5.2 Requesting a Subaward

5.2 Requesting a Subaward
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Sponsored Programs, Office of
Contact Name
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

A SubAgreement may be required if part of the research effort under a grant or contract is to be performed by an outside organization or institution.

Policy Statement

Subcontracts should be set up as soon as possible after the receipt of an award. To initiate one, you or an authorized representative will need to make a request for subcontract agreement using Georgia Tech’s web-based OSP Contract System - https://webwise.gtri.gatech.edu/osp/sub/sitemap

Upon final submission through the on-line system you will need to forward a signed copy of the request form to OSP. A notification of acceptance, as well as other progress notifications will be sent via the ICOL system. Upon receipt of the returned subcontracts, an agreement will be issued to the subcontractor against which project-related costs may be billed. The Principal Investigator will be responsible for monitoring the technical performance of the subcontractor, verifying that required cost-sharing is properly documented and approving the invoices for payment. Please notify a contracting officer in OSP’s Subagreement Division promptly with any questions or concerns. A request for modification will be needed in order to add additional funds or time to the existing subcontract.


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech Faculty and Staff.

4.1 Requesting a Subaward
As part of the on-line “Request for a Sub-Agreement” process you will want to have the following information ready:
On-line “Request for a Sub-Agreement”
  1. Visit OSP Contract System -https://webwise.gtri.gatech.edu/osp/sub/sitemap
  2. Use your GT Kerberos Password or GTRI credentials to access the system.
  3. From the Subagreement site map click on “make a request for new subagreement”
  4. Query on the fund # you wish to issue the subcontract/consulting agreement under.
  5. After completing the required fields, “Submit to OSP”
  6. Print request form for signature
  7. FAX or e-mail signed copy of the request form to OSP. FAX (404)385-0864

5.1 Principal Investigators

The Principal Investigator will be responsible for providing oversight of the subcontract including:

  • monitoring the technical performance of the subcontractor,
  • verifying that required cost-sharing is properly documented,
  • and approving the invoices for payment.
Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
01-02-2014GTRC-IERev 1.0

5.2.1 Statement of Work

5.2.1 Statement of Work s1polics

Preparing the Statement of Work - The Statement of Work (SOW) is a document that lists and describes all essential and technical requirements for the effort to be performed, including standards to be used to determine whether the requirements have been met. This document may include the following items where appropriate:

  • Objective or Purpose
  • Period of Performance
  • A list of detailed work requirements
  • Workload requirements
  • Personnel requirements
  • Resources (if any) to be furnished to the subcontractor.
  • Reporting requirement/Other deliverables

5.2.2 Sole Source Justification

5.2.2 Sole Source Justification s1polics
It is necessary to include documentation that you have obtained quotes from alternative vendors or completed a Sole Source Justification form. The PI is required to provide information of the technical competence of the sole source selection.

5.2.3 Cost Price Analysis

5.2.3 Cost Price Analysis s1polics

The PI is also required to provide a technical assessment of the subaward budget. The assessment would include verification that the costs are reasonable and necessary to carry out the proposed project. The cost elements within the subaward budget must be necessary to accomplish the proposed activity.

The Government is responsible for insuring that Georgia Tech maintains adequate policies and procedures governing subcontracting activities on federally sponsored grants and contracts. These activities are monitored through the periodic Contractor Purchasing Systems Review (CPSR) conducted on campus by the Office of Naval Research every three years. The cost price analysis form is a key component in the Government’s review of our purchasing system.

One of the Government’s principal procurement objectives is to obtain fair and reasonable contract prices. Sub-award pricing is a critical element in the pricing of prime contracts and a major consideration in receiving Government consent to sub-awards and approval for contractor purchasing systems. Sub-awards can sometimes represent a major portion of the total dollars spent under a prime contract. Contracting officers cannot ensure the fairness and reasonableness of prime contract prices without evaluating the prices of critical sub-awards.

In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the contracting officer is responsible for the determination of price reasonableness for the prime contract. To make this determination, the contracting officer must conduct an analysis of the relevant facts and data including subcontractor cost or pricing data. In all cases, a main consideration is to assure that the price to be paid for these goods and services is fair and reasonable. This is essential to insure that both University and Government funds are utilized in a cost effective manner and to conserve funding where resources are limited. To accomplish this, some form of cost or price analysis must be made and documented in connection with every procurement action.

A price analysis is an examination of the price proposed by the anticipated subcontractor and an assessment or evaluation as to whether or not it is fair and reasonable. A cost analysis however, actually examines the individual cost elements that comprise the total proposed estimated cost. These elements generally include such things as labor rates, material costs, overhead or indirect rates, a cost of money factor, general and administrative expenses (G&A), and a profit or fee.

It is not possible for personnel in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to determine if the price is fair and reasonable without input from others. OSP can evaluate costs, but assistance will be required from the responsible Project Director/Principal Investigator to evaluate the appropriateness of the total price.

If a sub-award exceeding $700,000 is to be issued under a Government contract prime award, OSP must be in compliance with Public Law 87-653, Truth in Negotiations. [The Public Law has been implemented in the United States Code of Federal Regulations 10 U.S.C. 2306a (Armed Forces) and 41 U.S.C. 254b (Public Contracts) and in the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 15 and Clause No. 52.215-12.]. Public Law 87-653, Truth in Negotiations (TINA) is a requirement for cost or pricing data and certification for any sub-award expected to exceed $700,000. The sub-awardee is required to submit cost or pricing data prior to placement of the sub-award unless one of the following exceptions applies:

  • When the sub-award administrator determines that prices agreed upon are based on adequate price competition.
  • When the sub-award administrator determines that prices agreed upon are based on prices set by law or regulation.
  • When a commercial item is being acquired.
  • When a waiver for cost or pricing data has been granted by the Government contracting officer under the prime award.
  • When modifying a contract or sub-award for commercial items.

Cost or pricing data shall be obtained if the sub-award administrator concludes that none of the exceptions above applies. When cost or pricing data are required, the sub-award administrator shall require the sub-awardee to submit the following in support of any proposal:

  • Cost or pricing data (See FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 for guidance).
  • A certificate of current cost or pricing data, certifying that to the best of its knowledge and belief, the cost and pricing data were accurate, complete, and current as of the date of agreement on price or, if applicable, an earlier date agreed upon between the parties that is as close as practicable to the date of agreement on price. (See FAR 15.406-2 for format.)
  • For sub-awards under the TINA threshold the guidelines of FAR 15.403-3, Requiring Information Other than Cost or Pricing Data, should be utilized in certain cases. This would also include thorough documentation of cost or price reasonableness in accordance with FAR 15.406-3, documenting the negotiation.