georgia Tech E-Procurement System for supplies and allowable expenses up to $1500. Reimbursement requests for the allowable exceptions, referenced previously, are allowable for amounts over $1500, if approved by the unit financial approver. Any expenses over $1500 that are not an exception as noted above must be approved by the Director of Procurement in advance of the purchase. These requests should be submitted through ServiceNow for review. Reimbursements associated with program and participant research advances are processed via Expenses.

Non-employees (including students) will be reimbursed via the Georgia Tech E-Procurement System for approved reimbursements up to $1500. Allowable exceptions outlined above apply to non-employees.

Reimbursements for employees that pay for meal expenses for official guests/visitors, or seek reimbursement for food/group meals, may also be reimbursed via Expenses in the Georgia Tech E-Procurement System. In that case, documentation requirements include the Food Group Meal Documentation Form, list of attendees (if fewer than 15), an agenda and an itemized receipt. Employees should not pay for travel-related expenses on behalf of other GT employees, due to state reporting requirements. In all cases, the receipt is to be the vendor's normal and customary receipt. The receipt must reflect the vendor's name, date of purchase, quantity, description, price of items purchased and the total amount paid.

Supplier Invoice Request (SIR)
International payments for non-employees (including Students) will be reimbursed through Accounts Payable via the Supplier Invoice Request in the Georgia Tech E-Procurement System for approved reimbursements up to $1500. Allowable exceptions outlined above apply to non-employees.

Petty Cash Replenishment/Reimbursement Request Form
Reimbursements for students, up to $250, may also be made through the Bursar’s Office petty cash process by using the Petty Cash Replenishment/Reimbursement Request Form.

Policy History
09/2022 Purchasing Department Editorial updates.

Purchasing Department

Updated to align with Workday implementation.


Purchasing Department

Policy updates.

09/2017 Purchasing Department New Policy