2.6.13 Student Honor Committee

2.6.13 Student Honor Committee abruneau3

The Student Honor Committee shall consist of:

  • Twelve (12) members elected from the Academic Faculty, including at least nine (9) tenured or tenure-track;
  • Six (6) undergraduate Students with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association; and
  • Three (3) graduate Students selected by the Graduate Student Government Association.

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the Academic Faculty members.  The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee.

Cases involving alleged dishonesty in academic matters on the part of a Student shall be heard and decided by a Hearing Panel formed from members of the Committee.

  • This Panel shall be composed of three (3) or four (4) Academic Faculty members, of whom a majority should be tenured or tenure-track, and two (2) or three (3) Students with at least one (1) Student from the same group as the accused (undergraduate or graduate). 
  • Each Panel shall have a Chair appointed by the Chair of the Student Honor Committee from among the faculty members on the Panel. 
  • The decision in the case shall be transmitted to the office, or offices, responsible for recording it, for notifying the Student officially, and for implementing the action.

In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken.