1.0 Overview

1.0 Overview s1polics

The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC), a non-profit educational and research corporation affiliated with Georgia Institute of Technology, serves as the contracting entity for Resident Instruction colleges of Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC), also a non-profit research and education affiliate of Georgia Tech, acts as the contracting entity for the Georgia Tech Research Institute. Both corporations serve Georgia Tech in the financial administration of externally funded research programs and related research activities. All proposals for external funding must be routed through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) or Corporate & International Contracting for official submission to the sponsoring agency in the name of GTRC or GTARC as appropriate.

OSP verifies the proposed budget and handles all contractual or grant administrative matters relating to the submission and subsequent funding of proposals. OSP or Corporate & International Contracting is responsible for negotiating the terms of research and related contracts. GTRC or GTARC is the recipient of the award and the contracting party while research is performed, per formal agreement, by Georgia Institute of Technology faculty, staff, and students under the direction of the Principal Investigator who shall be a member of the General Faculty and under the oversight and control of the school chair and dean, laboratory director, or other designated senior administrative official of the units in which the research is conducted.

Additional Resources:

Faculty Handbook Part 31: Office of Sponsored Programs


1.1 Offices Involved with Sponsored Projects

1.1 Offices Involved with Sponsored Projects s1polics


Throughout the life-cycle of research projects, a number of Institute offices and affiliated organizations that serve as contracting entities for the institute have the responsibility for stewardship of funds, resources, results, and intellectual property.


1.1.1 Office of Sponsored Programs

1.1.1 Office of Sponsored Programs s1polics


The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides progressive and responsive assistance in several areas of research administration including specialized educational, informational, and technological support to research administrators and faculty.

Additional Resources: 

Office of Sponsored Programs

1.1.2 Grants and Contracts Accounting

1.1.2 Grants and Contracts Accounting s1polics

The Office of Grants & Contracts Accounting is part of Financial Services within the Division of Institute Planning and Resource Management.


Additional Resources:

1.1.3 Georgia Tech Research Corporation

1.1.3 Georgia Tech Research Corporation s1polics

The Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) advances research and technological development at Georgia Tech as it continually seeks to advance society and the global competitiveness of Georgia and the nation.

Additional Resources:

1.1.4 Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation

1.1.4 Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation s1polics

The mission of the Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC) is to provide efficient and effective contracting, grant, and research administration services for the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), a non-profit research arm of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Additional Resources:

1.1.5 Office of Research Integrity Assurance

1.1.5 Office of Research Integrity Assurance s1polics

The Office of Research Integrity Assurance works with faculty oversight committees and boards to promote the ethical and responsible conduct of research and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements relating to research involving human and vertebrate animal subjects, and rDNA.

Additional Resources:

1.1.6 Corporate & International Contracting (Office of Sponsored Programs)

1.1.6 Corporate & International Contracting (Office of Sponsored Programs) s1polics

At Corporate & International Contracting, we work together with campus innovators and industry partners to move new technologies and discoveries out of Georgia Tech and into the mainstream of the U.S. economy. As a public university, Georgia Tech has a responsibility to ensure its research results benefit the general public.

Additional Resources:

1.1.7 Office of Legal Affairs

1.1.7 Office of Legal Affairs s1polics

The Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) supports the academic and research mission of the Georgia Institute of Technology through development of solutions designed to minimize Georgia Tech's legal exposure, while advancing the goals and programs of Georgia Tech within the bounds of the law.

Additional Resources:

1.1.8 GT Global and International Affiliated Organizations

1.1.8 GT Global and International Affiliated Organizations s1polics

Georgia Tech's vision is to define the technological research university of the 21st century and educate the leaders of a technologically driven world. In a global context.

Additional Resources:

1.1.9 Office of Conflict of Interest Management

1.1.9 Office of Conflict of Interest Management s1polics

The Conflict of Interest Management Office, in conjunction with the faculty-led COI Review Committee, is charged with promoting objectivity throughout the Institute’s research enterprise by effectively managing conflicts of interest, which are the natural outgrowth of successful research, collaboration, and commercialization efforts.

The Office offers compliance training and its members are always available to answer your questions. Please contact us if you would like to schedule a training session or if you have any COI-related questions: http://coi.research.gatech.edu/

1.2 Signature Authority

1.2 Signature Authority s1polics

The Board of Regents for the State of Georgia delegates signature authority to the President of the Institute who then delegates in writing that authority to other individuals and offices.

Signature authorities for GTRC and GTARC are delegated by their respective boards of trustees.

Only individuals with specific delegations of authority may sign any documents for Georgia Tech, GTRC, or GTARC in any matter related to research. Consult the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Corporate & International Contracting (OSP), the Office of Research Integrity Assurance (ORIA), or the Office of Legal Affairs for information or to obtain signatures on proposals, agreements, or other documents.

See also Policy 2.4

Additional Resources

Office of Sponsored Programs
Corporate & International Contracting
Office of Research Integrity Assurance
Office of Legal Affairs