2.6 Standing Committees of the Faculty
2.6 Standing Committees of the Faculty abruneau3There are two categories of Faculty Standing Committee: those of the Faculty as a whole and those of the Academic Faculty, as follows: Faculty
Academic Faculty
(See http://www.facultygovernance.gatech.edu/ for of members of the various Standing Committees.) Each Committee is expected to assemble and evaluate information relevant to its charges, to propose policies or procedures for consideration by the parent body, and to make other recommendations for action by the parent body. After approval of a policy or procedure by the parent body, the Committee is charged with assuring that all employees and units of the Institute act in accord with the policy. A Committee may be empowered to act for the parent body to translate approved policy or procedure into specific actions or judgments. Such actions and judgments remain subject to the approval or disapproval of the parent body. Procedures Members Administrators named by this Handbook to be members of Standing Committees serve permanent and continuing terms, since they represent a relevant office or staff. Members of an Administrator’s office or staff may be requested to meet with the Committee for consultation. Election of Members Elected Faculty members of a Standing Committee shall serve a three (3)-year term beginning at the start of the Fall semester and may succeed themselves once. Elected members shall serve on no more than two (2) Standing Committees simultaneously. Student members of a Standing Committee, whether elected by the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Government Association or specifically designated by this Handbook, shall serve a one (1) year term beginning at the start of the Fall semester of each academic year. They may succeed themselves once. Replacement of Members When a Student member of a Standing Committee resigns or is no longer qualified for the position in which he/she serves, the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Government Association will appoint a successor for the remainder of the academic year and shall inform the Secretary of the Faculty. Limitations upon Service Faculty Executive Board Membership School Chairs Administrators Voting in Committee Meetings Between meetings of the the Academic Faculty, the Research Faculty, or their representative bodies any matters requiring emergency action and not delegated to a Standing Committee shall be referred to the Faculty Executive Board. Standing Committees charged with judicial activities, either in initial hearings or appeals, shall proceed with dispatch to hear the cases and render decisions. During its deliberations and before making recommendations, a Standing Committee shall consult with offices and persons having responsibility relevant to its charges. The minutes of each meeting of a Standing Committee shall be promptly transmitted to the Secretary of the Faculty for posting online. The minutes will be presented at the next meeting of the parent body for approval including the approval of all action items. Annually, each Standing Committee shall submit a written report to the Secretary of the Faculty detailing its activities and findings. This report will be posted online and an oral summary shall be made to the Faculty. Subcommittees Subcommittees so appointed shall be chaired by a member of the appointing Standing Committee, unless otherwise approved by the Faculty Executive Board, and shall be composed of appropriate persons in the Institute. Sub-committees may fall into one of two categories, ad hoc or standing. An ad hoc subcommittee shall be given a specific charge and a specific terminal date for its final report to be submitted to the parent committee. A Standing Subcommittee shall exist upon a continuing basis in order to handle a specific charge of the parent committee. Members of Standing Subcommittees shall be appointed annually. Members of a subcommittee may be present to provide whatever clarification is requested when their report is submitted to the Standing Committee and shall provide the same assistance in the meetings when the report is brought before the appropriate parent body. |
2.6.1 Faculty Benefits Committee
2.6.1 Faculty Benefits Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair from among the other members. Duties
2.6.2 Faculty Honors Committee
2.6.2 Faculty Honors Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties
2.6.3 Faculty Status and Grievance Committee
2.6.3 Faculty Status and Grievance Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. By majority vote, the Committee may convene in Executive Session to consider any formal or informal case before it, or related matters. Duties
The Committee may:
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve anonymity of the cases it reviews but state the type of issues involved and actions taken. Records of Committee proceedings and supporting documents shall be preserved by the Secretary. At the end of each academic year, the Chair shall transmit to the Secretary of the Faculty the relevant records of the FSGC for appropriate archiving. Procedures followed by the Committee in addressing faculty grievances are set out in Section 3.1.9. |
2.6.4 Statutes Committee
2.6.4 Statutes Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from the elected Faculty members. Duties
2.6.5 Faculty Services Committee
2.6.5 Faculty Services Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected by the Committee from among the elected non-administrative Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties |
2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee
2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties The Committee shall coordinate with the Campus Physical Environmental Committee of the Staff Council regarding matters of common concern, including joint recommendations when appropriate. |
2.6.7 Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
2.6.7 Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee abruneau3Members The Administration shall be represented by the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness, and the Dean of Students. The Registrar shall be the Secretary. The Academic Faculty shall be represented by members elected by the Academic Faculty from Faculty members who are not Administrators, determined as follows:
The Students shall be represented by one (1) member with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
2.6.8 Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee
2.6.8 Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee abruneau3
Members The Administration shall be represented by the Vice-Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development and by the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness. The Registrar shall be Secretary. The Academic Faculty shall be represented by members elected by the Academic Faculty from tenured or tenure-track Faculty members who are not Administrators, determined as follows:
The Students shall be represented by one (1) graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
2.6.9 Student Regulations Committee
2.6.9 Student Regulations Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee
2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee abruneau3Members
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
In addition, the Committee shall:
2.6.11 Student Activities Committee
2.6.11 Student Activities Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.12 Student Grievance and Appeal Committee
2.6.12 Student Grievance and Appeal Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
The Committee may:
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken. |
2.6.13 Student Honor Committee
2.6.13 Student Honor Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken. |
2.6.14 Student Computer Ownership Committee
2.6.14 Student Computer Ownership Committee abruneau3
All members shall have the right to vote. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee
2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties