Gift Processing

Gift Processing
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Development, Office of
Contact Name
Pat Barton
Contact Title
Contact Email

Gifts of Cash or Securities
All checks or securities intended as donations to Georgia Tech and payable to Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. should be forwarded with the original letter from the donor and a completed GTF Gift Request Form, if applicable promptly to the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. All checks or securities payable to the Institute should also be forwarded to the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc., which will then process them for deposit by the Institute. Contributions intended for the Foundation but made payable to the Institute or one of its units may be transferred to the Foundation on receipt of written documentation of the donor's intent. No attempt should be made to deposit a check to any entity other than the Payee. Under no circumstances should a check be modified to change the Payee.

Contributions of securities should also be made to the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc., either by transfer via DTC (Depository Trust Co.) or transfer of the actual stock certificates to the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. Transfer via DTC is the most efficient and preferred method of handling transfers of securities. Questions pertaining to the transfer of securities should be directed to the Georgia Tech Foundation Accounting Office.

In-Kind Gifts of Equipment & other In-Kind Contributions
Gifts of equipment and in-kind contributions are more effectively handled by the Institute. Such gifts include donations of: (a) instructional and research equipment and (b) books and other library materials. The Office of Development’s Gift Accounting Office should receive all documents regarding gifts of equipment and in-kind contributions, including the original letter of transmittal, as well as tax forms and other documents requiring signatures.

The Board of Regents (BOR) has delegated the acceptance of gifts of property (equipment and in-kind contributions) to the President of the Institute who has in turn delegated that responsibility to the Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Donations of in-kind gifts, such as instructional and research equipment, library books, and other library materials, should be made to the Georgia Institute of Technology. The department receiving the gift is responsible for forwarding the gift information to Office of Development’s Gift Accounting Office using the In-kind Gift Report Form.

The Office of Development’s Gift Accounting Office will record the gift information in their database, acknowledge the gift and forward the gift information to the Business Office and the Capital Asset Accounting Services for recording in their database. The department/campus unit receiving the gift is responsible for ensuring that the entire gift pledged is actually received. If, for some reason, a portion of the gift is not received, the department should notify Office of Development’s Gift Accounting Office and Accounting Services so that inventory valuation records may be updated reflecting the revised value of the gift. Accounting Services will notify the President's Office, Administration and Finance.

NOTE: Gifts of Visual Art are governed by Policy No. xxxxxx (# to be assigned, when policy written)

Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of real estate should generally be made to GT Foundation. The Real Estate Committee of the Foundation will examine any proposed gift of real estate to determine whether there are any conditions that may adversely affect the Foundation's ability to market the property. The Committee usually requires an environmental audit (including inspections for soil and water contamination, asbestos and other hazardous materials or substances) and a title examination to be conducted prior to acceptance of the gift. For more information about accepting a donation of real estate, contact Gift Planning in the Office of Development at (404) 894-8812.

Gift Valuation
Federal income tax regulations require that a donor obtain a written appraisal to substantiate gifts of property worth $5,000 or more. Gifts of property will generally be valued based on the donor's appraisal.