Claims Filed Against the State Insurance Programs

Claims Filed Against the State Insurance Programs
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Insurance and Claims Management
Contact Name
Frederick Trotter
Contact Title
Director of Insurance & Assets
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

Claims may be filed against the State Insurance & Hazard Reserve Fund (Building and Contents, Auto Physical Damage, Inland Marine and Money & Securities), the State Tort Claims Trust Fund (Bodily Injury & Property Damage to Others), the General Liability Agreement (e.g. Federal Civil Rights, Employment Liability) the Fidelity Bond (i.e. Employee Dishonesty & Faithful Performance) or the Workers Compensation Trust Fund. By far, the largest number of claims are filed against the Workers Compensation Trust Fund.

Policy Statement

General Guidelines / Applicable Policies
For a claim to be filed against the State Insurance and Hazard Reserve Fund, it must consist of a property loss falling under one of the "Covered Causes of Loss" described in the Department of Administrative Services issued "State Owned Building and Personal Property Agreement." Further, the loss or damage must involve State-owned property in the care, custody and control of the Institute. At the conclusion of the investigation of an incident, the Insurance and Claims Management Office shall make a determination if the claim is sufficiently valid (i.e. meeting the terms and conditions in the State Owned Building and Personal Property Agreement).

Policy Terms

State of Georgia Department of Administrative Services

  • The Insurance and Claims Management Office shall review all pertinent documents.
  • If it is determined that a claim does not warrant further action (property claims) the documentation shall be filled in the departmental section of the large horizontal filing cabinet under the appropriate department name.
  • The claim shall require initial approval from DOAS. This is usually provided by an email and indicates that certain guidelines have been met and the processing can proceed.
  • In viable property claims, the Insurance and Claims Management Office shall assign an insurance account number from the Grants and Contracts Accounting insurance accountant.
  • The Insurance and Claims Management Office shall receive and assemble all documents Including:
    • incident report(s)
    • statements of witnesses
    • correspondence
    • photographs
    • recordings
    • bills
    • estimates
    • property or vehicle documentation
    • claimant forms (if so required by DOAS)
    Rarely do initial estimates as provided by the claimant agree with the final outcome. Differences between the estimate of loss, the Purchase Request, and the final invoice occur for substantial and valid reasons. The Insurance and Claims Management Office is generally required to negotiate these differences with DOAS.
  • Checks are written by DOAS and sent to the Insurance and Claims Management Office for submittal to the Bursar's Office through Grants and Contracts Accounting.
Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
March 2015 Insurance and Claims Management Update to process language and contact information