Visitors in the Workplace
Visitors in the WorkplaceIt is the policy of Georgia Tech to provide a workplace for all employees that is professional and free from distraction.
Individual department managers may impose restrictions, which are considered appropriate to the successful operation of the individual unit, on visitors in the workplace.
Except when authorized by the department-head/manager, all visitors including relatives of employees, who do not have official business with the department may be restricted from prolonged visits to the workplace. Time spent attending to a personal visitor, especially a child, detracts from work production of not only the employee, but also co-workers. In no case should the work site become a substitute for a day care center.
Work areas, laboratories, closed stacks, trade shops, machine rooms, and other Institute work areas should be off limits to anyone but employees authorized access to minimize physical risk to the individual as well as risk to the Institute. However, if visitors must visit risk associated areas, they should be accompanied by an authorized employee.