Budget Amendments

Budget Amendments
Type of Policy
jbarber32 Fri, 06/29/2012 - 16:11
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Institute Budget Planning and Administration
Contact Name
Jamie Fernandes
Contact Title
Executive Director
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The Office of Institute Budget Planning and Administration (“Budget Office”) is responsible for the development, implementation, maintenance, and control of Georgia Tech’s non-sponsored budgets, based on allocations approved through appropriate academic and administrative processes. The budget consists of funding from general, departmental services, special funding initiative, research consortium, lottery, sponsored, auxiliary, student services, and agency operations. In addition, budgets are maintained for a large number of capital projects.

Policy Statement

The budget for each department or project should be amended to reflect the current estimate of expenditures and income (if applicable) for the fiscal year. The following list shows some, but not all types of transactions that would require a budget amendment:

  1. Establish a budget amount or change the amount budgeted for non-personal services expenditures, such as travel, operating supplies and expense, and equipment.
  2. Establish a budget amount or change the amount budgeted for anticipated income (revenue and departmental sales and services) for the fiscal year.
  3. Establish or change the amount budgeted for a vacant position.
  4. Make an approved increase or decrease to your original budget amount.