2. Faculty Governance
2. Faculty Governance abruneau3The Faculty
The Faculty of the Institute comprises the Academic Faculty, the Research Faculty, and designated Administrative Officers as defined below. The Faculty is granted the right and responsibility of its own governance; the governance of Students; the creation of such committees as may be required; the prescribing of regulations regarding admission, suspension, expulsion, discipline, scholarship, classes, courses of study, and requirements for graduation; and the creation of such other regulations as may be necessary or proper for the maintenance of high educational standards. To fulfill these responsibilities, the Faculty establishes the following bodies: the Faculty Executive Board, the Academic Faculty, the Research Faculty, the Academic Faculty Senate, and the Research Faculty Senate. Some matters will require the Academic Faculty Senate and Research Faculty Senate to meet in joint session which will be termed a meeting of the Faculty Senate. Some matters will require a meeting of the whole Faculty comprising the Academic Faculty, Research Faculty, and designated Administrative Officers. Joint meetings of the Faculty Executive Board and the Georgia Tech Staff Council may be held from time to time for business appropriate to such a gathering. Any Administrator designated to serve on the Faculty Executive Board, the Academic Faculty Senate, the Research Faculty Senate, or any Standing Committee of the Faculty may appoint another appropriate and qualified Administrator or Faculty member to serve on that body and to carry out any designated duties related to that body in said Administrator’s place. Such an appointment must be approved in advance by the Faculty Executive Board. Limitations on Participation in Faculty Governance
While the above limitations are appropriate in support of sound faculty governance, they do not in any way diminish the important contributions that individuals subject to these limitations render to the Institute. Within the above limitations, those eligible to participate in faculty governance shall be determined solely on the basis of the position held within the Institute, as specified below in Sections 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4. Secretary of the Faculty
2.1 Faculty Executive Board
2.1 Faculty Executive Board abruneau3
Replacement of Members If an elected member of the Faculty Executive Board resigns, takes a leave of absence, or undergoes a change of assignment so that he/she no longer qualifies as a member of the unit he/she was elected to represent, the Faculty Executive Board shall designate the first runner-up from the most recent election for that position to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. If the first runner-up is unable or unwilling to serve, the position goes to the second runner-up, etc. If the entire slate of nominees for that position is unable or unwilling to serve, the Faculty Executive Board shall appoint an appropriate replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term upon recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board’s Nominating Committee.
Georgia Tech Representative to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC) The Faculty Executive Board (FEB) shall select the Georgia Tech Representative to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC). The representative shall also serve as a non-voting exofficio member of the FEB. The USGFC (https://www.usg.edu/faculty_council/) is an advisory body to the Chancellor, created in May 2010, that includes representatives of all USG institutions and holds two meetings a year. Each institution's representative must be a faculty member selected by a process determined by the institution's faculty. During spring semester of years in which a USGFC representative is to be selected, the FEB shall solicit nominations and volunteers for the position, including announcements to the FEB and Faculty Senate. Candidates must be faculty members and should have significant experience with academic matters, prior service in faculty governance, and historical knowledge of the Institute. The USGFC representative will be selected by the FEB for a three-year term, with the possibility of a second term. If a vacancy occurs during a term, the FEB shall select a new representative to serve the remainder of the current year followed by a full three-year term.
2.2 Academic Faculty
2.2 Academic Faculty abruneau32.2.1 Members
2.2.1 Members abruneau3
Membership in the Academic Faculty of Georgia Tech is defined as those for whom an essential part of their job responsibility is enhancing, leading, developing, and delivering undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs. It is understood that Academic Faculty members are also often significantly involved in leading, developing, and delivering research. Membership in the Academic Faculty shall be determined solely on the basis of the position held within the Institute. Titles included shall be consistent with Board of Regents policies for faculty membership and limited to positions with direct involvement in meeting student academic needs. A list of titles included in the membership of the Academic Faculty shall be maintained by the President’s Office and posted on a website accessible to the Georgia Tech community. Corrections, additions, or deletions from this list shall only be made with the approval of the Faculty Executive Board and the President. Eligibility for participation in Faculty governance shall follow the guidelines set out in Section 2. Student Delegates |
2.2.2 Powers and Meetings
2.2.2 Powers and Meetings abruneau3
Meetings The President shall be the presiding officer of the Academic Faculty. The Academic Faculty shall meet at least once a year, in the Spring semester. The time of meeting shall be determined by the Faculty Executive Board. One hundred (100) members present at a scheduled or properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called on the President’s own volition or shall be called by the President on petition of fifty (50) members to the President, or on the recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board. In such special meetings the matters considered shall be restricted to those listed in the call for the meeting. In the President’s absence, the Provost shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. All members of the Academic Faculty shall have the right to vote. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and shall be posted online. Presidential Veto Standing Committees
Recommendations from these committees may be approved by the Academic Faculty or by its Academic Faculty Senate. |
2.2.3 Academic Faculty Senate
2.2.3 Academic Faculty Senate abruneau3
Powers The President shall be the presiding officer of the Academic Faculty Senate. All members of the Academic Faculty Senate, except those expressly excluded, shall have the right to vote. The Academic Faculty Senate may act for the Academic Faculty in all matters except the appeal of a Presidential veto of an action of the Academic Faculty in a meeting of that body. Members The Academic Faculty Senate shall comprise:
Distribution of Elected Representatives There shall be one (1) elected representative for each twenty (20) members (rounded) of the Academic Faculty for each School, the Colleges without Schools, and components of Services and Central Administration (which includes the Libraries and other components). Aggregates of units with fewer than ten (10) members of the Academic Faculty shall be formed as required by the Faculty Executive Board. Unit representation for terms beginning in the Fall semester shall be based on data compiled from the preceding Spring semester. See http://www.facultygovernance.gatech.edu for a list of the current elected representatives. Nomination and Election Procedures The election of representatives shall take place annually, with approximately one-third (1/3) of the representatives being replaced each year when their terms expire. Eligibility of Voters and Candidates
Terms of Office Filling Vacancies Meetings A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum at a scheduled or properly called meeting. Special meetings may be called on the President’s own volition, or shall be called by the President on petition of one-third (1/3) of the members, or upon the recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board. In such special meetings, the matters considered shall be restricted to those items listed in the call for the meeting. In the President’s absence, the Provost shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. The Academic Faculty Senate shall establish its rules of procedure and determine all matters pertaining to its own meetings not otherwise specified herein or determined by the Academic Faculty. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and shall be posted online. Presidential Veto |
2.3 Research Faculty
2.3 Research Faculty abruneau32.3.1 Members
2.3.1 Members abruneau3
Membership in the Research Faculty of Georgia Tech is defined as those whose primary job responsibility involves leading, developing, and delivering the research, extension, and technology transfer programs of the Institute. Membership in the Research Faculty shall be determined solely on the basis of the position held within the Institute. Titles included shall be consistent with Board of Regents policies for faculty membership. A list of titles included in the membership of the Research Faculty shall be maintained by the President’s Office and posted on a website accessible to the Georgia Tech community. Corrections, additions, or deletions from this list shall only be made with the approval of the Faculty Executive Board and the President. Persons affected by such a change shall be notified. Deletion of particular titles from a list of faculty titles may be appealed to the Faculty Executive Board within 60 days of notification of an affected faculty member and a hearing requested. Such appeals will only address the status of particular titles. Questions about the titles held by individuals and their faculty status should be addressed to their unit and the Office of Human Resources. If there are persons who no longer have Faculty status after a change in the lists of Faculty titles, those persons shall remain entitled to rates of leave accrual available to them in their prior status. Eligibility for participation in Faculty governance shall follow the guidelines set out in Section 2. Student Delegates |
2.3.2 Powers and Meetings
2.3.2 Powers and Meetings abruneau3Powers
Meetings In the President’s absence, the Executive Vice-President for Research (EVPR) shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the EVPR, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. All members of the Research Faculty shall have the right to vote. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and be posted online. Presidential Veto |
2.3.3 Research Faculty Senate
2.3.3 Research Faculty Senate abruneau3Powers Members
Distribution of Elected Representatives (See http://www.facultygovernance.gatech.edu/ for a list of the current representatives.) Nomination and Election Procedures Representatives of a School, a College, a Laboratory or other unit of the Georgia Tech Research Institute, and sub-units of the Services and Central Administration of sufficient size as defined above shall be elected prior to the first meeting of the Research Faculty Senate or the full Faculty Senate in the fall semester by a process to be determined by the members of that unit, except that the nominations shall be open and a secret ballot used. Nominations and elections for remaining representatives of the aggregate units in the Services and Central Administration shall be supervised by the Faculty Executive Board. The election of representatives shall take place annually, with approximately one-third (1/3) of the representatives being replaced each year when their terms expire. Eligibility of Voters and Candidates All members of the Research Faculty shall be eligible to vote, but only in the election of representatives from their respective constituent unit. All members of the Research Faculty shall be eligible to be candidates for election to the Research Faculty Senate except:
Terms of Office A representative shall be elected for a three (3)-year term. Representatives may not serve consecutive terms. Filling Vacancies If a representative resigns, takes leave of absence, is elected to the Faculty Executive Board, or undergoes a change of assignment so that he/she no longer qualifies as a member of the unit which he/she was elected to represent, the Faculty Executive Board shall arrange for a replacement to serve the remainder of the term. Units that elect their own representatives will be asked to hold a special election. Representatives from aggregate units will be replaced by designating the first runner-up from the most recent election to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. If the first runner-up is unable or unwilling to serve, the position goes to the second runner-up, etc. If the entire slate of nominees for that position is unable or unwilling to serve, the Faculty Executive Board shall appoint an appropriate replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term upon recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board’s most recent Nominating Committee. Meetings Special meetings may be called on the President’s own volition or shall be called by the President on petition of one-third (1/3) of the members or upon the recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board. In such special meetings, the matters considered shall be restricted to those items listed in the call for the meeting. In the President’s absence, the Executive Vice-President for Research (EVPR) shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the EVPR, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. The Research Faculty Senate shall establish its rules of procedure and determine all matters pertaining to its own meetings not otherwise specified herein or determined by the Research Faculty. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and shall be posted online. Presidential Veto |
2.4 Administrative Officers
2.4 Administrative Officers abruneau3
Some Administrative Officers appointed by the President shall be designated as members of the Academic Faculty or Research Faculty at the time of appointment (Board of Regents Policy Manual The Academic Faculty will include the following Administrative Officers of the Institute: the president, the administrative and academic deans, registrar, librarian and chief fiscal officer (Board of Regents Policy Manual The President may designate other full-time Administrative Officers as ex-officio members of the Academic Faculty or Research Faculty in consultation with the Faculty Executive Board (Board of Regents Policy Manual Administrative Officers may be designated as voting members of the Academic Faculty or Research Faculty with approval of the Faculty Executive Board; otherwise, the position shall be non-voting. When a person is first appointed to a position in the Academic Faculty or Research Faculty and later accepts a role as an Administrative Officer, that person may participate in faculty governance as a member of the Faculty body corresponding to either title. Such a person will be subject to restrictions on administrators serving on Standing Committees or the Faculty Executive Board as laid out in Sections 2.1 and 2.6. |
2.5 Combined Meetings
2.5 Combined Meetings abruneau32.5.1 Powers and Meetings of the Whole Faculty
2.5.1 Powers and Meetings of the Whole Faculty abruneau3
Powers The presiding officer of a meeting of the whole Faculty shall be the President. All members of the Faculty as defined above shall have the right to vote. The Faculty shall:
Meetings The whole Faculty shall hold at least one (1) meeting each during the Fall and Spring semesters. One hundred (100) members present at a scheduled or a properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called on the President’s own volition or shall be called by the President on petition of fifty (50) members or upon the recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board. In such special meetings the matters considered shall be restricted to those items listed in the call for the meeting. In the President’s absence, the Provost shall preside. In the absence of both the President and the Provost, the Executive Vice-President for Research shall preside. In the absence of all of the above, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. All members of the Academic Faculty and the Research Faculty shall have the right to vote. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and shall be posted online. Presidential Veto The President shall have the power of veto over any action of the whole Faculty. The President shall notify the Secretary of the Faculty, in writing, of the veto and the reasons for it, within sixty (60) days from the date of the action of the Faculty. The Faculty may appeal the veto to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a scheduled or properly called meeting. Any such appeal shall be sent via the President who shall forward it to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor. Standing Committees The whole Faculty serves as the parent body to the following Standing Committees whose functions and procedures are specified in Section 2.6:
In addition, the Faculty will continue to maintain Standing Committees for Faculty Benefits and for Welfare and Security until such time as a transition to a possible joint committee with Classified Staff is realized. Recommendations from the above committees may be approved by the whole faculty or by the Faculty Senate. |
2.5.2 Meetings and Powers of the Faculty Senate
2.5.2 Meetings and Powers of the Faculty Senate abruneau3A joint meeting of the Academic Faculty Senate and Research Faculty Senate shall be termed a meeting of the Faculty Senate. A majority of the combined membership of the two senates shall constitute a quorum at a scheduled or properly called meeting. If any College, GTRI, or the composite unit of Services and Central Administration qualifies for more representatives than a limit of one-third (1/3) of the total voting members of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Executive Board shall work with the sub-unit(s) with the largest number of representatives to reduce their representation so that the limit is maintained. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Faculty Senate. Voting privileges are the same as those pertaining to the members of the Academic Faculty Senate and the Research Faculty Senate. The chairs of all Faculty Standing Committees are deemed also to be voting members of the Faculty Senate if not already designated. Ex officio members of the Academic Faculty Senate and the Research Faculty Senate are ex officio to the Faculty Senate with the same voting status as in those bodies. The Faculty Senate may act for the Faculty in all matters except the amendment of the Faculty Handbook and the appeal of a Presidential veto of an action of the Faculty in a meeting of that body. The Faculty Senate shall hold at least one (1) meeting each during the Fall and Spring semesters. Special meetings may be called on the President’s own volition or shall be called by the President on petition of one-third (1/3) of the members or upon the recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board. In such special meetings, the matters considered shall be restricted to those items listed in the call for the meeting. In the President’s absence, the Provost shall preside. In the absence of both, the Executive Vice-President for Research shall preside. In the absence of all of the above, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall preside. The Faculty Senate shall establish its rules of procedure and determine all matters pertaining to its own meetings not otherwise specified herein or determined by the Faculty. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty and shall be posted online. Presidential Veto The President shall have the power of veto over any action of the Faculty Senate. The President shall notify the Secretary of the Faculty, in writing, of the veto and the reasons for it, within sixty (60) days from the date of the action of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate may appeal the veto to the Board of Regents by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a scheduled or properly called meeting. Any such appeal shall be sent via the President who shall forward it to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor. |
2.5.3 Combined Meetings of the Faculty Executive Board and the Georgia Tech Staff Council
2.5.3 Combined Meetings of the Faculty Executive Board and the Georgia Tech Staff Council abruneau3Joint meetings of the Faculty Executive Board and the Georgia Tech Staff Council may be held from time to time to provide the Institute with advice concerning matters of mutual interest and wide applicability to employees across the Institute. Such meetings will be arranged by mutual agreement between the Chairs of these bodies and with the concurrence of the President or the President’s designee.
Standing Committees
The Faculty and the Georgia Tech Staff Council may charter some Standing Committees jointly and establish appropriate procedures for the selection of members of these committees. The Faculty Executive Board shall act on behalf of the Faculty for their part in establishing and coordinating the activities of such committees. It is expected that such committees will cover topics of wide interest to both faculty and staff, such as benefits, employee welfare, and security. Recommendations from these committees may be heard in joint meetings of the Faculty Executive Board and Georgia Tech Staff Council or separately by mutual agreement of the chartering organizations.
2.6 Standing Committees of the Faculty
2.6 Standing Committees of the Faculty abruneau3There are two categories of Faculty Standing Committee: those of the Faculty as a whole and those of the Academic Faculty, as follows: Faculty
Academic Faculty
(See http://www.facultygovernance.gatech.edu/ for of members of the various Standing Committees.) Each Committee is expected to assemble and evaluate information relevant to its charges, to propose policies or procedures for consideration by the parent body, and to make other recommendations for action by the parent body. After approval of a policy or procedure by the parent body, the Committee is charged with assuring that all employees and units of the Institute act in accord with the policy. A Committee may be empowered to act for the parent body to translate approved policy or procedure into specific actions or judgments. Such actions and judgments remain subject to the approval or disapproval of the parent body. Procedures Members Administrators named by this Handbook to be members of Standing Committees serve permanent and continuing terms, since they represent a relevant office or staff. Members of an Administrator’s office or staff may be requested to meet with the Committee for consultation. Election of Members Elected Faculty members of a Standing Committee shall serve a three (3)-year term beginning at the start of the Fall semester and may succeed themselves once. Elected members shall serve on no more than two (2) Standing Committees simultaneously. Student members of a Standing Committee, whether elected by the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Government Association or specifically designated by this Handbook, shall serve a one (1) year term beginning at the start of the Fall semester of each academic year. They may succeed themselves once. Replacement of Members When a Student member of a Standing Committee resigns or is no longer qualified for the position in which he/she serves, the Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Government Association will appoint a successor for the remainder of the academic year and shall inform the Secretary of the Faculty. Limitations upon Service Faculty Executive Board Membership School Chairs Administrators Voting in Committee Meetings Between meetings of the the Academic Faculty, the Research Faculty, or their representative bodies any matters requiring emergency action and not delegated to a Standing Committee shall be referred to the Faculty Executive Board. Standing Committees charged with judicial activities, either in initial hearings or appeals, shall proceed with dispatch to hear the cases and render decisions. During its deliberations and before making recommendations, a Standing Committee shall consult with offices and persons having responsibility relevant to its charges. The minutes of each meeting of a Standing Committee shall be promptly transmitted to the Secretary of the Faculty for posting online. The minutes will be presented at the next meeting of the parent body for approval including the approval of all action items. Annually, each Standing Committee shall submit a written report to the Secretary of the Faculty detailing its activities and findings. This report will be posted online and an oral summary shall be made to the Faculty. Subcommittees Subcommittees so appointed shall be chaired by a member of the appointing Standing Committee, unless otherwise approved by the Faculty Executive Board, and shall be composed of appropriate persons in the Institute. Sub-committees may fall into one of two categories, ad hoc or standing. An ad hoc subcommittee shall be given a specific charge and a specific terminal date for its final report to be submitted to the parent committee. A Standing Subcommittee shall exist upon a continuing basis in order to handle a specific charge of the parent committee. Members of Standing Subcommittees shall be appointed annually. Members of a subcommittee may be present to provide whatever clarification is requested when their report is submitted to the Standing Committee and shall provide the same assistance in the meetings when the report is brought before the appropriate parent body. |
2.6.1 Faculty Benefits Committee
2.6.1 Faculty Benefits Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair from among the other members. Duties
2.6.2 Faculty Honors Committee
2.6.2 Faculty Honors Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties
2.6.3 Faculty Status and Grievance Committee
2.6.3 Faculty Status and Grievance Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. By majority vote, the Committee may convene in Executive Session to consider any formal or informal case before it, or related matters. Duties
The Committee may:
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve anonymity of the cases it reviews but state the type of issues involved and actions taken. Records of Committee proceedings and supporting documents shall be preserved by the Secretary. At the end of each academic year, the Chair shall transmit to the Secretary of the Faculty the relevant records of the FSGC for appropriate archiving. Procedures followed by the Committee in addressing faculty grievances are set out in Section 3.1.9. |
2.6.4 Statutes Committee
2.6.4 Statutes Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from the elected Faculty members. Duties
2.6.5 Faculty Services Committee
2.6.5 Faculty Services Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected by the Committee from among the elected non-administrative Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties |
2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee
2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members. Duties The Committee shall coordinate with the Campus Physical Environmental Committee of the Staff Council regarding matters of common concern, including joint recommendations when appropriate. |
2.6.7 Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
2.6.7 Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee abruneau3Members The Administration shall be represented by the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness, and the Dean of Students. The Registrar shall be the Secretary. The Academic Faculty shall be represented by members elected by the Academic Faculty from Faculty members who are not Administrators, determined as follows:
The Students shall be represented by one (1) member with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
2.6.8 Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee
2.6.8 Institute Graduate Curriculum Committee abruneau3
Members The Administration shall be represented by the Vice-Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development and by the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness. The Registrar shall be Secretary. The Academic Faculty shall be represented by members elected by the Academic Faculty from tenured or tenure-track Faculty members who are not Administrators, determined as follows:
The Students shall be represented by one (1) graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
2.6.9 Student Regulations Committee
2.6.9 Student Regulations Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee
2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee abruneau3Members
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. Duties
In addition, the Committee shall:
2.6.11 Student Activities Committee
2.6.11 Student Activities Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.12 Student Grievance and Appeal Committee
2.6.12 Student Grievance and Appeal Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
The Committee may:
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken. |
2.6.13 Student Honor Committee
2.6.13 Student Honor Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
In its distributed minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the Committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken. |
2.6.14 Student Computer Ownership Committee
2.6.14 Student Computer Ownership Committee abruneau3
All members shall have the right to vote. The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties
2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee
2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee abruneau3
The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected faculty members. The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee. Duties