3.1.4 Professional Absence and Leave Policies

3.1.4 Professional Absence and Leave Policies abruneau3

The various types of leaves are defined in the Board of Regents Policy Manual, Section 8.2.7, as well as in the Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Handbook, Section 4.9. The following section discusses leave policies that are unique to the Georgia Institute of Technology. However, none of these policies supersede the policies and procedures stated in the Board of Regents Policy Manual and Academic and Student Affairs Handbook.

Faculty members shall obtain approval in advance from the Chair of their School or from the appropriate administrative officer in non-instructional divisions to be absent from assigned duties.  The requirement of advance notice may be waived in an emergency.  Faculty members shall assist in arranging for their duties to be performed during periods of their absence.

Absences from Campus for Professional Activities
Occasional absences from campus are necessitated by the professional activities of most Faculty.  At the same time it is essential that supervisors be cognizant of absences of Faculty from campus and the reason for those absences, and that there be a clear prior approval and administrative oversight process that ensures that Board of Regents and Institute policies are followed.


Absences from campus of more than one (1) business day for professional activities, including consulting, should be documented in advance by filing an online Travel Authorization request, or other acceptable document. The purpose of the absence and an itinerary should be provided. Any deviations from the original itinerary must be clearly indicated and explained when requests for reimbursement from Georgia Tech are submitted.

For absences from campus for professional activities of one (1) business day or less, the Faculty member should notify his/her supervisor or designated representative as to his/her location. A Travel Authorization request is not required unless reimbursement for expenses is expected.

It is the Faculty member’s responsibility to arrange for his/her duties to be performed during absences from campus. Cancellation of undergraduate classes due to absences from campus is strongly discouraged.


Absences of more than one (1) business day must be approved by the School Chair or his/her designated representative or by the appropriate administrative officer in non-instructional divisions.

Absences of more than ten (10) consecutive business days must be approved by both the School Chair and the Dean of the College, who will notify the Provost, or by the appropriate and similar levels of administrative officers in non-instructional divisions. A proposed absence of greater than half a term in duration must be forwarded to the President by the Dean of the College or by the appropriate administrative officer in non-instructional divisions for consideration for a Leave of Absence as defined by the Board of Regents.

Leave of Absence without Pay
Faculty members may be granted a leave of absence for a clearly specified period of time, without pay, by the President with notification to the Chancellor and the Board of Regents. Leaves without pay shall be granted to all Faculty members who are ordered to active military service of the United States. The status of a tenured Faculty member who is granted a leave of absence for a specific period, upon recommendation of the President and approval of the Board of Regents, shall not be impaired by such

Leave of Absence with Pay
Leaves with pay shall be granted only for the purpose of promoting scholarly work and encouraging professional development.  Leaves with pay shall be made only after consideration of the likelihood of the Faculty member’s being able to accomplish the purpose for which the leave is requested; the effect that granting of the leave will have on the Faculty member’s unit; and the availability of funds.

Faculty members who have been granted a leave of absence with pay must return the full amount of compensation received while onleave if they do not remain with the Institute for at least one (1) calendar year after the termination of the paid leave.

Impact of a Leave of Absence on Tenure Status

The status of a tenured Faculty member who is granted a leave of absence for a specific period, shall not be impaired by such absence from the Institute.

The status of a tenured Faculty member on leave of absence for service with the United States Armed Forces shall not be impaired by such service.  All Faculty members in such service shall be placed on leave of absence.

A Faculty member who has served thirty (30) days or less with the United States Armed Forces must report to work on the first regularly scheduled work day beginning more than eight (8) hours after the member’s completion of service.  A Faculty member who has served thirty-one (31) to one hundred and eighty (180) days must report to work no later than fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of the member’s military service.  A Faculty member who has served one hundred and eighty-one (181) days or more must report to work no later than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of military service.

A Faculty member on leave of absence for military service shall lose tenure if he/she does not notify the President of his/her intention to return as soon as practicable and does not report to work in accordance with the preceding schedule.

Outside Activities
Faculty members may engage in outside professional activities (including professional societies, governmental or industrial committees, review boards, panels, consultation, etc.) with or without compensation provided that the activity:

  • In no way interferes with the Faculty member’s obligations to the Institute.
  • Creates no conflicts of interest.
  • Has been fully disclosed to and approved by the Chair of the Faculty member’s unit or by the appropriate administrative officer in non-instructional units. 
  • Consulting may be performed only after the Faculty member’s obligations to the Institute have been fulfilled.  Faculty members must conform to the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Outside Professional Activity (See Section 5.6 of this Handbook).