9.3 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)

9.3 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)
Type of Policy
s1polics Thu, 04/21/2016 - 13:48
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Sponsored Programs, Office of
Contact Name
Cynthia Hope
Contact Title
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Contact Email
Policy Statement

It is the policy of Georgia Tech that when two or more parties wish to engage in a collaborative effort in research, education or other activities that furthers the mission of Georgia Tech that a Memoranda of Understanding [MOU] is utilized.  MOUs are legal agreements defining the roles and responsibilities.   MOUs do not include terms and conditions for funding, exchange of materials, non-disclosure of proprietary information, licensing or future licensing of intellectual property, or specific research activities. MOUs may, however, describe how agreements for such activities will be negotiated and establish a timeline for doing so. For more information see http://www.legal.gatech.edu


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech Faculty and Staff.

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
01-02-2014 GTRC Rev 1.0