EHS Offices

EHS Offices jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 17:15

The Georgia Tech EHS Department is comprised of six (6) functional offices, including:

Biological Safety Office

Biological Safety Office jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 17:37

The Biological Safety Office’s goal is to minimize the risks of injury and illness associated with research involving biohazardous agents, recombinant and synthetic nucleic acid molecules, infectious materials, toxins, and microorganisms. The Biological Safety Office also manages the Biosafety Occupational Health Program.

Training, Monitoring and Services Provided: Laboratory Inspections, Risk Assessments, Biological Agent Shipping, Biological Research Protocol Review, Biosafety Cabinet and Laminar Flow Hood Certification, Autoclave Testing Preventative Maintenance, Biosafety Occupational Health Program.

Biosafety Manual:  


Chemical and Laboratory Safety Office

Chemical and Laboratory Safety Office jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 17:27
Review Date
Contact Name
Ryan Lisk
Contact Title
Lab & Chemical Safety Ofc
Contact Email


The Chemical and Laboratory Safety Office provides consulting, training, and assessment services to the Georgia Tech research community in the area of evaluating and controlling risks associated with laboratory hazards; and to the entire Georgia Tech community concerning chemical and other workplace environmental exposures.

Training, Monitoring and Services Provided: Chemical Right to Know (RTK) - Initial and Refresher, Lab Safety Training - Basic and Advanced, Asbestos Hazard Awareness, Chematix - Chemical Inventory Management System, Fume Hood Testing/Certification oversight, Toxic Gas Monitoring Program, Chemical Shipping Program, Lab Inspections, Air Quality Investigations, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Laboratory Safety Manual:

Fire Safety Office (Campus Fire Marshal's Office)

Fire Safety Office (Campus Fire Marshal's Office) jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 21:02
Contact Name
Bridget Mourao
Contact Title
Fire Marshal/Fire Safety Manager
Contact Email


The Fire Safety / Campus Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing fire safety initiatives and monitor¬ing fire safety systems in all facilities at Georgia Tech. Fire Safety staff conduct regularly scheduled inspections of all Institute buildings and coordinate fire drills and fire safety awareness training programs. In addition, the Fire Safety Office reviews design plans for all renovation projects and coordinates closely with the State Fire Marshal’s Office on all new construction projects. Please refer to the Fire Safety Office’s website for Georgia Tech’s Fire Safety Policies and Procedures.

Training and Services Offered: Fire/Life Safety Inspections, Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Maintenance, Special Events Plan¬ning/Coordination, Fire Drills/Evacuation Exercises, Hot Work Permits, Renovation Project Design Reviews.

General Safety Office

General Safety Office jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 21:07
Review Date
Contact Name
Jerel Harris
Contact Title
General Safety Manager
Contact Email


The General Safety Office is responsible for developing, managing and administering occupational safety programs. The General Safety staff also provides consultation and training programs according to regulatory and general industry safety practices.

Training and Services Provided: CPR/AED/First Aid Training, Defensive Driving, Shop Safety Assessments, Ergonomics / Work Station Evaluations, Incident Investigations Coaching the Van Driver, Confined Space Entry, Forklift Training/Certification, Incident Investigations, Lockout/Tagout and Electrical Safety, and Trenching/Excavation Safety.

General Safety Manual: Currently Under Review

Hazardous Materials Office

Hazardous Materials Office jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 21:00

The safe and effective management, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials is vitally important for Georgia Tech to maintain a safe and regulatory compliant workplace . Numerous federal and state laws, good safety practice, and protection of the environment dictate that the Institute implement appropriate procedures for handling these materials. Hazardous Waste Policies and Procedures can be found online at

Training and Services Provided: Laboratory Waste Characterization, Pickups of Hazardous Waste, Handling/Disposal of Biological Wastes, Emergency (Spill) Response, Hazardous Waste Awareness Training, Fluorescent Lamp/Ballast Recycling, Battery Recycling, Underground and Above-Ground Fuel Storage Tank Training and Compliance.

Hazardous Materials Policies and Procedures:

Office of Radiological Safety

Office of Radiological Safety jgastley3 Thu, 07/05/2012 - 20:57

The Office of Radiological Safety (ORS) manages all aspects of the use of radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation generating devices at Georgia Tech and oversees the Institute’s Laser Safety Program for Class 3B and 4 lasers. Our priorities are to provide radiological safety and control in accordance with the philosophy to keep worker and public exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA); to comply with federal and state regulations; to maintain laser exposures below the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit; and to encourage the beneficial use of radiation in research and teaching.

ORS maintains and ensures compliance with the radioactive materials license issued by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. ORS also registers x-ray devices, other ionizing radiation generating devices, and Class 3B and 4 lasers with the Georgia Department of Community Health and ensures compliance with the applicable regulations.

Training, Monitoring and Services Provided: Training of all users of radioactive material, x-ray machines, and Class 3B and 4 lasers; emergency response; inspections of radioactive material use areas, x-ray generating devices, and applicable lasers; radioactive isotope receipt; dosimetry services; calibration of radiation detection instruments; radioactive waste handling; transportation; safety assessments of research projects; and general consultation on radiation use.

Radiation Safety Manual:

Laser Safety Manual: 

Contact: Steve Grimm, Radiation Safety Officer,