Solicitation of Gifts

Solicitation of Gifts
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of Development
Contact Name
Pat Barton
Contact Title
Director of Gift Accounting
Contact Email
Policy Statement

Philanthropic support from private sources, i.e. individuals, corporations, foundations, and other organizations, is becoming increasingly important to the continuation of the quality instruction, research, and service functions that are a trademark of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Office of Development is charged to secure private support to meet the Institute’s strategic goals and objectives.

All Vice Presidents, Deans, School Chairs, Department Directors, faculty, and staff initiating efforts to obtain gifts or private, non-contractual grants must coordinate their efforts with the Office of Development through their respective assigned Development Officer or, where none is assigned, through the Office of the Vice President for Development. Such coordination must begin before making formal contact with a new funding source and will continue on a regular basis after initial contact is made.

Prior to the formal submission of written proposals to private funding sources, the submission should be cleared through the Office of Development.

The Office of Development is responsible to ensure proper acceptance of gifts to the Institute and its affiliated organizations that receive private gifts for the benefit of Georgia Tech, including the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. and the Alexander-Tharpe Fund. Private gifts include gifts of equipment and other property as well as cash and securities. Acceptance of most gifts will be routine; however, gifts which may obligate the Institute beyond the approved budget or program of a College, School, or Department should be discussed in advance with the Vice President for Development. The following are NOT considered charitable gifts and are not to be accepted as such.

  • Advertising revenue;
  • Contract revenues;
  • Contributed services;
  • Gifts of intellectual property rights;
  • Governmental funds, whether local, state (including state matching grants), federal or foreign;
  • Investment earnings on gifts, even if accrued during the reporting period;
  • Sale of merchandise;
  • Software licenses where the Institute is exempted from paying annual license or maintenance fees;
  • Tuition payments.

All gifts to Georgia Tech and its affiliated organizations will be acknowledged by the Vice President for Development or his designee. Other acknowledgments are strongly encouraged. Copies of receipts/acknowledgments will be posted in the Donor Database System.

It has been the policy to encourage donors to make gifts designated for academic purposes, excluding gifts of equipment and in-kind contributions, to the Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc., rather than to the Institute proper. Therefore, anyone soliciting support for the programs at the Institute should request that the donation be made to Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. rather than to the Institute. Gifts of equipment and in-kind contributions are more effectively handled by the Institute. Such gifts include donations of: (a) instructional and research equipment; and (b) books and other library materials. The Gift Accounting Office in the Office of Development should receive all documents regarding gifts of equipment and in-kind contributions, including the original letter of transmittal, as well as tax forms and other documents requiring signatures. In addition, the Gift Accounting Office in the Office of Development should be informed when a GT unit accepts a software license for stewardship and reporting purposes, even when the software license does not qualify as a gift under IRS regulations or CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Educations) standards.